Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 135
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135 GRAND OPERA HOUSE WEEK COMMENCING AUG. 29th, 04 PITTSBURG, PA. STEREOPTICON PICTURES presenting interesting views from various parts of the world. WILSON & DAVIS-Comedy singing and talking act. Street in one. 15 minutes. 3 shows. Very ordinary. Just about good enough for the three a day section. ALLEN SHAW- 3 shows. Olio in one. 10 minutes. Coin Manipulator. Mr. Shaw dresses very neat and handles coins very well. He is good for a three a day section. ODETTE TYLER & CO. Interior-full stage. 25 minutes. Sketch- "TheMaid, the Marriage and the Man". We consider this a very bad sketch. What little Miss Taylor has to do is done fairly well. We consider her support very bad, especially Mr. Spotswood who plays the husband in the sketch. MAYME REMINGTON and her Bungle Boo Loo Babies. Opens in one- 10 minutes. Closes in two- 5 minutes. Time of act 15 minutes. Introducing Miss Remington and four pickaninnies. This act goes very well. While I cannot recommend Miss Remington's singing alone, the act as a whole is good. SMITH & FULLER. Time of act 25 minutes. Interior-full stage. This is a refined musical act that we can play once each season. GIRARD & GARDNER- Time of act 25 minutes. Full stage-parlor set. In their new sketch "Dooley and the Diamond". This team always does well for us. The new sketch is about the same as the old one, retaining all the good parts of the old act and introducing another character which is played by one of the stage hands. MISS ELIZABETH M. MURRAY- 12 minutes. Olio in one with songs and stories. This is the first time that Miss Murray played with us and she did very well. DAN MCAVOY AND HIS 5th AVE. GIRLS. 27 minutes. Full stage- interior. There were several things in Mr. McAvoy's act which we consider objectionable. We, of course, cut them out but Mr. McAvoy will bear watching at all times with his present act. He went very big here. He is a hard worker, trying hard to please every minutes he is on the stage. JAS. J. MORTON-Olio in one. 18 minutes. Mr. Morton goes very big with us. This is his third engagement here in less than a year and he went fully as well during this engagement as he did on his first appearance here. WELSH-MONTROSE TRIO. Comedy Acrobatic Act-full stage-wood. 15 min. This is a fairly good comedy acrobatic act-their human bridge trick being similar to the one done by the Stein Erreto family. INNIS & RYAN- 3 shows. Singing and Dancing Sketch. Time of act 15 minutes. Parlor-close 5 minutes in one. Very ordinary and just about gets away in the three a day section. Would not care to play it again. FRED & ANNIE PELOT- 3 shows. time of act 15 minutes. Close in one, 5 minutes. Comedy Jugglers. I consider this a very bad act and would not care to play it again. KINETOGRAPH-Showing PANORAMA of the World's Fair, St. Louis- Troubles in the Kitchen- A Quiet Day at Atlantic City- Mick and Mick Find the Hidden Treasure. J.P. Harris.
135 GRAND OPERA HOUSE WEEK COMMENCING AUG. 29th, 04 PITTSBURG, PA. STEREOPTICON PICTURES presenting interesting views from various parts of the world. WILSON & DAVIS-Comedy singing and talking act. Street in one. 15 minutes. 3 shows. Very ordinary. Just about good enough for the three a day section. ALLEN SHAW- 3 shows. Olio in one. 10 minutes. Coin Manipulator. Mr. Shaw dresses very neat and handles coins very well. He is good for a three a day section. ODETTE TYLER & CO. Interior-full stage. 25 minutes. Sketch- "TheMaid, the Marriage and the Man". We consider this a very bad sketch. What little Miss Taylor has to do is done fairly well. We consider her support very bad, especially Mr. Spotswood who plays the husband in the sketch. MAYME REMINGTON and her Bungle Boo Loo Babies. Opens in one- 10 minutes. Closes in two- 5 minutes. Time of act 15 minutes. Introducing Miss Remington and four pickaninnies. This act goes very well. While I cannot recommend Miss Remington's singing alone, the act as a whole is good. SMITH & FULLER. Time of act 25 minutes. Interior-full stage. This is a refined musical act that we can play once each season. GIRARD & GARDNER- Time of act 25 minutes. Full stage-parlor set. In their new sketch "Dooley and the Diamond". This team always does well for us. The new sketch is about the same as the old one, retaining all the good parts of the old act and introducing another character which is played by one of the stage hands. MISS ELIZABETH M. MURRAY- 12 minutes. Olio in one with songs and stories. This is the first time that Miss Murray played with us and she did very well. DAN MCAVOY AND HIS 5th AVE. GIRLS. 27 minutes. Full stage- interior. There were several things in Mr. McAvoy's act which we consider objectionable. We, of course, cut them out but Mr. McAvoy will bear watching at all times with his present act. He went very big here. He is a hard worker, trying hard to please every minutes he is on the stage. JAS. J. MORTON-Olio in one. 18 minutes. Mr. Morton goes very big with us. This is his third engagement here in less than a year and he went fully as well during this engagement as he did on his first appearance here. WELSH-MONTROSE TRIO. Comedy Acrobatic Act-full stage-wood. 15 min. This is a fairly good comedy acrobatic act-their human bridge trick being similar to the one done by the Stein Erreto family. INNIS & RYAN- 3 shows. Singing and Dancing Sketch. Time of act 15 minutes. Parlor-close 5 minutes in one. Very ordinary and just about gets away in the three a day section. Would not care to play it again. FRED & ANNIE PELOT- 3 shows. time of act 15 minutes. Close in one, 5 minutes. Comedy Jugglers. I consider this a very bad act and would not care to play it again. KINETOGRAPH-Showing PANORAMA of the World's Fair, St. Louis- Troubles in the Kitchen- A Quiet Day at Atlantic City- Mick and Mick Find the Hidden Treasure. J.P. Harris.
Keith-Albee Collection