Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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3. Keith's Theatre, Columbus. week Feby. 4th. -- 07. ([?] Prosser.) DELPMINO and DELMORE: Man and woman: Grotesque musical act. -- The comedy consists of eccentric makeup of man, and ridiculous way in which his dress is illuminated by electricity. -- Both performers play fairly well. -- Makes a very good opener. -- I4 minutes, garden in three. MABEL SINCLAIR, Lady Ventriloquist. -- Very good for a woman. -- Has a fair line of talk. -- Comedy a trifle dull but singing very good. She makes a fair appearance and takes tolerable well. -- Not a bad act but not one that could be classed as specially good. -- I5 minutes in one. REDFORD and WINCHESTER: Burlesque jugglers. -- Very good: make a good substantial success. --Act pleases greatly here. -- Special drop in three. -- I5 minutes. BERT and BERTA Grant: (Colored.) Singing and dancing act. -- Fair singers: woman dances moderately well: man very well. -- The act has the merit of being very clean and takes with all our patrons. -- quite a hit. -- 20 miutes in one. HARRY TIGHE and CO. -- Comedy sketch, " Those Happy College Days." Five peple: 4 men one woman. -- A big hit. -- Went well from start to finish. -- Tighe is very clever and is well supported. -- He does good comedy work at the piano. -- Act has proven very strong. -- 22 minutes S. D. F. CARON AND HERBERT: Very good comedy acrobatic act. -- Two men: many stunts make big hit. -- They worked this afternoon at a disadvantage, having failed to get their baggage in time for the matinee. -- act big however. -- Special drop in four. -- I4 minutes. TAYLOR HOLLINS: A very clever man in monologue: Is very clean cut and away from the usual act of this class. -- Can be counted here as a distinct hit. -- Tells stories in dialect: Sings and is equally strong with comedy and photos. -- Is very well liked. THE HAZARDOUS GLOBE: An act well known on the circuit. -- A hit of the first water. -- Looks like something that will create a lot of favorable comment. -- By far the best novelty we have had thus far, but the house is young. -- class act full stage. -- 16 minutes. Pictures: Stealing Tomatos, Children pets: Dog smugglers. -- Fair We have not had any very good pictures. -- Give us something that has lots of comedy. -- They always wait for the finish here and like good pictures. -- They don't have the effect of a chaser. -- If good they go as well as any act. The above makes a very good show. -- It runs well and is not tiresome at act time.
3. Keith's Theatre, Columbus. week Feby. 4th. -- 07. ([?] Prosser.) DELPMINO and DELMORE: Man and woman: Grotesque musical act. -- The comedy consists of eccentric makeup of man, and ridiculous way in which his dress is illuminated by electricity. -- Both performers play fairly well. -- Makes a very good opener. -- I4 minutes, garden in three. MABEL SINCLAIR, Lady Ventriloquist. -- Very good for a woman. -- Has a fair line of talk. -- Comedy a trifle dull but singing very good. She makes a fair appearance and takes tolerable well. -- Not a bad act but not one that could be classed as specially good. -- I5 minutes in one. REDFORD and WINCHESTER: Burlesque jugglers. -- Very good: make a good substantial success. --Act pleases greatly here. -- Special drop in three. -- I5 minutes. BERT and BERTA Grant: (Colored.) Singing and dancing act. -- Fair singers: woman dances moderately well: man very well. -- The act has the merit of being very clean and takes with all our patrons. -- quite a hit. -- 20 miutes in one. HARRY TIGHE and CO. -- Comedy sketch, " Those Happy College Days." Five peple: 4 men one woman. -- A big hit. -- Went well from start to finish. -- Tighe is very clever and is well supported. -- He does good comedy work at the piano. -- Act has proven very strong. -- 22 minutes S. D. F. CARON AND HERBERT: Very good comedy acrobatic act. -- Two men: many stunts make big hit. -- They worked this afternoon at a disadvantage, having failed to get their baggage in time for the matinee. -- act big however. -- Special drop in four. -- I4 minutes. TAYLOR HOLLINS: A very clever man in monologue: Is very clean cut and away from the usual act of this class. -- Can be counted here as a distinct hit. -- Tells stories in dialect: Sings and is equally strong with comedy and photos. -- Is very well liked. THE HAZARDOUS GLOBE: An act well known on the circuit. -- A hit of the first water. -- Looks like something that will create a lot of favorable comment. -- By far the best novelty we have had thus far, but the house is young. -- class act full stage. -- 16 minutes. Pictures: Stealing Tomatos, Children pets: Dog smugglers. -- Fair We have not had any very good pictures. -- Give us something that has lots of comedy. -- They always wait for the finish here and like good pictures. -- They don't have the effect of a chaser. -- If good they go as well as any act. The above makes a very good show. -- It runs well and is not tiresome at act time.
Keith-Albee Collection