Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 82
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82 NEW YORK SHOW, WEEK OF JUNE 6th. AR 3 BARTO & LAFFERTY.-- A little singing and dancing act. The singing is rather poor, but they do some quite clever dancing, and as a whole it makes an acceptable three show a day turn. Man and woman. 9 minutes in one. ER 3 ED AND NETTIE MASSE.-- A man and a woman in a comedy juggling act, and a very good one. Their work throughout is clever and cleanly performed. They made a very favorable impression this afternoon. 15 minutes, open full stage and close in one. ER 3 LAVINE & CROSS.-- Two men in a straight acrobatic act. One of them also gives an exhibition of muscular development in a frame. These performers have been over the circuit before and the act needs no comment. 15 minutes, full stage; can do a couple of minutes in one if necessary. NR 3 BYRNE & WEST.-- A man and a woman in a rural comedy sketch. The sketch does not amount to very much, but they close the act with a little musical work which sends them off in good style. They will do no particular harm in an early place on the bill. 17 minutes, open full stage and close in one. GRR 3 THREE MADCAPS.-- Three young girls in a combination acrobatic and dancing act after the style of the Four Madcaps whom we played last year, and I think very nearly as good considering there is one less performer, and much more acceptable, in fact, as they do three performances a day. 10 minutes, full stage. GHR 2 BURTON & BROOKS.-- Comedy talking act by two men, one of them made up as an elderly gentleman with white hair, and the other as an English fop. They have a very bright line of talk, and under favorable circumstances I think would go very well indeed. It is a new idea in talking acts, and on that account, if for nothing else, is refreshing. 26 minutes, open full stage, and close in one. GYH 2 FRANCELLI & LEWIS.-- In a supposed comedy and singing act called "The Ballyhoo". I agree with the rest of the circuit that the comedy section of this act does not amount to much. The singing is all right, and they introduce a young boy who does some very clever dancing, but I hardly think it is an act that we shall care to play again. 18 minutes in one. YRR 2 TAFFARY'S DOGS.-- Much to my surprise, these dogs went very nicely this afternoon. I had imagined that the act would fall down terribly following Merian's, but he certainly made good, and it is really a great troupe of canines. 11 minutes, full stage. YRR 2 GLENROY & McDONALD.-- Irish comedians. They did about the same act that they have given us the past two seasons. They are all right about once a year. 16 minutes in one. MRR 2 EDWIN STEVENS.-- Mr. Stevens is undoubtedly a very clever monologuist. He suffered this afternoon from the general apathy, but it is evident that the audience enjoyed his work thoroughly, and I am satisfied he would make a good strong hit with a big house. 23 minutes, open full stage, and close in one. MHR 2 McINTYRE & HEATH.--Offered their act "The Man from Montana." It is needless to say that these people were very funny and kept the audience laughing every moment they were on the stage. 35 minutes, full stage. YRR 2.--Ethel Levey. -- In a remarkably hard place on the bill this girl went on and made good. She took two or three encores and a couple of strong curtain calls, and then had to come out and sing a verse of another song. 13 minutes in one.
82 NEW YORK SHOW, WEEK OF JUNE 6th. AR 3 BARTO & LAFFERTY.-- A little singing and dancing act. The singing is rather poor, but they do some quite clever dancing, and as a whole it makes an acceptable three show a day turn. Man and woman. 9 minutes in one. ER 3 ED AND NETTIE MASSE.-- A man and a woman in a comedy juggling act, and a very good one. Their work throughout is clever and cleanly performed. They made a very favorable impression this afternoon. 15 minutes, open full stage and close in one. ER 3 LAVINE & CROSS.-- Two men in a straight acrobatic act. One of them also gives an exhibition of muscular development in a frame. These performers have been over the circuit before and the act needs no comment. 15 minutes, full stage; can do a couple of minutes in one if necessary. NR 3 BYRNE & WEST.-- A man and a woman in a rural comedy sketch. The sketch does not amount to very much, but they close the act with a little musical work which sends them off in good style. They will do no particular harm in an early place on the bill. 17 minutes, open full stage and close in one. GRR 3 THREE MADCAPS.-- Three young girls in a combination acrobatic and dancing act after the style of the Four Madcaps whom we played last year, and I think very nearly as good considering there is one less performer, and much more acceptable, in fact, as they do three performances a day. 10 minutes, full stage. GHR 2 BURTON & BROOKS.-- Comedy talking act by two men, one of them made up as an elderly gentleman with white hair, and the other as an English fop. They have a very bright line of talk, and under favorable circumstances I think would go very well indeed. It is a new idea in talking acts, and on that account, if for nothing else, is refreshing. 26 minutes, open full stage, and close in one. GYH 2 FRANCELLI & LEWIS.-- In a supposed comedy and singing act called "The Ballyhoo". I agree with the rest of the circuit that the comedy section of this act does not amount to much. The singing is all right, and they introduce a young boy who does some very clever dancing, but I hardly think it is an act that we shall care to play again. 18 minutes in one. YRR 2 TAFFARY'S DOGS.-- Much to my surprise, these dogs went very nicely this afternoon. I had imagined that the act would fall down terribly following Merian's, but he certainly made good, and it is really a great troupe of canines. 11 minutes, full stage. YRR 2 GLENROY & McDONALD.-- Irish comedians. They did about the same act that they have given us the past two seasons. They are all right about once a year. 16 minutes in one. MRR 2 EDWIN STEVENS.-- Mr. Stevens is undoubtedly a very clever monologuist. He suffered this afternoon from the general apathy, but it is evident that the audience enjoyed his work thoroughly, and I am satisfied he would make a good strong hit with a big house. 23 minutes, open full stage, and close in one. MHR 2 McINTYRE & HEATH.--Offered their act "The Man from Montana." It is needless to say that these people were very funny and kept the audience laughing every moment they were on the stage. 35 minutes, full stage. YRR 2.--Ethel Levey. -- In a remarkably hard place on the bill this girl went on and made good. She took two or three encores and a couple of strong curtain calls, and then had to come out and sing a verse of another song. 13 minutes in one.
Keith-Albee Collection