Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 97
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97 CRITICISM OF SHOW. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, PHILA. JULY 4TH. HAYWARD & HAYWARD-15 mins.-C.D.F. in 2-Man and woman, talking, singing and dancing. Fair three-a-day act. Can do no harm as an opener. The woman's piano specialty is good. All right for a place on the early bill. GREGORY & LIND-12 mins.-Gar. in 4-Two men, club jugglers and hoop rollers. Neatly dressed and clean looking. A little out of practice this afternoon, and did not work well. Will be a good little sight act when they become more proficient. MR. & MRS. COOPER-13 mins. in one-Man and woman, of very ordinary ability, presenting a lot of jumbled cross-fire talk, the woman acting as the feeder. However, appealed to some of the holiday crowd, and received laughs in spots. LYDELL & BUTTERWORTH-10 mins. in one-Boy and girl, singing and dancing act. Girl lacks life, looks weak and sickly, and has no voice. Neither one could seem to crack a smile. Man might make good at the Museum. Only a fair act for the early bill. SPENSER KELLY-12 mins. in one-Baritone. Looks like a prize fighter, but has a good, strong voice, and sings well. Was liberally applauded. He said if he worked three shows he would only work seven minutes; but if two shows, he would do twelve minutes. He's doing three. Good three-a-day act. Received a strong encore. HARRY LA ROSE & CO.-25 mins.-Spec. in 4-Sketch, "The Sailor and the Horse." Two men, a woman, a horse and a boy. A Cressy sketch. Scene, the county fair grounds. sketch is rather talky. Possibly the material is there, but the present cast can never present it as it should be. A sort of novelty, the idea, and after some months practice may turn out to be a good acquisition. Applause at the close. PEGGY FOX-12 mins. in one. Character comedienne. Local act, booked through Felix Isman. Makes two changes: A Japanese girl and a little girl. first time on any stage. Very nervous; in fact, scared to death, and this fact may have affected her work. will have to go up the bill. EXPOSITION FOUR-25 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-Four men, instrumental music, singing and talking. Music is better than the comedy. Act went well, but should be on early in the two-a-day section. Good musical act. ELIZABETH MURRAY-15 mins. in one-Songs and stories. Well known here, as this is her home town. Her work is entirely acceptable. She has a strong local following. Good act. SCHENK BROS.-10 mins.-Gar. in 4-Two men, head and hand balancers. Mighty good act. The men are quick, clever, and thorough in all their work. Best head balancers that have ever been here. AL LAWRENCE-17 mins. in one-Mimic, plays here frequently, and always goes well. Received a very strong encore. Good act. ROSE STAHL & CO.-27 mins.-Plain Set in 3-Sketch, "The Chorus Lady." To the afternoon audience the sketch appeared to be very good, but it was a holiday crowd. Miss Stahl takes the character of a tough chorus girl. She smokes cigarettes, etc., and all of her end of the dialogue is slang. There is a strong vein of comedy running throughout the sketch, and the pathos at the end lasts but a minute. Miss Stahl is very clever, and makes the most of the opportunities given her. The act surely made good this afternoon, and was received with laughter and applause. CLIFF GORDON-15 mins. in one-Dutch comedian. Made good in a stiff place, and probably received more laughs than any other act on the bill.
97 CRITICISM OF SHOW. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, PHILA. JULY 4TH. HAYWARD & HAYWARD-15 mins.-C.D.F. in 2-Man and woman, talking, singing and dancing. Fair three-a-day act. Can do no harm as an opener. The woman's piano specialty is good. All right for a place on the early bill. GREGORY & LIND-12 mins.-Gar. in 4-Two men, club jugglers and hoop rollers. Neatly dressed and clean looking. A little out of practice this afternoon, and did not work well. Will be a good little sight act when they become more proficient. MR. & MRS. COOPER-13 mins. in one-Man and woman, of very ordinary ability, presenting a lot of jumbled cross-fire talk, the woman acting as the feeder. However, appealed to some of the holiday crowd, and received laughs in spots. LYDELL & BUTTERWORTH-10 mins. in one-Boy and girl, singing and dancing act. Girl lacks life, looks weak and sickly, and has no voice. Neither one could seem to crack a smile. Man might make good at the Museum. Only a fair act for the early bill. SPENSER KELLY-12 mins. in one-Baritone. Looks like a prize fighter, but has a good, strong voice, and sings well. Was liberally applauded. He said if he worked three shows he would only work seven minutes; but if two shows, he would do twelve minutes. He's doing three. Good three-a-day act. Received a strong encore. HARRY LA ROSE & CO.-25 mins.-Spec. in 4-Sketch, "The Sailor and the Horse." Two men, a woman, a horse and a boy. A Cressy sketch. Scene, the county fair grounds. sketch is rather talky. Possibly the material is there, but the present cast can never present it as it should be. A sort of novelty, the idea, and after some months practice may turn out to be a good acquisition. Applause at the close. PEGGY FOX-12 mins. in one. Character comedienne. Local act, booked through Felix Isman. Makes two changes: A Japanese girl and a little girl. first time on any stage. Very nervous; in fact, scared to death, and this fact may have affected her work. will have to go up the bill. EXPOSITION FOUR-25 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-Four men, instrumental music, singing and talking. Music is better than the comedy. Act went well, but should be on early in the two-a-day section. Good musical act. ELIZABETH MURRAY-15 mins. in one-Songs and stories. Well known here, as this is her home town. Her work is entirely acceptable. She has a strong local following. Good act. SCHENK BROS.-10 mins.-Gar. in 4-Two men, head and hand balancers. Mighty good act. The men are quick, clever, and thorough in all their work. Best head balancers that have ever been here. AL LAWRENCE-17 mins. in one-Mimic, plays here frequently, and always goes well. Received a very strong encore. Good act. ROSE STAHL & CO.-27 mins.-Plain Set in 3-Sketch, "The Chorus Lady." To the afternoon audience the sketch appeared to be very good, but it was a holiday crowd. Miss Stahl takes the character of a tough chorus girl. She smokes cigarettes, etc., and all of her end of the dialogue is slang. There is a strong vein of comedy running throughout the sketch, and the pathos at the end lasts but a minute. Miss Stahl is very clever, and makes the most of the opportunities given her. The act surely made good this afternoon, and was received with laughter and applause. CLIFF GORDON-15 mins. in one-Dutch comedian. Made good in a stiff place, and probably received more laughs than any other act on the bill.
Keith-Albee Collection