Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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Columbus Show Week Feby. 11th. — 07. W. W. Prosser. THE MOZARTS: Eccentric singers and dancers: man and woman: A very good opening act. Man sings fairly well. — Woman introduces skipping rope dance that seemed to please. — Use for a finish funny long shoe dance that made good and took them off nicely. — Special drop showing shoe maker’s shop in two. — 17 minutes. SAONA: Living portraits from The Hall Of Fame: This man does a series of impersonations of various famous characters and does them in a way that places him in the good graces of his audience. — He made a distinct hit and pleased greatly. — C. D. F. 12 minutes. PICCOLO MIDGETS: An act so well known that comment is unnecessary except to say that they were a decided hit and proved an excellent number. Open street in one, close Palace full stage. — 19 minutes. MORROW and SCHELLBERG: Mimicry, song, and The Cow Boy Girl: Man and woman: Very good singing act, especially the woman: mimicry of man went well but for some reason the act failed to finish as strong as its opening would naturally suggest. -- 15 minutes. JULIUS STEGER: 'The Fifth Commandment' -- A most excellent one act musical dramatic playlet which made a hit of the first water. -- Mr. Steger impersonates the character of Carl Winters most admirably and demonstrates the fact that he is an actor of the emotional order to be reckoned with. -- This act is far superior to the usual thing in vaudeville and upon its initial presentation here went straight to the hearts of all who saw it. -- The support by Wm. H. Pascoe and Helen Mar Wilcox is all that could be desired. -- Will be greatly disappointed if this act does not create lots of favorable mention during its stay here, for it certainly deserves success from every standpoint. -- 22 minutes in Library. JULIUS TANNEN: The best monologue act we have had. -- This man gets them coming the minutes he takes his place on the stage and keeps his audience with him all of the time. -- His imitations of George Cohan, DeWolf Hopper, and Warfield are extraordinarily good and he may put down as the biggest sort of a hit. -- 24 minutes in one. COLLINS and HART: -- Two Strong Men: A very clever comedy act introducing burlesque feats of strength. -- They went strong and received liberal applause at the finish for their efforts to please. -- Open in one close full stage: 15 minutes: KINETOGRAPH: Very fair pictures consisting of International Cross Country Run, and The Villain Still Pursued Her.
Columbus Show Week Feby. 11th. — 07. W. W. Prosser. THE MOZARTS: Eccentric singers and dancers: man and woman: A very good opening act. Man sings fairly well. — Woman introduces skipping rope dance that seemed to please. — Use for a finish funny long shoe dance that made good and took them off nicely. — Special drop showing shoe maker’s shop in two. — 17 minutes. SAONA: Living portraits from The Hall Of Fame: This man does a series of impersonations of various famous characters and does them in a way that places him in the good graces of his audience. — He made a distinct hit and pleased greatly. — C. D. F. 12 minutes. PICCOLO MIDGETS: An act so well known that comment is unnecessary except to say that they were a decided hit and proved an excellent number. Open street in one, close Palace full stage. — 19 minutes. MORROW and SCHELLBERG: Mimicry, song, and The Cow Boy Girl: Man and woman: Very good singing act, especially the woman: mimicry of man went well but for some reason the act failed to finish as strong as its opening would naturally suggest. -- 15 minutes. JULIUS STEGER: 'The Fifth Commandment' -- A most excellent one act musical dramatic playlet which made a hit of the first water. -- Mr. Steger impersonates the character of Carl Winters most admirably and demonstrates the fact that he is an actor of the emotional order to be reckoned with. -- This act is far superior to the usual thing in vaudeville and upon its initial presentation here went straight to the hearts of all who saw it. -- The support by Wm. H. Pascoe and Helen Mar Wilcox is all that could be desired. -- Will be greatly disappointed if this act does not create lots of favorable mention during its stay here, for it certainly deserves success from every standpoint. -- 22 minutes in Library. JULIUS TANNEN: The best monologue act we have had. -- This man gets them coming the minutes he takes his place on the stage and keeps his audience with him all of the time. -- His imitations of George Cohan, DeWolf Hopper, and Warfield are extraordinarily good and he may put down as the biggest sort of a hit. -- 24 minutes in one. COLLINS and HART: -- Two Strong Men: A very clever comedy act introducing burlesque feats of strength. -- They went strong and received liberal applause at the finish for their efforts to please. -- Open in one close full stage: 15 minutes: KINETOGRAPH: Very fair pictures consisting of International Cross Country Run, and The Villain Still Pursued Her.
Keith-Albee Collection