Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 236
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236 (M. J. Keating) Boston Show, Week of Nov. [28?], 1904. Stereopticon, 3 shows, 10 min. in 1 -- Usual selection of interesting home and foreign views. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlin, 3 shows, 10 min. full stage -- In their rope and lasso manipulation. First time in two years. Interesting act that could easily be moved into an early place in the 2-show section. Got a lot of applause. Al H. Burton, 3 shows, 13 min. in 1 -- Monologue and singing comedian; not very clever, but manages to pull through in the early 3-show section. Al Bellman and Lottie Moore, 2 shows, 16 min. full stage- These people are doing a straight singing act, and neither one can be classed as a good vocalist. They got some applause, especially at the finish, with their old "tough" song and dance. Nothing in the act is new and it is $100 overpaid at YHR. We were not carrying them on our list, never having been notified of the booking. Unless they have something entirely new and likewise booked at a much more reasonable figure, do not care if they do not return. Will Cunningham and Mabel Lord, 3 shows, 11 min. in 1 -- In a neatly costumed singing and dancing specialty. They are not much to brag about as vocalists, but their dancing is lively and carries them off fairly strong. La Tell Brothers, 3 shows, 8 min. in 2 -- Hand-to-hand balancing and equilibristic work. Good act of this class, but not quite equal to some of the others we play. Received a fair amount of applause for their cleverest stunts. Lillian Mills and Elida Morris, 3 shows, 13 min. in 1 -- "Blackface Minstrel Girls", with old jokes and songs. Evidently pleased the audience, as they were liberally applauded at the finish of their act. Frank Gardner and Lottie Vincent, 2 shows, 18 min. full stage -- in the comedy singing and dancing specialty, "An Idyll of the Links." They are not blue ribbon vocalists, but the comedy is novel and the eccentric dancing at the finish carries them off to great applause. First rate act for the place in the bill. feature at this time, and there is no possibility of doubt that even at this "off" season of the year it will draw business. The drilling is almost as good as that of the Zouave organizations we have had in the past, and the wall scaling at the finish just as exciting. If one wanted to be critical it would be with the lack of unison in keeping the weapons carried in any one direction, but I do not imagine that the audience noticed this at all. They got a big reception when they came on, proving conclusively which the popular sentiment is with, so far as the patrons of this house are the order in which they are placed being the relative value.
236 (M. J. Keating) Boston Show, Week of Nov. [28?], 1904. Stereopticon, 3 shows, 10 min. in 1 -- Usual selection of interesting home and foreign views. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlin, 3 shows, 10 min. full stage -- In their rope and lasso manipulation. First time in two years. Interesting act that could easily be moved into an early place in the 2-show section. Got a lot of applause. Al H. Burton, 3 shows, 13 min. in 1 -- Monologue and singing comedian; not very clever, but manages to pull through in the early 3-show section. Al Bellman and Lottie Moore, 2 shows, 16 min. full stage- These people are doing a straight singing act, and neither one can be classed as a good vocalist. They got some applause, especially at the finish, with their old "tough" song and dance. Nothing in the act is new and it is $100 overpaid at YHR. We were not carrying them on our list, never having been notified of the booking. Unless they have something entirely new and likewise booked at a much more reasonable figure, do not care if they do not return. Will Cunningham and Mabel Lord, 3 shows, 11 min. in 1 -- In a neatly costumed singing and dancing specialty. They are not much to brag about as vocalists, but their dancing is lively and carries them off fairly strong. La Tell Brothers, 3 shows, 8 min. in 2 -- Hand-to-hand balancing and equilibristic work. Good act of this class, but not quite equal to some of the others we play. Received a fair amount of applause for their cleverest stunts. Lillian Mills and Elida Morris, 3 shows, 13 min. in 1 -- "Blackface Minstrel Girls", with old jokes and songs. Evidently pleased the audience, as they were liberally applauded at the finish of their act. Frank Gardner and Lottie Vincent, 2 shows, 18 min. full stage -- in the comedy singing and dancing specialty, "An Idyll of the Links." They are not blue ribbon vocalists, but the comedy is novel and the eccentric dancing at the finish carries them off to great applause. First rate act for the place in the bill. feature at this time, and there is no possibility of doubt that even at this "off" season of the year it will draw business. The drilling is almost as good as that of the Zouave organizations we have had in the past, and the wall scaling at the finish just as exciting. If one wanted to be critical it would be with the lack of unison in keeping the weapons carried in any one direction, but I do not imagine that the audience noticed this at all. They got a big reception when they came on, proving conclusively which the popular sentiment is with, so far as the patrons of this house are the order in which they are placed being the relative value.
Keith-Albee Collection