Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 11
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11. Boston Show, Week of Feb.11, 1907. (Tues. Feb. 12th) (Carl D. Lothrop) Herbert. On at 1 o'clock, 9 min. full stage; 3 shows. A good novelty contortion act, well worth the money; would make good as an opening act in almost any of the houses. Tyson & Brown. On at 1.09, 10 min, in 1; 3 shows. Conventional singing and dancing act, the only novelty being a little dancing on roller skates. Young people, who look bright and clean, and dress neatly. Do not think they will ever get out of the 3-a-day class. Conlon & Hastings. On at 1.19, 14 min full stage, 3 min close in 1; 17 min in all; 3 shows. They do a little of everything. The act's chief recommendation is its length of time, A 3-a-day forever. Potter & Harris. On at 1.36, 10 min, full stage; 3 shows. A very good gymnastic act on the rings. They do a number of new tricks, and could fill an early spot in the 2-a-day houses. Fraser Trio. On at 1.46, open 3 min in 1, 9 min in 3, 2 min close in 1; 14 min in all; 3 shows. This well-known dancing act is doing finely this week. it makes a corking good 3-a-day act. In fact, it could fill a number two spot in most of the 2-a-day houses. Onlaw Trio. On at 2.00, 11 min, full stage. It is a shame to bury this beautiful act in this place on the bill, but it cannot be helped. It is one of the showiest acts of the day, very handsomely costumed, and the stuff they do is different from that done by any other act in my memory. While it is not quite lively enough to make an ideal closing act, yet it will more than make good in any other spot on the bill. Dainty Four. On at 2.11, 3 min in 1, 3 min in 2, close in 1 3 min; 9 min in all; 3 shows. Rather pretty and lively girls, who do three dances somewhat on the style of the Pony Ballet. Their costuming is very handsome. I cannot say so much for their legs, for four homelier sets of limbs I never saw. Holcombe, Curtis & Co. On at 2.20, 23 min full stage, 4 min close in 1; 27 min in all. This act made a very strong hit yesterday. It will make good anywhere and, time considered, it is a find at the money, particualrly for the smaller houses. At that, it is not so strong as the old Cushman, Holcombe & Curtis act, for, while Miss Palmer has a very good voice, she has not Sadie Cushman's looks and ways. Edwin Stevens & Co. On at 2.47, 30 min, full stage. Mr. Stevens has made very, very good here indeed. While there is no question but what Bransby Wiliams plays the characters better than Stevens, I think it but fair to state that to my mind Stevens' act is more entertaining. It has improved vastly since I saw it at Fifth Avenue. Miss Marshall deserves great credit for the clever way in which she plays "The Marchioness". ent one at every performance. Last night he was inside an iron boiler. He escaped in 55 min. He says this is one of the toughest tests he has ever undertaken. Kinetograph. On at 4,45, 20 min. "A modern Diogenes", good comic. "Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp", acceptable French "pantomine" picture. "The Determined Creditor", good comic. Comment. A very good show indeed, one that is giving great satisfaction. The only fault I find with it is the wait between Stevens and the Septette, but it could not be avoided without another turn in 1. I cannot have Houdini open in 1 this week on account of his special stunts; furthermore I need a turn in 1 ahead of him to bring the overflow audience from the front of the house to the stage and get them planted there. No cuts this week.
11. Boston Show, Week of Feb.11, 1907. (Tues. Feb. 12th) (Carl D. Lothrop) Herbert. On at 1 o'clock, 9 min. full stage; 3 shows. A good novelty contortion act, well worth the money; would make good as an opening act in almost any of the houses. Tyson & Brown. On at 1.09, 10 min, in 1; 3 shows. Conventional singing and dancing act, the only novelty being a little dancing on roller skates. Young people, who look bright and clean, and dress neatly. Do not think they will ever get out of the 3-a-day class. Conlon & Hastings. On at 1.19, 14 min full stage, 3 min close in 1; 17 min in all; 3 shows. They do a little of everything. The act's chief recommendation is its length of time, A 3-a-day forever. Potter & Harris. On at 1.36, 10 min, full stage; 3 shows. A very good gymnastic act on the rings. They do a number of new tricks, and could fill an early spot in the 2-a-day houses. Fraser Trio. On at 1.46, open 3 min in 1, 9 min in 3, 2 min close in 1; 14 min in all; 3 shows. This well-known dancing act is doing finely this week. it makes a corking good 3-a-day act. In fact, it could fill a number two spot in most of the 2-a-day houses. Onlaw Trio. On at 2.00, 11 min, full stage. It is a shame to bury this beautiful act in this place on the bill, but it cannot be helped. It is one of the showiest acts of the day, very handsomely costumed, and the stuff they do is different from that done by any other act in my memory. While it is not quite lively enough to make an ideal closing act, yet it will more than make good in any other spot on the bill. Dainty Four. On at 2.11, 3 min in 1, 3 min in 2, close in 1 3 min; 9 min in all; 3 shows. Rather pretty and lively girls, who do three dances somewhat on the style of the Pony Ballet. Their costuming is very handsome. I cannot say so much for their legs, for four homelier sets of limbs I never saw. Holcombe, Curtis & Co. On at 2.20, 23 min full stage, 4 min close in 1; 27 min in all. This act made a very strong hit yesterday. It will make good anywhere and, time considered, it is a find at the money, particualrly for the smaller houses. At that, it is not so strong as the old Cushman, Holcombe & Curtis act, for, while Miss Palmer has a very good voice, she has not Sadie Cushman's looks and ways. Edwin Stevens & Co. On at 2.47, 30 min, full stage. Mr. Stevens has made very, very good here indeed. While there is no question but what Bransby Wiliams plays the characters better than Stevens, I think it but fair to state that to my mind Stevens' act is more entertaining. It has improved vastly since I saw it at Fifth Avenue. Miss Marshall deserves great credit for the clever way in which she plays "The Marchioness". ent one at every performance. Last night he was inside an iron boiler. He escaped in 55 min. He says this is one of the toughest tests he has ever undertaken. Kinetograph. On at 4,45, 20 min. "A modern Diogenes", good comic. "Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp", acceptable French "pantomine" picture. "The Determined Creditor", good comic. Comment. A very good show indeed, one that is giving great satisfaction. The only fault I find with it is the wait between Stevens and the Septette, but it could not be avoided without another turn in 1. I cannot have Houdini open in 1 this week on account of his special stunts; furthermore I need a turn in 1 ahead of him to bring the overflow audience from the front of the house to the stage and get them planted there. No cuts this week.
Keith-Albee Collection