Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 80
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80 (M. J. Keating) Boston Show, Week of June 6, 1904. Stereopticon, 2 shows, 12 min. in 1 -- Usual collection of home and foreign views. The Fadettes, 2 shows, 60 min. full stage -- The best program of popular music they have yet given. Every number encored, a cornet solo by Miss Banks going particularly strong. Coulter and Starr, 3 shows, 12 min. in 1 -- Blackface comedy, singing and dancing entertainers. Not strong enough for this place in the bill but shall be obliged to keep them there. They would get by in the ordinary 3-show place. Ready and Courier, 3 shows, 11 min. open in 3, close in 1. Do not think this sketch is. any good whatever, even in the 3-show section. Whatever merit they possess as straight singers is killed by their abortive attempts at acting. One of the sort of acts we don't want back here again, and it should not have come this time. Charles Blanchard and Ella Hugh Wood, 2 shows, 23 min. full stage -- These people present a rural comedy sketch that does not come up to the expectation formed of it when seen in rehearsal, which only goes to prove that one never gets the proper idea of the value of anything until it is seen before an audience. It would too all right in the 3-show section but it is not of 2-turn value. This error of judgment is up to me. Lillian Shaw, 2 shows, 14 min. in 1 -- This girl does some excellent singing and scored almost as big a hit as Nora Bayes. She is clever and good for almost any position in the 2-show section in this house. Marvelous LePage, 3 shows, 13 min. full stage -- This man is a novelty jumper and presents what is probably the best turn of its kind in the varieties. Finished strong. Paul Barnes, 2 shows, 16 min. in 1 -- Monologue comedian and parody singer. The laughing hit of the show. James F. Kelly and Dorothy Kent, 2 shows, 17 min. open full stage, close in 1 -- Presenting their hodge-podge of comedy, singing and dancing, called "A Ginger Snap." They are clever people and always go well with the audiences in this house. Today was no exception, and they had to come forward and bow acknowledgements of applause several times after their finish dance.
80 (M. J. Keating) Boston Show, Week of June 6, 1904. Stereopticon, 2 shows, 12 min. in 1 -- Usual collection of home and foreign views. The Fadettes, 2 shows, 60 min. full stage -- The best program of popular music they have yet given. Every number encored, a cornet solo by Miss Banks going particularly strong. Coulter and Starr, 3 shows, 12 min. in 1 -- Blackface comedy, singing and dancing entertainers. Not strong enough for this place in the bill but shall be obliged to keep them there. They would get by in the ordinary 3-show place. Ready and Courier, 3 shows, 11 min. open in 3, close in 1. Do not think this sketch is. any good whatever, even in the 3-show section. Whatever merit they possess as straight singers is killed by their abortive attempts at acting. One of the sort of acts we don't want back here again, and it should not have come this time. Charles Blanchard and Ella Hugh Wood, 2 shows, 23 min. full stage -- These people present a rural comedy sketch that does not come up to the expectation formed of it when seen in rehearsal, which only goes to prove that one never gets the proper idea of the value of anything until it is seen before an audience. It would too all right in the 3-show section but it is not of 2-turn value. This error of judgment is up to me. Lillian Shaw, 2 shows, 14 min. in 1 -- This girl does some excellent singing and scored almost as big a hit as Nora Bayes. She is clever and good for almost any position in the 2-show section in this house. Marvelous LePage, 3 shows, 13 min. full stage -- This man is a novelty jumper and presents what is probably the best turn of its kind in the varieties. Finished strong. Paul Barnes, 2 shows, 16 min. in 1 -- Monologue comedian and parody singer. The laughing hit of the show. James F. Kelly and Dorothy Kent, 2 shows, 17 min. open full stage, close in 1 -- Presenting their hodge-podge of comedy, singing and dancing, called "A Ginger Snap." They are clever people and always go well with the audiences in this house. Today was no exception, and they had to come forward and bow acknowledgements of applause several times after their finish dance.
Keith-Albee Collection