Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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HARLEM OPERA HOUSE CRITICISM February 11th, 1907 E.F. ROGERS BEAUMONT'S PONIES: 5 Ponies, 2 dogs, trainer and assistant. Ponies give the regulation stunt as in all acts of this nature,-marching a round the ring, posing, waltzing, shooting off cannons, cake-walk dancing, picking up money out of a bucket of water, etc. The selecting of colored handkerchiefs from boxes amused the audience greatly. At the price the act is thoroughly alright and finsihed to big applause. 14 min.-full stage GEO. W. DAY: This man was a little handicapped in not getting his trunk in time. He was compelled to work in street clothes and white face, which depreciated the value of his act. His material is alright. Secured quite a number of laughs and was acceptable in this place. 15 min. in one. DOROTHY RUSSELL: Assisted by Harry B. Watson; This woman has neither personality or voice. The girls' voices are fair and they are badly trained. In Miss Russell's first song, she left the stage without any applause. The act went much stronger with the girls and Harry Watson together, than when Miss Russell was with them. The only redeeming feature in the act is the dancing of the toy teddy bears at the finish, which brought forth a few smiles and giggles wih some little applause. At the price it is far from being a headline feature and I doubt if Miss Russel's name has any drawing power. 17 min.-full stage S DUMONDS: Well known. Big advance applause. All of their selections were strongly applauded. Excellent act. 14 min 21 min.-full stage MAGGIE CLINE: Big advance applause. Each of her songs went very strong. Almost a riot when she sang "Throw 'em down McCluskey." Compelled to repeat the chorus several times. 16 min. WILTON BROTHERS: Comedy bar act. Well known. Applause and laughter throughout. Big applause at the finish. Excellent closing act. 8 min. KINETOGRAPH: "Julia at the Barracks" Good Policeman's Little Bum" French film. Novel and interesting Excellent comedy
HARLEM OPERA HOUSE CRITICISM February 11th, 1907 E.F. ROGERS BEAUMONT'S PONIES: 5 Ponies, 2 dogs, trainer and assistant. Ponies give the regulation stunt as in all acts of this nature,-marching a round the ring, posing, waltzing, shooting off cannons, cake-walk dancing, picking up money out of a bucket of water, etc. The selecting of colored handkerchiefs from boxes amused the audience greatly. At the price the act is thoroughly alright and finsihed to big applause. 14 min.-full stage GEO. W. DAY: This man was a little handicapped in not getting his trunk in time. He was compelled to work in street clothes and white face, which depreciated the value of his act. His material is alright. Secured quite a number of laughs and was acceptable in this place. 15 min. in one. DOROTHY RUSSELL: Assisted by Harry B. Watson; This woman has neither personality or voice. The girls' voices are fair and they are badly trained. In Miss Russell's first song, she left the stage without any applause. The act went much stronger with the girls and Harry Watson together, than when Miss Russell was with them. The only redeeming feature in the act is the dancing of the toy teddy bears at the finish, which brought forth a few smiles and giggles wih some little applause. At the price it is far from being a headline feature and I doubt if Miss Russel's name has any drawing power. 17 min.-full stage S DUMONDS: Well known. Big advance applause. All of their selections were strongly applauded. Excellent act. 14 min 21 min.-full stage MAGGIE CLINE: Big advance applause. Each of her songs went very strong. Almost a riot when she sang "Throw 'em down McCluskey." Compelled to repeat the chorus several times. 16 min. WILTON BROTHERS: Comedy bar act. Well known. Applause and laughter throughout. Big applause at the finish. Excellent closing act. 8 min. KINETOGRAPH: "Julia at the Barracks" Good Policeman's Little Bum" French film. Novel and interesting Excellent comedy
Keith-Albee Collection