Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 234a
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Geo. W. Day. Blackface monologuist whose stuff, this year, is not as good as usual. 18 min. in one, 2 shows. Callahan & Mack. In spite of the fact that this act has been seen many times it was one of the hits of the bill today. They have a new scenic equipment which is very handsome. 20 min. full stage, 2 shows. Nichols Sisters. Blackface character artists. These girls are certainly artistic but is [it] seemed to me that they were not quite understood by the Providence audience, to whom that type of negro is not familiar; however, they may go stronger tonight. In any event, they must be rated as a good act. 12 min. in one, 2 shows. Barrows, Lancaster & Co. In "When Georgina Was Eighteen". This is an exceptionally good sketch and well-played by the two men; but their support, especially that of the young girl, is atrocious, in fact, these people seem to have the ability, to get the poorest support of anyone, in their line, in Vaudeville. The part of the young girl should be played by a sweet, pretty ingenue instead of which, they have a coarse loud voices girl, who is anything but pretty and whorls around the stage like a cow. In spite of her bad work, the act went very well. 21 min. full stage, 2 shows. Al Fileds [Fields]. Formerly of "Fields & Ward", in a very good eccentric monologue. I believe I like this act better than the double act. Compared what what the rest in the show got, he got his full quota of laughs although in a very tough spot. 19 min. in one, 2 shows. St. Onge Brothers. Well-known comedy bicyclists. They have improved their act since lat year. 15 min. full stage. They can close in one, 2 shows. Biograph. Mixed Bathing--Fairly good comedy picture. And The Suburbanites--Series of pictures depicting the troubles of the dweller in the country which got a great many laughs.
Geo. W. Day. Blackface monologuist whose stuff, this year, is not as good as usual. 18 min. in one, 2 shows. Callahan & Mack. In spite of the fact that this act has been seen many times it was one of the hits of the bill today. They have a new scenic equipment which is very handsome. 20 min. full stage, 2 shows. Nichols Sisters. Blackface character artists. These girls are certainly artistic but is [it] seemed to me that they were not quite understood by the Providence audience, to whom that type of negro is not familiar; however, they may go stronger tonight. In any event, they must be rated as a good act. 12 min. in one, 2 shows. Barrows, Lancaster & Co. In "When Georgina Was Eighteen". This is an exceptionally good sketch and well-played by the two men; but their support, especially that of the young girl, is atrocious, in fact, these people seem to have the ability, to get the poorest support of anyone, in their line, in Vaudeville. The part of the young girl should be played by a sweet, pretty ingenue instead of which, they have a coarse loud voices girl, who is anything but pretty and whorls around the stage like a cow. In spite of her bad work, the act went very well. 21 min. full stage, 2 shows. Al Fileds [Fields]. Formerly of "Fields & Ward", in a very good eccentric monologue. I believe I like this act better than the double act. Compared what what the rest in the show got, he got his full quota of laughs although in a very tough spot. 19 min. in one, 2 shows. St. Onge Brothers. Well-known comedy bicyclists. They have improved their act since lat year. 15 min. full stage. They can close in one, 2 shows. Biograph. Mixed Bathing--Fairly good comedy picture. And The Suburbanites--Series of pictures depicting the troubles of the dweller in the country which got a great many laughs.
Keith-Albee Collection