Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 12a
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2. Phila. this act falls short of requirements for a demandin audience like this. It does not seem to create the laughter and applause that it did when I saw it at Atlantic City, and as it seems to have done in Baltimore. I will give a supplementary report later in the week. WILLY ZIMMERMAN, Impersonator:- 30 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:18. (Close in 1.). Gave various imitations of composers,-Sousa, Strauss, Verdi, etc., winding up with a good burlesque on Oscar Hammerstein. Each one of the features got good applause. The act seems to drag a little in spots. However, the audience liked it, and that's the criterion. Especially good with the evening audiences. JOHN T. KELLY & CO., "A Game of Con":-27 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:48. John is certainly the real goods in a good act. It is dealing with an Irish contractor who has been "out for a night" and the next morning is led to believe that he has committed all sorts of foolish and scandalous things by a man who brings him home and who is the accomplice of the adventuress in the case. Between them they managed to fleece their victim, leaving him to believe that they have been his good Samaritan. There is abundant fun throughout, and Kelly himself is irresistible. The finish was strong. There is no doubt about the success of the sketch with our audiences. Think Kelly is drawing money to the house, and will continue to do so. XMAS ON BLACKWELL'S ISLAND, Sidney Deane:- 20 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:15. This act played with us about a year ago and made good, but this time it seems to have done even better. It is certainly novel, cleverly conceived, with not a dull line in it, and some rich musical numbers. The humor won plenty of laughter, and the songs, particularly the pathetic numbers, got immense applause. The finish was all that could be desired, with two curtain clls. One of the most novel and interesting acts in Vaudeville. DeHAVEN & PARKER, Singing and Dancing:-18 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:35. Good advance hand. These people are well known. In each one of their features they held the attention of the audience. Their singing and dancing is very graceful and pleasing. This act would make good anywhere on the bill. It was moved down from the eighth place to the hardest spot, and held it admirably. JACKSON FAMILY, Bicycle-act:- 17n in. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:53. Four men and four women, all of them well costumed and thorouhly expert. Some of their evolutions are marvellous for precision. Makes one of the most finished and beautiful closing acts in the business. KINETOGRAPH:- JULIA AT THE BARRACKS:-Very amusing French film of a girl who masquerades in her soldier-lover's clothes and gets into all sort of trouble. CHAMPAGNE-MAKING:-Interesting and industrial film with a good good finish. Altogether the KINETOGRAPH is up to the standard.
2. Phila. this act falls short of requirements for a demandin audience like this. It does not seem to create the laughter and applause that it did when I saw it at Atlantic City, and as it seems to have done in Baltimore. I will give a supplementary report later in the week. WILLY ZIMMERMAN, Impersonator:- 30 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:18. (Close in 1.). Gave various imitations of composers,-Sousa, Strauss, Verdi, etc., winding up with a good burlesque on Oscar Hammerstein. Each one of the features got good applause. The act seems to drag a little in spots. However, the audience liked it, and that's the criterion. Especially good with the evening audiences. JOHN T. KELLY & CO., "A Game of Con":-27 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:48. John is certainly the real goods in a good act. It is dealing with an Irish contractor who has been "out for a night" and the next morning is led to believe that he has committed all sorts of foolish and scandalous things by a man who brings him home and who is the accomplice of the adventuress in the case. Between them they managed to fleece their victim, leaving him to believe that they have been his good Samaritan. There is abundant fun throughout, and Kelly himself is irresistible. The finish was strong. There is no doubt about the success of the sketch with our audiences. Think Kelly is drawing money to the house, and will continue to do so. XMAS ON BLACKWELL'S ISLAND, Sidney Deane:- 20 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:15. This act played with us about a year ago and made good, but this time it seems to have done even better. It is certainly novel, cleverly conceived, with not a dull line in it, and some rich musical numbers. The humor won plenty of laughter, and the songs, particularly the pathetic numbers, got immense applause. The finish was all that could be desired, with two curtain clls. One of the most novel and interesting acts in Vaudeville. DeHAVEN & PARKER, Singing and Dancing:-18 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:35. Good advance hand. These people are well known. In each one of their features they held the attention of the audience. Their singing and dancing is very graceful and pleasing. This act would make good anywhere on the bill. It was moved down from the eighth place to the hardest spot, and held it admirably. JACKSON FAMILY, Bicycle-act:- 17n in. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:53. Four men and four women, all of them well costumed and thorouhly expert. Some of their evolutions are marvellous for precision. Makes one of the most finished and beautiful closing acts in the business. KINETOGRAPH:- JULIA AT THE BARRACKS:-Very amusing French film of a girl who masquerades in her soldier-lover's clothes and gets into all sort of trouble. CHAMPAGNE-MAKING:-Interesting and industrial film with a good good finish. Altogether the KINETOGRAPH is up to the standard.
Keith-Albee Collection