Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 132
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132 NEW YORK SHOW: WEEK SEPTEMBER 4th, 1904: RADIE FURMAN:-NH-3-: 3 shows, 9 mins. in one-- Impersonating a young German girl, talking, singing and wooden shoe dancing. Quite a pleasing little act. She is a clever dancer. ALLAN SHAW: HR-3:- 3 shows, 14 mins. in one. Coin and card manipulator on the same style as T. Nelson Downes, and fully as good at a cheaper figure: although regret to say Mr. Shaw did not like his position on the bill and decided to cancel his engagement. DALY & DEVERE: ER: 3 shows, 20 mins. full stage. The act is too well known for criticism. It is about time they shelved this sketch. LAMBERT & PIERCE: NR: 3 shows, 15 mins. in one. Two young men, black face talking and singing comedians. They have some very good material and fill this part of the bill to advantage. HARRY BROWN: AR: 3 shows 12 mins. in one. Real coon singing and a little dancing. This fellow has a peculiar manner in delivery and wins his audience instantly. A hit of the three-a-day section. WOOD & RAY: GRR, 2 shows, 16 mins. about 3 mins. in one. Man and woman, in an eccentric comedy. There is no plot to the act, only a lot of nonsense, but they manage to hold the audience to the finish. JOLLY- VELIAS: GHR, 2 shows, 13 mins. in full stage. Man and woman. This is the first appearance of this French couple, who do a peculiar acrobatic dancing pantomime specialty. The man makes several changes while the woman wears magnificent gowns, and changes at every performance. It is novel in its character, although they give the best part of the time on the stage to pantomime, which the public will not take. The dancing, what there is of it, is good and in his impersonation of the waiter, he accomplishes some good work. The act was not well received this afternoon, but to-night it went better, as it appeals to the better class. Wm. CAHILL: 2 shows, 14 mins. in one. Irish comedian. This man has a lot of new material and they appreciated his act. A.O. DUNCAN: GHR, 2 shows, 16 mins. about 2 mins. in one. Ventriloquist. This man is one of the best ventriloquial comedians that plays this circuit. He keeps abreast of the times with good local material and always leaves the audience thoroughly satisfied. CATHERINE BLOODGOOD: GNH, 2 shows, 8 mins. in one. A woman with a great stage appearance, elegant gowns and a very pleasing contralto voice. CHAS. HERA: GHR, 2 shows, 13 mins. in 2 Door Fancy: A young man juggler, making his American debut. His tricks are all new and difficult. One is placing three billiard balls on a billiard cue and another cue on top of the balls, containing a tray with glasses, which seems impracticable and another good trick is to throw seven candles and catching them in a candle-stick in their respective places. He closes with a dark stage and house and juggles three lamps, and at a certain time the lamps light, which makes a very pretty and novel finish. He was very strongly received. HOWARD BROS: GYH- 2 shows, 17 mins. Work in 2 using the room to set their banjo stand. They juggle two banjos and play at the same time; quite a novelty; they responded to several encores. CHAS. HAWTRY & CO: KRR, 2 shows, 31 mins. full stage in a comedietta entitled, "Time is Money". The comedy is not strong enough for clever artist, although it contains numerous laughs and shows Hawtry to advantage in his peculiar style of acting. The maid is good, while the other woman is a detriment, although she was well received and held the audience to the finish and no doubt his reputation will draw.
132 NEW YORK SHOW: WEEK SEPTEMBER 4th, 1904: RADIE FURMAN:-NH-3-: 3 shows, 9 mins. in one-- Impersonating a young German girl, talking, singing and wooden shoe dancing. Quite a pleasing little act. She is a clever dancer. ALLAN SHAW: HR-3:- 3 shows, 14 mins. in one. Coin and card manipulator on the same style as T. Nelson Downes, and fully as good at a cheaper figure: although regret to say Mr. Shaw did not like his position on the bill and decided to cancel his engagement. DALY & DEVERE: ER: 3 shows, 20 mins. full stage. The act is too well known for criticism. It is about time they shelved this sketch. LAMBERT & PIERCE: NR: 3 shows, 15 mins. in one. Two young men, black face talking and singing comedians. They have some very good material and fill this part of the bill to advantage. HARRY BROWN: AR: 3 shows 12 mins. in one. Real coon singing and a little dancing. This fellow has a peculiar manner in delivery and wins his audience instantly. A hit of the three-a-day section. WOOD & RAY: GRR, 2 shows, 16 mins. about 3 mins. in one. Man and woman, in an eccentric comedy. There is no plot to the act, only a lot of nonsense, but they manage to hold the audience to the finish. JOLLY- VELIAS: GHR, 2 shows, 13 mins. in full stage. Man and woman. This is the first appearance of this French couple, who do a peculiar acrobatic dancing pantomime specialty. The man makes several changes while the woman wears magnificent gowns, and changes at every performance. It is novel in its character, although they give the best part of the time on the stage to pantomime, which the public will not take. The dancing, what there is of it, is good and in his impersonation of the waiter, he accomplishes some good work. The act was not well received this afternoon, but to-night it went better, as it appeals to the better class. Wm. CAHILL: 2 shows, 14 mins. in one. Irish comedian. This man has a lot of new material and they appreciated his act. A.O. DUNCAN: GHR, 2 shows, 16 mins. about 2 mins. in one. Ventriloquist. This man is one of the best ventriloquial comedians that plays this circuit. He keeps abreast of the times with good local material and always leaves the audience thoroughly satisfied. CATHERINE BLOODGOOD: GNH, 2 shows, 8 mins. in one. A woman with a great stage appearance, elegant gowns and a very pleasing contralto voice. CHAS. HERA: GHR, 2 shows, 13 mins. in 2 Door Fancy: A young man juggler, making his American debut. His tricks are all new and difficult. One is placing three billiard balls on a billiard cue and another cue on top of the balls, containing a tray with glasses, which seems impracticable and another good trick is to throw seven candles and catching them in a candle-stick in their respective places. He closes with a dark stage and house and juggles three lamps, and at a certain time the lamps light, which makes a very pretty and novel finish. He was very strongly received. HOWARD BROS: GYH- 2 shows, 17 mins. Work in 2 using the room to set their banjo stand. They juggle two banjos and play at the same time; quite a novelty; they responded to several encores. CHAS. HAWTRY & CO: KRR, 2 shows, 31 mins. full stage in a comedietta entitled, "Time is Money". The comedy is not strong enough for clever artist, although it contains numerous laughs and shows Hawtry to advantage in his peculiar style of acting. The maid is good, while the other woman is a detriment, although she was well received and held the audience to the finish and no doubt his reputation will draw.
Keith-Albee Collection