Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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1. NEW YORK CRITICISM---FEB. 4th, 1907. READING SISTERS---Two women with the usual Sister Act. Most disagreeable voices. Their changes are good, and also their dancing and "team work." Good three show act considering time and money. 12 minutes in one. KENNEDY & JAMES---Man and woman in a sketch called "Dr. Daffy." The first part of this act is something awful. Resurected Burlesque jokes that were buried years ago. They finish with burlesque opera that is a little better, as they both have fair voices, but the act failed to please. 15 minutes in two. LILLIAN ASHLEY---Very good three show act. Her "kid" specialty is good, and made quite a hit altho' its delicacy is rather questionable. Her finish "stelephone Song" also went very well. Good act for the money. 13 minutes in one. BOULDEN & QUINN---Two men in a Musical Act. Straight and comedy. Very bad act, up to the finish which was not bad at all, but I would not advise any one to book the act for a two-a-day show. 18 minutes, Full stage. Three shows. Told them to cut three or four minutes of their talk, and moved them up to number one. McINTYRE &BENNETT---Two men, black-face. McIntyre is a son of McIntyre (& Heath), and is using a lot of the old stuff without the personality, and the act just gets by and that is all. 15 minutes in one, two shows. WILLY ZIMMERMAN---As I thought a terrific hit. This man is a wonder, and stands alone in his work. Every impersonation got big applause, and his "Hammerstein" imitation got two recalls. A corking good act for this house. 25 minutes, full stage. Four minutes close in one. MURRAY & LANE----Another big hit. The personality of these people is simply immense to say nothing of their great voices. Distinctly the hit of the show. Six genuine curtains. These people certainly are a find to Vaudeville. Mr. Murray's Comedy is funny, and refined and their finish in the duet from "Trovatore" was enormous. Good in any bill at any time. 20 minutes, full stage. MISS KAY HOLLAND---Young woman with the second "kid" imitation of the bill that went fairly well. Her Violin playing got a good hand, and the combination of oice and violin made a big hit. The best single woman act I have had for a long while. Can highly recommend it. 12 minutes in one. his well known tramp act singing and talking. Went very well indeed. His delivery and enunci ation are a treat and I consider it a first class monologue act for the money. Good applause. 15 minutes in one. WHITE STUART & CO.----In "Paris." No need to comment aout this at. Went with a scream from start to finish, and was most artistically acted. There is a good "object lesson" in this act to show that "queer" things will remain on the Circuit when done well, for this sketch is (to say the least) very much "off." 32 minutes, full stage. ARLINGTON 4----A very hard spot for these people to fill, but all things considered they "got by" and I cut their act three minutes to-night. Very good act for the price, but a little far down for them. The colored man is very clever, and is the whole act, but I could not change their place without decreasing the value of the whole show. 15 miutes in one. ONLAW TRIO----Very good and artistic slack wire act. They held the audience and by their difficult, refined and neat work got considerable applause. Can recommend this for a closing act. Two men and a woman all good looking, well dressed and pretty paraphernalia. 12 minutes, full stage. KINETOGRAPH----Julia in the Barracks. Funny film. Very good. Among the Animals at Central Park. Good for the children. Policemans little Run. Good comedy pictures. NOTE----From Zimmerman down this is a great Union Square Show. Good Vaudeville without any high priced "non-drawing" acts. Business will be as good or better than last week, which as I predicted was very good considering opposition etc. Lindsay Morison.
1. NEW YORK CRITICISM---FEB. 4th, 1907. READING SISTERS---Two women with the usual Sister Act. Most disagreeable voices. Their changes are good, and also their dancing and "team work." Good three show act considering time and money. 12 minutes in one. KENNEDY & JAMES---Man and woman in a sketch called "Dr. Daffy." The first part of this act is something awful. Resurected Burlesque jokes that were buried years ago. They finish with burlesque opera that is a little better, as they both have fair voices, but the act failed to please. 15 minutes in two. LILLIAN ASHLEY---Very good three show act. Her "kid" specialty is good, and made quite a hit altho' its delicacy is rather questionable. Her finish "stelephone Song" also went very well. Good act for the money. 13 minutes in one. BOULDEN & QUINN---Two men in a Musical Act. Straight and comedy. Very bad act, up to the finish which was not bad at all, but I would not advise any one to book the act for a two-a-day show. 18 minutes, Full stage. Three shows. Told them to cut three or four minutes of their talk, and moved them up to number one. McINTYRE &BENNETT---Two men, black-face. McIntyre is a son of McIntyre (& Heath), and is using a lot of the old stuff without the personality, and the act just gets by and that is all. 15 minutes in one, two shows. WILLY ZIMMERMAN---As I thought a terrific hit. This man is a wonder, and stands alone in his work. Every impersonation got big applause, and his "Hammerstein" imitation got two recalls. A corking good act for this house. 25 minutes, full stage. Four minutes close in one. MURRAY & LANE----Another big hit. The personality of these people is simply immense to say nothing of their great voices. Distinctly the hit of the show. Six genuine curtains. These people certainly are a find to Vaudeville. Mr. Murray's Comedy is funny, and refined and their finish in the duet from "Trovatore" was enormous. Good in any bill at any time. 20 minutes, full stage. MISS KAY HOLLAND---Young woman with the second "kid" imitation of the bill that went fairly well. Her Violin playing got a good hand, and the combination of oice and violin made a big hit. The best single woman act I have had for a long while. Can highly recommend it. 12 minutes in one. his well known tramp act singing and talking. Went very well indeed. His delivery and enunci ation are a treat and I consider it a first class monologue act for the money. Good applause. 15 minutes in one. WHITE STUART & CO.----In "Paris." No need to comment aout this at. Went with a scream from start to finish, and was most artistically acted. There is a good "object lesson" in this act to show that "queer" things will remain on the Circuit when done well, for this sketch is (to say the least) very much "off." 32 minutes, full stage. ARLINGTON 4----A very hard spot for these people to fill, but all things considered they "got by" and I cut their act three minutes to-night. Very good act for the price, but a little far down for them. The colored man is very clever, and is the whole act, but I could not change their place without decreasing the value of the whole show. 15 miutes in one. ONLAW TRIO----Very good and artistic slack wire act. They held the audience and by their difficult, refined and neat work got considerable applause. Can recommend this for a closing act. Two men and a woman all good looking, well dressed and pretty paraphernalia. 12 minutes, full stage. KINETOGRAPH----Julia in the Barracks. Funny film. Very good. Among the Animals at Central Park. Good for the children. Policemans little Run. Good comedy pictures. NOTE----From Zimmerman down this is a great Union Square Show. Good Vaudeville without any high priced "non-drawing" acts. Business will be as good or better than last week, which as I predicted was very good considering opposition etc. Lindsay Morison.
Keith-Albee Collection