Keith-Albee managers' report book, September 21, 1903 - March 14, 1904
Page 137
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137 NEW YORK SHOW, WEEK OF JANUARY 4, 1904. STEREOPTICON.-- Very fair selection of views this week. 4 minutes in one. NH 3--FRANZEMATHES & LEWIS.-- Expert rifle shooting act; man and woman. This is a mighty good act for the opening of the bill. The performers are dressed in buck-skin, or imitation of that, and their ward-robe is extremely neat. Their shooting work, while perhaps not as wonderful as some of the others that we have had, is yet remarkably clever, and the whole turn is exceptionally good. 14 minutes, full stage. NR 3--ANTRIM & PETERS.--A man and a woman in a little sketch constructed for the purpose of showing the man's ability as an imitator of birds, animals, and inanimate objects, in which he is very clever. Incidental to the act, she does a little song and dance which is not at all bad, and has but little else to do but look neat, which she succeeds in doing. 16 minutes, open full stage, close with about three minutes in one. ER 3 --LAWSON & NAMON.-- A man and a woman in a comedy bicycle and bag punching act, the man doing the work on the wheel and the woman the bag punching. The combination of the two lines of work, especially as it introduces a man and a woman, makes it an act of considerable novelty, and as both performers are good in their respective specialties it is a very acceptable turn. 13 minutes, full stage. AR -3-MARGARET WEBB.-- A turn of songs. this young lady looks neat and sings very well indeed. Her enunciation is not as perfect as one could wish, but she looks pretty and has really a good voice. She went very nicely this afternoon. 14 min. in one. ER 3--OWLEY & RANDALL.--A man and a woman in a comedy juggling act, and I consider it an especially good turn from a three a day standpoint. The man is not tremendously funny, but he is a remarkably good juggler, and his comedy makeup gives him an opportunity to accomplish many of his tricks in a way that gains laughs. 13 minutes, full stage; could close in one if necessary. GYH 3--HUME, ROSS & LEWIS. On account of the non-arrival of the baggage, this act did not get on this afternoon, but every body understands that it is all right, so that criticism is unnecessary. NH 2--JOSEPHINE WILKINSON.--This is another singing turn, which I was in a way obliged to place this week on account of her Philadelphia connections. She is rather tall, good looking girl with a fairly good voice and had a very good selection of songs. She went quite well indeed. 15 minutes in one. GYH 2--SISTERS GAUSCH.--I think this is one of the best European acts, in a small way, that has ever come over here. They made a distinct hit this afternoon, and as they did not get off the steamer until Saturday, after a rough passage, it is possible that they were not in the best possible condition, and I look for the act to make a big hit before the end of the week. They are both clean looking girls, fresh and bright, dressing well--appearing on the stage in short dresses a trifle below the knees--and they work exactly as two men would. That is to say, they accomplish everything that they attempt with all the finish of male performers and they perform some pretty difficult tricks. They have a wonderful muscular power, are good equilibrists, and the head balancing is as good as any that I have ever seen accomplished. It is an all mighty clever act and will make a hit any where. 7 min., full stage. GHR 2--CARLIN & OTTO.--German comedians. They are both very good performers, their act being modelled somewhat after the style of the old Weber & Fields turn, only that they are much better dancers than the latter people, and as they close their act with dancing they go off very strongly. 15 minutes in one.
137 NEW YORK SHOW, WEEK OF JANUARY 4, 1904. STEREOPTICON.-- Very fair selection of views this week. 4 minutes in one. NH 3--FRANZEMATHES & LEWIS.-- Expert rifle shooting act; man and woman. This is a mighty good act for the opening of the bill. The performers are dressed in buck-skin, or imitation of that, and their ward-robe is extremely neat. Their shooting work, while perhaps not as wonderful as some of the others that we have had, is yet remarkably clever, and the whole turn is exceptionally good. 14 minutes, full stage. NR 3--ANTRIM & PETERS.--A man and a woman in a little sketch constructed for the purpose of showing the man's ability as an imitator of birds, animals, and inanimate objects, in which he is very clever. Incidental to the act, she does a little song and dance which is not at all bad, and has but little else to do but look neat, which she succeeds in doing. 16 minutes, open full stage, close with about three minutes in one. ER 3 --LAWSON & NAMON.-- A man and a woman in a comedy bicycle and bag punching act, the man doing the work on the wheel and the woman the bag punching. The combination of the two lines of work, especially as it introduces a man and a woman, makes it an act of considerable novelty, and as both performers are good in their respective specialties it is a very acceptable turn. 13 minutes, full stage. AR -3-MARGARET WEBB.-- A turn of songs. this young lady looks neat and sings very well indeed. Her enunciation is not as perfect as one could wish, but she looks pretty and has really a good voice. She went very nicely this afternoon. 14 min. in one. ER 3--OWLEY & RANDALL.--A man and a woman in a comedy juggling act, and I consider it an especially good turn from a three a day standpoint. The man is not tremendously funny, but he is a remarkably good juggler, and his comedy makeup gives him an opportunity to accomplish many of his tricks in a way that gains laughs. 13 minutes, full stage; could close in one if necessary. GYH 3--HUME, ROSS & LEWIS. On account of the non-arrival of the baggage, this act did not get on this afternoon, but every body understands that it is all right, so that criticism is unnecessary. NH 2--JOSEPHINE WILKINSON.--This is another singing turn, which I was in a way obliged to place this week on account of her Philadelphia connections. She is rather tall, good looking girl with a fairly good voice and had a very good selection of songs. She went quite well indeed. 15 minutes in one. GYH 2--SISTERS GAUSCH.--I think this is one of the best European acts, in a small way, that has ever come over here. They made a distinct hit this afternoon, and as they did not get off the steamer until Saturday, after a rough passage, it is possible that they were not in the best possible condition, and I look for the act to make a big hit before the end of the week. They are both clean looking girls, fresh and bright, dressing well--appearing on the stage in short dresses a trifle below the knees--and they work exactly as two men would. That is to say, they accomplish everything that they attempt with all the finish of male performers and they perform some pretty difficult tricks. They have a wonderful muscular power, are good equilibrists, and the head balancing is as good as any that I have ever seen accomplished. It is an all mighty clever act and will make a hit any where. 7 min., full stage. GHR 2--CARLIN & OTTO.--German comedians. They are both very good performers, their act being modelled somewhat after the style of the old Weber & Fields turn, only that they are much better dancers than the latter people, and as they close their act with dancing they go off very strongly. 15 minutes in one.
Keith-Albee Collection