Keith-Albee managers' report book, September 21, 1903 - March 14, 1904
Page 146
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146 CRITICISM OF SHOW. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, PHILA. JAN. 11TH Lawson & Namon-15 mins. Landscape in 4-Man and woman. Bag punching by the woman and comedy bicycle work by the man. Dialogue is not exceptionally bright. Good three-a-day act, if on early. Man's bike riding has improved. Leighton & Leighton-15 mins. in one-Two men, regular song and dance act in one; good three-a-day act, but they have poor voices for singing. Antrim & Peters-13 mins.-Kitchen in 3-Man and woman, in a sketch, the dialogue and action of which simply serve to give the man a chance to give his several imitations; good three-a-day act. Margaret Webb-10 mins. in one-Soloist. This is not the colored Margaret Webb, but a petite, very attractive white girl, who showed very good judgment in her selections, and thoroughly pleased with her offerings. Good soloist. Owley & Randall-15 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-Man and woman. Woman is a feeder for the man's comedy juggling. He does nothing new, lacks finish, and is crude. Good enough for three-a-day. Received a few laughs and a ripple of applause. Fleury Trio-10 mins.-Gar. in 4-Two women and a man, in as graceful a dancing act as we have ever presented in this house. Joe Colling-15 mins. in one-Mimic and impersonator; couldn't get a hand. From the standpoint of the audience, he failed as an entertainer. The mimicry conflicts with Antrim & Peters. Closed after first show. The Fadettes-30 mins.-Gar in 5-Third week; good for another. World's Trio-15 mins.-Open in one-C.D.F. in 2-close in one-Two women and a man. A freeze-up. There is no use of arguing the matter, these "tough" acts will not go with our audiences. They don't like them, and will not stand for them. With the stage boxes filled with women and children, they devoted much time to "beer", "slats", "highballs," "flood your sink," and the worst of all sorts of slang. The audience simply showed its disapproval. Rousby's Electrical Act-14 mins.-Spec. in 5- The act went much better than was anticipated; received some applause and went off without a break. Mr. Rousby expressed himself as being very much pleased. Chas. M. Ernest:-15 mins. in one-Monologue and songs; had some good stuff, and went well. The best entertainer on the bill up to this time. He is clever and knows how to handle his stuff--and his audience. Ingram & Nicander-Man and woman, late of the Bijou Stock Co., in a pretty little sketch, entitled "Strictly Business." Both are well known here and their personal popularity will help them considerably. Good act. Dillon Bros.-12 mins. in one-In parodies; very good; probably the applause hit of the show. They had a great deal of new stuff, and it went extremely well. Sisters Gausch-10 mins.-Gar. in 3-In a hand balancing act that is real good. The act has artistic finish, and thoroughly pleased throughout. A very good act. Biograph-20 mins. in one-The picture "the great train robbery" received as much applause as any act. H. A. DANIELS.
146 CRITICISM OF SHOW. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, PHILA. JAN. 11TH Lawson & Namon-15 mins. Landscape in 4-Man and woman. Bag punching by the woman and comedy bicycle work by the man. Dialogue is not exceptionally bright. Good three-a-day act, if on early. Man's bike riding has improved. Leighton & Leighton-15 mins. in one-Two men, regular song and dance act in one; good three-a-day act, but they have poor voices for singing. Antrim & Peters-13 mins.-Kitchen in 3-Man and woman, in a sketch, the dialogue and action of which simply serve to give the man a chance to give his several imitations; good three-a-day act. Margaret Webb-10 mins. in one-Soloist. This is not the colored Margaret Webb, but a petite, very attractive white girl, who showed very good judgment in her selections, and thoroughly pleased with her offerings. Good soloist. Owley & Randall-15 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-Man and woman. Woman is a feeder for the man's comedy juggling. He does nothing new, lacks finish, and is crude. Good enough for three-a-day. Received a few laughs and a ripple of applause. Fleury Trio-10 mins.-Gar. in 4-Two women and a man, in as graceful a dancing act as we have ever presented in this house. Joe Colling-15 mins. in one-Mimic and impersonator; couldn't get a hand. From the standpoint of the audience, he failed as an entertainer. The mimicry conflicts with Antrim & Peters. Closed after first show. The Fadettes-30 mins.-Gar in 5-Third week; good for another. World's Trio-15 mins.-Open in one-C.D.F. in 2-close in one-Two women and a man. A freeze-up. There is no use of arguing the matter, these "tough" acts will not go with our audiences. They don't like them, and will not stand for them. With the stage boxes filled with women and children, they devoted much time to "beer", "slats", "highballs," "flood your sink," and the worst of all sorts of slang. The audience simply showed its disapproval. Rousby's Electrical Act-14 mins.-Spec. in 5- The act went much better than was anticipated; received some applause and went off without a break. Mr. Rousby expressed himself as being very much pleased. Chas. M. Ernest:-15 mins. in one-Monologue and songs; had some good stuff, and went well. The best entertainer on the bill up to this time. He is clever and knows how to handle his stuff--and his audience. Ingram & Nicander-Man and woman, late of the Bijou Stock Co., in a pretty little sketch, entitled "Strictly Business." Both are well known here and their personal popularity will help them considerably. Good act. Dillon Bros.-12 mins. in one-In parodies; very good; probably the applause hit of the show. They had a great deal of new stuff, and it went extremely well. Sisters Gausch-10 mins.-Gar. in 3-In a hand balancing act that is real good. The act has artistic finish, and thoroughly pleased throughout. A very good act. Biograph-20 mins. in one-The picture "the great train robbery" received as much applause as any act. H. A. DANIELS.
Keith-Albee Collection