Keith-Albee managers' report book, September 21, 1903 - March 14, 1904
Page 102
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102 CHASE'S THEATRE. WASHINGTON, D. C. Week Dec. 7th. THREE SISTERS KELCEY. A fair singing and dancing number for opening position on the bill. Full stage. MME AVERY STRAKOSCH. She is in good voice and rendered her selections, classical and popular in an especially pleasing manner. All in one. HOWARD AND BLAND. They gave their old sketch "A Strange Boy", and it serves only as a vehicle for introducing Howard's accomplishments as a pianist, or which he is past master. His work appealed just as strong as ever, but think it is time he gave us a new sketch and new imitations. Full stage. GEO. WILSON. He is a minstrel star, and while a favorite in Washington his clever talk and songs beyond any question would be enthusiastically received in any theatre. All in one. INTERMISSION. THE FOUR WELSONS. They gave a splendid exhibition of acrobatic strength and tricks upon the flying rings and stand foremost among the many good performance of that character in this house. Full stage. BERTIE FOWLER. I have always regarded her talk, singing and imitations as being good, but this week she surprises us with even more excellent work and some of it new. All in one. LILLIAN BURKHART AND COMPANY. She presented one of her late offerings entitled "A Strenuous Daisy", which is by far the best we have ever seen her in, and her support is excellent. It is a long time since there has been given here, if ever, a more interesting and humorous sketch than this. The interest and applause was great. Full stage. THE VITAGRAPH. Showed very good pictures in the life of "Don Quixote". H. Winnifred De Witt.
102 CHASE'S THEATRE. WASHINGTON, D. C. Week Dec. 7th. THREE SISTERS KELCEY. A fair singing and dancing number for opening position on the bill. Full stage. MME AVERY STRAKOSCH. She is in good voice and rendered her selections, classical and popular in an especially pleasing manner. All in one. HOWARD AND BLAND. They gave their old sketch "A Strange Boy", and it serves only as a vehicle for introducing Howard's accomplishments as a pianist, or which he is past master. His work appealed just as strong as ever, but think it is time he gave us a new sketch and new imitations. Full stage. GEO. WILSON. He is a minstrel star, and while a favorite in Washington his clever talk and songs beyond any question would be enthusiastically received in any theatre. All in one. INTERMISSION. THE FOUR WELSONS. They gave a splendid exhibition of acrobatic strength and tricks upon the flying rings and stand foremost among the many good performance of that character in this house. Full stage. BERTIE FOWLER. I have always regarded her talk, singing and imitations as being good, but this week she surprises us with even more excellent work and some of it new. All in one. LILLIAN BURKHART AND COMPANY. She presented one of her late offerings entitled "A Strenuous Daisy", which is by far the best we have ever seen her in, and her support is excellent. It is a long time since there has been given here, if ever, a more interesting and humorous sketch than this. The interest and applause was great. Full stage. THE VITAGRAPH. Showed very good pictures in the life of "Don Quixote". H. Winnifred De Witt.
Keith-Albee Collection