Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 11a
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Wait of 5 minutes, to change rom Stevens' act to the Colonial Septette. Colonial Septette. On at 3.22, open in 1 about 1 min, so short that for purposes of setting they might just as well open full stage; 17 min full stage, 5 min close in 1, 23 min in all. Scored an emphatic success. it is certainly a fine musical act. An ornament to any bill. Wilfred Clarke & Co. On at 3.45, 17 min, full stage. The best rapid-fire farce in vaudeville. Has the audience in convulsions of laughter for 13/17th of the time it is on. George H. Wood. On at 4.02, 18 min, in 1. A pretty stiff place, but Wood is doing very well. Houdini. On at 4.20, 20-35 min, full stage. He has this town hypnotized. He is to do a series of special stunts this week, a different one at every performance. Last night he was bolted and rivetted inside an iron boiler. He escaped in 55 min. He says this is one of the toughest tests he has ever undertaken. Kinetograph. On at 4,45, 20 min. "A modern Diogenes", good comic. "Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp", acceptable French "pantomine" picture. "The Determined Creditor", good comic. Comment. A very good show indeed, one that is giving great satisfaction. The only fault I find with it is the wait between Stevens and the Septette, but it could not be avoided without another turn in 1. I cannot have Houdini open in 1 this week on account of his special stunts; furthermore I need a turn in 1 ahead of him to bring the overflow audience from the front of the house to the stage and get them planted there. No cuts this week.
Wait of 5 minutes, to change rom Stevens' act to the Colonial Septette. Colonial Septette. On at 3.22, open in 1 about 1 min, so short that for purposes of setting they might just as well open full stage; 17 min full stage, 5 min close in 1, 23 min in all. Scored an emphatic success. it is certainly a fine musical act. An ornament to any bill. Wilfred Clarke & Co. On at 3.45, 17 min, full stage. The best rapid-fire farce in vaudeville. Has the audience in convulsions of laughter for 13/17th of the time it is on. George H. Wood. On at 4.02, 18 min, in 1. A pretty stiff place, but Wood is doing very well. Houdini. On at 4.20, 20-35 min, full stage. He has this town hypnotized. He is to do a series of special stunts this week, a different one at every performance. Last night he was bolted and rivetted inside an iron boiler. He escaped in 55 min. He says this is one of the toughest tests he has ever undertaken. Kinetograph. On at 4,45, 20 min. "A modern Diogenes", good comic. "Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp", acceptable French "pantomine" picture. "The Determined Creditor", good comic. Comment. A very good show indeed, one that is giving great satisfaction. The only fault I find with it is the wait between Stevens and the Septette, but it could not be avoided without another turn in 1. I cannot have Houdini open in 1 this week on account of his special stunts; furthermore I need a turn in 1 ahead of him to bring the overflow audience from the front of the house to the stage and get them planted there. No cuts this week.
Keith-Albee Collection