Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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4. FEB. 4, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C. E. Barns. DRODATO: Italian Magician: - 16 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 6:30. This is a platform museum act, pure and simple. The fire-eating trick and sword-swallowing doTHE KINGS not appeal to our class of people at all, and the remainder while cleverly done, introduces nothing but a few simple feats which have been done repeatedly in the three-a-day section in this house. Not at all a desirable act for this house. Will open the show for balance of week. THE KINGS. Songs and dances:- 12 min. in 1. 3con shows. On at 6:30. Young man girl, dancing very fair presentation, their work being only fairly acceptable. The singing and dancing are only ordinary at present, however, but they will improve. Just about managed to get by in the second place on continuous bill. CONLON & HASTINGS. Comedy Vocalists:- 18 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 6:42. The woman is rather pretty and sings fairly well. The man's comedy is not particularly spontaneous, and his stuff is largely borrowed. However, they managed to get a few scattered laughs throughout the act, and closed fair, with a burlesque on Faust. Could not hold a better spot on the bill. LA VELOA. Acro. Dancer:- 10 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:00. Makes a very good appearance. Her work is better than when she was here last. She won quite a little applause throughout and closed well. Could hold any three-a-day spot. KENNEDY & WIBLE, Comedians:- 14 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:10. This is a local set put in to make up necessary time in the three-a-day-section. They proved to be a very good filler and better than the average of our present three-show section this week. BERZAC'S TRAINED SEALS:- 17 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 7:24. Well known act in other hands. It made a sensation, even though this trainer does not show the confidence and precision of the late Wormwood. For all that, the seals are remarkably trained and on the regulation stunts of balancing, playing on musical instruments, ball-tossing, etc., well enough to get big applause. There is also a good deal of humor in the act, and abundant interest throughout to hold any audience, particularly the children. Closed strong. DAINTY FOUR, Songs and dances:- 9 min. in 2. 2 shows. On at 7:41. Four young girls. (open and close in 1). - This act is rightly named. It is a dainty little act, indeed, and every body liked it. The costuming is very stunning. The girls are pretty, sing well, and dance better, making a very attractive picture in the colored lights. This is just the sort of an act that was needed on this bill in this spot. Closed well, with curtain call. B. F. GRAHAM & CO., "Forgot He Moved":- 25 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 7:50. This is a very amusing sketch, well played, but the general motif is not one that appeals to a refined audience. It concerns the vicissitudes of a man who has changed his room in a hotel and gone out for a night of it, afterwards returning to his former room which has been, in the meantime, ballet brought three curtain calls and encore. cit. GENERAL REMARKS;- This is a peculiar show, for the reason that there is too much two-a-day and not enough three-a- day stuff to piee out. The substitution of GRAHAM, and BERZAC'S SEALS for MACY and HALL, and GRAY'S BABOONS strengthened the two-a-day time about twenty minutes, making the show run over. However, by transposition we managed to have a show that is right up to the standard in versatility and general interest, and all classes of our patrons seemed well pleased and the newspapers likewise. The blizzard has interfered but very little with our usual big business. NOTES:- B. F. GRAHAM & CO:-Cutting out the constant repetition of the word "devil." -o- FEJ.
4. FEB. 4, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C. E. Barns. DRODATO: Italian Magician: - 16 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 6:30. This is a platform museum act, pure and simple. The fire-eating trick and sword-swallowing doTHE KINGS not appeal to our class of people at all, and the remainder while cleverly done, introduces nothing but a few simple feats which have been done repeatedly in the three-a-day section in this house. Not at all a desirable act for this house. Will open the show for balance of week. THE KINGS. Songs and dances:- 12 min. in 1. 3con shows. On at 6:30. Young man girl, dancing very fair presentation, their work being only fairly acceptable. The singing and dancing are only ordinary at present, however, but they will improve. Just about managed to get by in the second place on continuous bill. CONLON & HASTINGS. Comedy Vocalists:- 18 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 6:42. The woman is rather pretty and sings fairly well. The man's comedy is not particularly spontaneous, and his stuff is largely borrowed. However, they managed to get a few scattered laughs throughout the act, and closed fair, with a burlesque on Faust. Could not hold a better spot on the bill. LA VELOA. Acro. Dancer:- 10 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:00. Makes a very good appearance. Her work is better than when she was here last. She won quite a little applause throughout and closed well. Could hold any three-a-day spot. KENNEDY & WIBLE, Comedians:- 14 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:10. This is a local set put in to make up necessary time in the three-a-day-section. They proved to be a very good filler and better than the average of our present three-show section this week. BERZAC'S TRAINED SEALS:- 17 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 7:24. Well known act in other hands. It made a sensation, even though this trainer does not show the confidence and precision of the late Wormwood. For all that, the seals are remarkably trained and on the regulation stunts of balancing, playing on musical instruments, ball-tossing, etc., well enough to get big applause. There is also a good deal of humor in the act, and abundant interest throughout to hold any audience, particularly the children. Closed strong. DAINTY FOUR, Songs and dances:- 9 min. in 2. 2 shows. On at 7:41. Four young girls. (open and close in 1). - This act is rightly named. It is a dainty little act, indeed, and every body liked it. The costuming is very stunning. The girls are pretty, sing well, and dance better, making a very attractive picture in the colored lights. This is just the sort of an act that was needed on this bill in this spot. Closed well, with curtain call. B. F. GRAHAM & CO., "Forgot He Moved":- 25 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 7:50. This is a very amusing sketch, well played, but the general motif is not one that appeals to a refined audience. It concerns the vicissitudes of a man who has changed his room in a hotel and gone out for a night of it, afterwards returning to his former room which has been, in the meantime, ballet brought three curtain calls and encore. cit. GENERAL REMARKS;- This is a peculiar show, for the reason that there is too much two-a-day and not enough three-a- day stuff to piee out. The substitution of GRAHAM, and BERZAC'S SEALS for MACY and HALL, and GRAY'S BABOONS strengthened the two-a-day time about twenty minutes, making the show run over. However, by transposition we managed to have a show that is right up to the standard in versatility and general interest, and all classes of our patrons seemed well pleased and the newspapers likewise. The blizzard has interfered but very little with our usual big business. NOTES:- B. F. GRAHAM & CO:-Cutting out the constant repetition of the word "devil." -o- FEJ.
Keith-Albee Collection