Keith-Albee managers' report book, November 28, 1904 - August 28, 1905
Apge 121
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121 Report on show, Keith's Theatre, Providence, R. I., Week of March 20, 1905. (Chas. Lovenberg, Manager.) One of the most satisfactory bills of the season. The only poor act in it is Gordon, Vidocq & Cohan and I came near losing them because they objected to opening the show but they thought better of it and remained. In connection with them I wish to say, that they made an absolute denial of having made any arrangement with Mr. Myers to close in one. Mr. Hodgdon will probably remember that they were engaged with that specific understanding. this is the second time this has occurred with Myers and we ought to know what we are doing with him in the future. Fortunately I don't need their closing in one as I am opening the show with them and that is where they belong, although I originally intended placing them second. Gordon, Vidocq & Cohan. Bad comedy sketch; Irishman, woman and Jew. Poor act. 16 min. in three, 3 shows. Rich & Harvey. Surprisingly good little three a day act, two men in blackface, one of whom at least is a pretty good dancer. The comedy is not very strong but the act made quite a hit: for the early section is all right. 15 min. in 1, 2 shows. John Le Clair. Well-known juggling act. Same as usual. 15 min. open 3, can close in one, 3 shows. Marie Laurent. From a three a day standpoint this girl may be classed as a good singer although Mr. Myers is away off when he says, "she is as good as Lillian LeRoy". 13 min. in 1, 3 shows. Al Treloar & Edna Tempest. Strongman act. I never could see this turn and acts of this kind have gone by as far as this house is concerned at any rate. Would not care for them again. 12 min. in 3, 2 shows. Pete Baker. Opens with a Dutch song and monologue, changes to evening dress, gives a serious recitation and then a song in ten dialects. Opens weak but finishes well. Good act. 18 min. in 1, 2 shows. Stanley & Brockman. Act is well known over the circuit although it is the first time here. They made a hit, decidedly. 15 min. in three, 2 shows. Kelly & Viollette. I was rather afraid to have this act follow "Stanley & Brockman" on account of the singing but they didn't seem to conflict and Kelly & Violette went exceptionally strong regardless of their place. 15 min. in one, 2 shows. Jewell's Manikins. Unquestionably the best act of its kind in the business. 'Nough said. 24 min. full stage, 2 shows. Mrs. Annie Yeamans and Mr. Louis Wesley. This act is thoroughly all right to play once. Mrs. Yeamans got a big reception on her entrance but doesn't do anything in the way of playing that amounts to anything and Wesley carries the burden of the act upon his shoulders. He is a man that we want to keep in mind for I think he is going to be one of the successful single entertainers in one another season. He has a great personality and gets away with his stuff in great style. I think the act (as it is) draws money, but should be placed by 8:30. 18 min. in 1, 2 shows.
121 Report on show, Keith's Theatre, Providence, R. I., Week of March 20, 1905. (Chas. Lovenberg, Manager.) One of the most satisfactory bills of the season. The only poor act in it is Gordon, Vidocq & Cohan and I came near losing them because they objected to opening the show but they thought better of it and remained. In connection with them I wish to say, that they made an absolute denial of having made any arrangement with Mr. Myers to close in one. Mr. Hodgdon will probably remember that they were engaged with that specific understanding. this is the second time this has occurred with Myers and we ought to know what we are doing with him in the future. Fortunately I don't need their closing in one as I am opening the show with them and that is where they belong, although I originally intended placing them second. Gordon, Vidocq & Cohan. Bad comedy sketch; Irishman, woman and Jew. Poor act. 16 min. in three, 3 shows. Rich & Harvey. Surprisingly good little three a day act, two men in blackface, one of whom at least is a pretty good dancer. The comedy is not very strong but the act made quite a hit: for the early section is all right. 15 min. in 1, 2 shows. John Le Clair. Well-known juggling act. Same as usual. 15 min. open 3, can close in one, 3 shows. Marie Laurent. From a three a day standpoint this girl may be classed as a good singer although Mr. Myers is away off when he says, "she is as good as Lillian LeRoy". 13 min. in 1, 3 shows. Al Treloar & Edna Tempest. Strongman act. I never could see this turn and acts of this kind have gone by as far as this house is concerned at any rate. Would not care for them again. 12 min. in 3, 2 shows. Pete Baker. Opens with a Dutch song and monologue, changes to evening dress, gives a serious recitation and then a song in ten dialects. Opens weak but finishes well. Good act. 18 min. in 1, 2 shows. Stanley & Brockman. Act is well known over the circuit although it is the first time here. They made a hit, decidedly. 15 min. in three, 2 shows. Kelly & Viollette. I was rather afraid to have this act follow "Stanley & Brockman" on account of the singing but they didn't seem to conflict and Kelly & Violette went exceptionally strong regardless of their place. 15 min. in one, 2 shows. Jewell's Manikins. Unquestionably the best act of its kind in the business. 'Nough said. 24 min. full stage, 2 shows. Mrs. Annie Yeamans and Mr. Louis Wesley. This act is thoroughly all right to play once. Mrs. Yeamans got a big reception on her entrance but doesn't do anything in the way of playing that amounts to anything and Wesley carries the burden of the act upon his shoulders. He is a man that we want to keep in mind for I think he is going to be one of the successful single entertainers in one another season. He has a great personality and gets away with his stuff in great style. I think the act (as it is) draws money, but should be placed by 8:30. 18 min. in 1, 2 shows.
Keith-Albee Collection