Keith-Albee managers' report book, November 28, 1904 - August 28, 1905
Page 166a
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Quigley Brothers, 2 shows, 18 min. in 1--Conversational comedians who filled the stiff place in the bill very acceptably. Laughing hit of the show up to this point. Bert Coote, 2 shows, 26 min. full stage--First time in five years. In a comedy sketch, "A Lamb in Wall Street", which was the big laughing hit of the show. Coote's act8ing was excellent as was his support. Biograph. 3 shows, 20 min. in 1--Showing the following list of motion pictures: 1. Tapping a Blast Furnace. Excellent picture. 2. The Seven Ages. Excellent picture. 3. Across the Manhattan Viaduct. Excellent picture. 4. The Bounding Bed. Good comedy picture. The biograph list this week is one of the best we have had in a long time. The Magnanis, 2 shows, 14 min. full stage--In the eccentric and unique novelty, "The Musical Barbers". First time in eight years. Excellent act; too bad we have to place it in this position as it is wasted. Comments:- The show is an excellent one from top to bottom. All 3-turners were first time. The audience was large and enthusiastic and thoroughly enjoyed the sight of new acts and new faces. We should do a big business throughout the week.
Quigley Brothers, 2 shows, 18 min. in 1--Conversational comedians who filled the stiff place in the bill very acceptably. Laughing hit of the show up to this point. Bert Coote, 2 shows, 26 min. full stage--First time in five years. In a comedy sketch, "A Lamb in Wall Street", which was the big laughing hit of the show. Coote's act8ing was excellent as was his support. Biograph. 3 shows, 20 min. in 1--Showing the following list of motion pictures: 1. Tapping a Blast Furnace. Excellent picture. 2. The Seven Ages. Excellent picture. 3. Across the Manhattan Viaduct. Excellent picture. 4. The Bounding Bed. Good comedy picture. The biograph list this week is one of the best we have had in a long time. The Magnanis, 2 shows, 14 min. full stage--In the eccentric and unique novelty, "The Musical Barbers". First time in eight years. Excellent act; too bad we have to place it in this position as it is wasted. Comments:- The show is an excellent one from top to bottom. All 3-turners were first time. The audience was large and enthusiastic and thoroughly enjoyed the sight of new acts and new faces. We should do a big business throughout the week.
Keith-Albee Collection