Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 94
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94 NEW YORK SHOW, WEEK OF JUNE 27, 1904. KR3 WATSON & REYNOLDS & CO.-- Three men in an Irish comedy [sketch] [illegible] was formerly of Ferguson & Watson, and is a very good comedian. [illegible] particularly impressed with the sketch and so [illegible] one by the two people--Watson & Reynolds. [illegible] minutes in one. KR 3 HAYWARD & HAYWARD.-- A man and a woman in a rather neat comedy, singing and dancing act. A pleasing little act for the early part of the bill. 13 minutes, open in one and close in full stage. ER 3 ALPHA TRIO. A man and a woman and a young boy in a comedy act which is not especially strong--just about fit to open the show-- but in the course of which the boy and man do a little hoop rolling which is very clever indeed, their closing trick being the best in fact that I have seen hoop rollers do. 14 minutes, full stage. NH 3. AL LAWRENCE.-- His act requires no special comment. He has quite a bundle of new material this time and, as usual, went very strong. 21 minutes in one. NR 3 GOLDSMITH & HOPPE.-- Two men in a musical comedy act, one making up straight and the other as a Jew. The act is all right from a three a day standpoint and pleased this afternoon very much. 19 minutes, open full stage, and can close in one if necessary. Spencer Kelly. NH 3.-- Baritone. Kelly has a very good voice, but as a rather bad personality, and on his last two appearances here has been rather unfortunate in his choice of songs, but there is no question but that he has a good voice. 10 minutes in one. GNH 2. HARRY LA ROSE & CO.--Consisting of Mr. La Rose, one other man, a boy, and Mrs. La Rose, in a rather novel sketch entitled "The Sailor and the Horse." I think it is destined to be a very good act indeed. He had the attention of the audience all the time this afternoon and the finish is very strong. It is bound to create applause. The act is not particularly strong in comedy, and I think that he can improve upon the man he is using at present, which I believe he intends to do. He is carrying a special set of scenery and it dresses the stage very prettily, and if not given too strong a place on the bill I think will make good everywhere. He introduces a horse by the way. 23 minutes full stage. AR 3 LYDELL & BUTTERWORTH.-- A young man and woman in the regulation singing and dancing act. It is all right and they are both good dancers. I was obliged to give them a little too stiff place in the bill, but they have it down all right. 11 minutes in one. GHR 2. STANLEY & WILSON.-- A man and a woman in the same comedy sketch which they did for us several seasons before they went to Europe and it went about as good as ever. The feature, of course, is Mr. Stanley's imitation of a clarionet, although Miss Wilson is an exceptionally clever singer. 26 minutes, open full stage, and close in one. YRR 2 EXPOSITION FOUR. Instrumental comedy act. The comedy in this turn does not amount to much, but it is not at all offensive. The musical portion is first class and the men are all thorough musicians and play cleverly on xylophones, brass instruments, and a big set of illuminated metallic chimes. One pretty feature of the act is the singing of "Jerusalem" by one of the men while the other three are imitating the church organ with a small "Baby" organ, the cello, and the chimes. 22 minutes, open full stage and close in one. YHR 2 DOLAN & LENHARR.-- In "A High Toned Burglar," a sketch which is well known and requires no comment. It is sufficient to say that it went very well indeed. 26 minutes, full stage.
94 NEW YORK SHOW, WEEK OF JUNE 27, 1904. KR3 WATSON & REYNOLDS & CO.-- Three men in an Irish comedy [sketch] [illegible] was formerly of Ferguson & Watson, and is a very good comedian. [illegible] particularly impressed with the sketch and so [illegible] one by the two people--Watson & Reynolds. [illegible] minutes in one. KR 3 HAYWARD & HAYWARD.-- A man and a woman in a rather neat comedy, singing and dancing act. A pleasing little act for the early part of the bill. 13 minutes, open in one and close in full stage. ER 3 ALPHA TRIO. A man and a woman and a young boy in a comedy act which is not especially strong--just about fit to open the show-- but in the course of which the boy and man do a little hoop rolling which is very clever indeed, their closing trick being the best in fact that I have seen hoop rollers do. 14 minutes, full stage. NH 3. AL LAWRENCE.-- His act requires no special comment. He has quite a bundle of new material this time and, as usual, went very strong. 21 minutes in one. NR 3 GOLDSMITH & HOPPE.-- Two men in a musical comedy act, one making up straight and the other as a Jew. The act is all right from a three a day standpoint and pleased this afternoon very much. 19 minutes, open full stage, and can close in one if necessary. Spencer Kelly. NH 3.-- Baritone. Kelly has a very good voice, but as a rather bad personality, and on his last two appearances here has been rather unfortunate in his choice of songs, but there is no question but that he has a good voice. 10 minutes in one. GNH 2. HARRY LA ROSE & CO.--Consisting of Mr. La Rose, one other man, a boy, and Mrs. La Rose, in a rather novel sketch entitled "The Sailor and the Horse." I think it is destined to be a very good act indeed. He had the attention of the audience all the time this afternoon and the finish is very strong. It is bound to create applause. The act is not particularly strong in comedy, and I think that he can improve upon the man he is using at present, which I believe he intends to do. He is carrying a special set of scenery and it dresses the stage very prettily, and if not given too strong a place on the bill I think will make good everywhere. He introduces a horse by the way. 23 minutes full stage. AR 3 LYDELL & BUTTERWORTH.-- A young man and woman in the regulation singing and dancing act. It is all right and they are both good dancers. I was obliged to give them a little too stiff place in the bill, but they have it down all right. 11 minutes in one. GHR 2. STANLEY & WILSON.-- A man and a woman in the same comedy sketch which they did for us several seasons before they went to Europe and it went about as good as ever. The feature, of course, is Mr. Stanley's imitation of a clarionet, although Miss Wilson is an exceptionally clever singer. 26 minutes, open full stage, and close in one. YRR 2 EXPOSITION FOUR. Instrumental comedy act. The comedy in this turn does not amount to much, but it is not at all offensive. The musical portion is first class and the men are all thorough musicians and play cleverly on xylophones, brass instruments, and a big set of illuminated metallic chimes. One pretty feature of the act is the singing of "Jerusalem" by one of the men while the other three are imitating the church organ with a small "Baby" organ, the cello, and the chimes. 22 minutes, open full stage and close in one. YHR 2 DOLAN & LENHARR.-- In "A High Toned Burglar," a sketch which is well known and requires no comment. It is sufficient to say that it went very well indeed. 26 minutes, full stage.
Keith-Albee Collection