Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 203
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203 Criticism of Phila. Show., Oct. 31st. H.A. Daniels. NAOMI ETHARDO-NH-3-Equilibrist. Not quite as stout as she was a year ago. Good little sight act for an opener. Didn't get much applause, but filled in the time acceptably. 12 mins. Gar. in 4. CHINESE JOHNNY WILLIAMS-3-Burlesque magic. Has added a dog to his act--a bull pup. Has a few new tricks. Always presents a very entertaining three show act. Good act. SMITH & BAKER-3-Two men, straight song and dance act, relieved by a little cross-fire talk. Just about good enough for a three show time filler. They could get neither laughs nor applause. 11 mins. in one. FOSTER & DOG-HR-3-Foster's dog, "Mike," a very well trained dog. Didn't work well to-day for some reason. A very good three show act when the dog does work well. 15 mins. in one. VERA KING-NH-2-Songs and stories. Nice appearance; neatly gowned. Some of her stories are good; some of them are very aged. All right for an early spot in the two show section. 12 mins. in one. FADETTE ORCHESTRA-Here for three weeks. A great many new faces are noticeable, and everyone seems to miss the little drummer. We have the beautiful box set used in Boston for their engagement here, and it gives the orchestra a beautiful stage setting. Every number played was applauded. 29 mins. Spec. Set in 5. CHAS. M. ERNEST-GHR-2-Blackface comedian. After the Fadettes, he hogged the laughter. Went much better than was expected he would. To-day, he had everything his own way. 18 mins. in one. ROSE COGHLAN & CO.-SHR-2-Miss Coghlan is supported by Lynn Pratt. The title of the sketch: "The Ace of Trumps." This is Miss Coghlan's first vaudeville appearance in this city in at least three years. In this town her name is a strong drawing card, and this fact, coupled with the Fadettes, should make business brisk this week. The sketch is excellent. Miss Coghlan's support is very good. Very good act. 25 mins. C.D.F. in 3. THE BRITTONS-NR-3-Colored team. As good, if not better than the ordinary run of these teams that we get almost weekly. Good lively act, just the kind needed to wake the audience up after they wade through a long sketch. Man and woman. Good act. 12 mins. in one. CHASSINO-GHR-2-Retained this week because of the great attention he attracted last week. A good cheap, freak novelty act for a billing feature, and one that can make good anything you care to say about it--no matter how strong. A very good act, and a real bargain. 13 mins. Pal. in 5. FLORENZ TROUPE-ARR-2-Two women, four boys, and six men, acrobats. Work in full evening dress. A big troupe and a great act. 10 mins. Pal. in 5. LOTTA GLADSTONE-YRR-2-The original "country girl." This woman plays here quite frequently, this being her fourth trip. She depends greatly on a peculiar, freak laugh that she springs at intervals, to keep the audience in good humor. Her monologue is bright, and altogether the act seems to improve with age. Good act. 17 mins. in one.
203 Criticism of Phila. Show., Oct. 31st. H.A. Daniels. NAOMI ETHARDO-NH-3-Equilibrist. Not quite as stout as she was a year ago. Good little sight act for an opener. Didn't get much applause, but filled in the time acceptably. 12 mins. Gar. in 4. CHINESE JOHNNY WILLIAMS-3-Burlesque magic. Has added a dog to his act--a bull pup. Has a few new tricks. Always presents a very entertaining three show act. Good act. SMITH & BAKER-3-Two men, straight song and dance act, relieved by a little cross-fire talk. Just about good enough for a three show time filler. They could get neither laughs nor applause. 11 mins. in one. FOSTER & DOG-HR-3-Foster's dog, "Mike," a very well trained dog. Didn't work well to-day for some reason. A very good three show act when the dog does work well. 15 mins. in one. VERA KING-NH-2-Songs and stories. Nice appearance; neatly gowned. Some of her stories are good; some of them are very aged. All right for an early spot in the two show section. 12 mins. in one. FADETTE ORCHESTRA-Here for three weeks. A great many new faces are noticeable, and everyone seems to miss the little drummer. We have the beautiful box set used in Boston for their engagement here, and it gives the orchestra a beautiful stage setting. Every number played was applauded. 29 mins. Spec. Set in 5. CHAS. M. ERNEST-GHR-2-Blackface comedian. After the Fadettes, he hogged the laughter. Went much better than was expected he would. To-day, he had everything his own way. 18 mins. in one. ROSE COGHLAN & CO.-SHR-2-Miss Coghlan is supported by Lynn Pratt. The title of the sketch: "The Ace of Trumps." This is Miss Coghlan's first vaudeville appearance in this city in at least three years. In this town her name is a strong drawing card, and this fact, coupled with the Fadettes, should make business brisk this week. The sketch is excellent. Miss Coghlan's support is very good. Very good act. 25 mins. C.D.F. in 3. THE BRITTONS-NR-3-Colored team. As good, if not better than the ordinary run of these teams that we get almost weekly. Good lively act, just the kind needed to wake the audience up after they wade through a long sketch. Man and woman. Good act. 12 mins. in one. CHASSINO-GHR-2-Retained this week because of the great attention he attracted last week. A good cheap, freak novelty act for a billing feature, and one that can make good anything you care to say about it--no matter how strong. A very good act, and a real bargain. 13 mins. Pal. in 5. FLORENZ TROUPE-ARR-2-Two women, four boys, and six men, acrobats. Work in full evening dress. A big troupe and a great act. 10 mins. Pal. in 5. LOTTA GLADSTONE-YRR-2-The original "country girl." This woman plays here quite frequently, this being her fourth trip. She depends greatly on a peculiar, freak laugh that she springs at intervals, to keep the audience in good humor. Her monologue is bright, and altogether the act seems to improve with age. Good act. 17 mins. in one.
Keith-Albee Collection