Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 20a
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McCUE & CARILL, "The Irishmen with Italian Voices":- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:07. Two men, both working straight. They have very good voices and sing with a good deal of harmony and soufulness. The audience liked them and applauded frequently. Close was very good for a straight singing act. They use a piano in 1. BROWN, HARRIS & BROWN: "Just to Laugh--That's All":- 25 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:20. Well known on the Circuit. It is only necessary to say that it went just as strong as ever, soon got the crowd screaming and kept them in roars of laughter right up to the finish. Could hold any spot on any bill that required a strong, rough-and-ready comedy feature. Four funny curtain calls at close. Mae MELICK'S BIRDS:- 12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:45. This is a very interesting attraction for any Vaudeville bill. Mae herself is a pleasing well-dressed person, her paraphenalia is ship-shape and professional, but the amazing number of tricks the birds do, (including trapeze work, horizontal bars, bicycle riding, cake walk and other remarkable feats) hold the interest of the crowd, and proves it one of the prettiest acts in Vaudeville. There was liberal applause throughout and strong close. ARTHUR WHITELAW, Monologue:- 15 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:57. This man held down this difficult spot and did it well. His line of talk is original and got the house strong. Whitelaw is a genuine humorist, with a personality that would carry him anywhere. The finishig song got big hand. MAY BOLEY & POLLY GIRLS, Sing. & Dancing:- 13 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:12 This is certainly an "A.A.1" girl-act. The dancing is expert and lively. Music is excellent and the comedy great, bt the stage-management largely makes it what it is. Miss Boley is a little genius of humor. Every minute on the stage there was roars of laughter, and she made friends with all parts of the house. "The Village Cut-Ups" are irresistible. There were three recalls, and the burlesque opera finish in 1. was a scream. This act is sure to pull business to the house this week. ETHEL LEVEY, (Mrs. Geo. M. Cohan):- 12 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:30 Prolonged advance applause, probably owing to the fact that she has just been victorious in her divorce suit, and all the women sympathized with her. Miss Levey's charming personality and stage genius is too well known to need any comment. Every one of her songs and dances, in fact, everything she did is artistic and thoroughly professional, and got an immense hand. She will draw big business this week. Closed strong, with an encore and three curtain calls. "THE RED OWL", (William Gillette's):-28 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:45. This is in every way an admirable sketch. It shows the ear-marks of a master hand and professional development of central idea and treatment such as only a Gillette could do. More than that, it is presented by a well-trained cast, following the author's ideals in "business" and delivery to the strictest letter, and worthy of most critical consideration from every standpoint. Gillette has seen that his work is offered to the public with a zealous eye to preserving the initial idea, and so heighten his own fame as a playwright. With all parts of the house the sketch held interest and won admiration. The plot has been retold in other criticisms, so it is only necessary to say that so far as our audience is concerned, the sketch proved, and doubtless will prove, a genuine winner here. We count ourselves very fortunate in having such an admirable headliner to top an otherwise excellent bil lfor a holiday week. little shifting makes an ideal holiday bill. The newspapers have been very favorable and a still better test is the laudatory spirit of the patrons who have expressed themselves to various members of the house staff in flattering tones. We are sure that every patron who has left the house had become a good advertisement with his or her friends. Whatever the weather conditions, this cannoy fail to be a record-breaking week for this time of the year. FEJ.
McCUE & CARILL, "The Irishmen with Italian Voices":- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:07. Two men, both working straight. They have very good voices and sing with a good deal of harmony and soufulness. The audience liked them and applauded frequently. Close was very good for a straight singing act. They use a piano in 1. BROWN, HARRIS & BROWN: "Just to Laugh--That's All":- 25 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:20. Well known on the Circuit. It is only necessary to say that it went just as strong as ever, soon got the crowd screaming and kept them in roars of laughter right up to the finish. Could hold any spot on any bill that required a strong, rough-and-ready comedy feature. Four funny curtain calls at close. Mae MELICK'S BIRDS:- 12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:45. This is a very interesting attraction for any Vaudeville bill. Mae herself is a pleasing well-dressed person, her paraphenalia is ship-shape and professional, but the amazing number of tricks the birds do, (including trapeze work, horizontal bars, bicycle riding, cake walk and other remarkable feats) hold the interest of the crowd, and proves it one of the prettiest acts in Vaudeville. There was liberal applause throughout and strong close. ARTHUR WHITELAW, Monologue:- 15 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:57. This man held down this difficult spot and did it well. His line of talk is original and got the house strong. Whitelaw is a genuine humorist, with a personality that would carry him anywhere. The finishig song got big hand. MAY BOLEY & POLLY GIRLS, Sing. & Dancing:- 13 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:12 This is certainly an "A.A.1" girl-act. The dancing is expert and lively. Music is excellent and the comedy great, bt the stage-management largely makes it what it is. Miss Boley is a little genius of humor. Every minute on the stage there was roars of laughter, and she made friends with all parts of the house. "The Village Cut-Ups" are irresistible. There were three recalls, and the burlesque opera finish in 1. was a scream. This act is sure to pull business to the house this week. ETHEL LEVEY, (Mrs. Geo. M. Cohan):- 12 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:30 Prolonged advance applause, probably owing to the fact that she has just been victorious in her divorce suit, and all the women sympathized with her. Miss Levey's charming personality and stage genius is too well known to need any comment. Every one of her songs and dances, in fact, everything she did is artistic and thoroughly professional, and got an immense hand. She will draw big business this week. Closed strong, with an encore and three curtain calls. "THE RED OWL", (William Gillette's):-28 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:45. This is in every way an admirable sketch. It shows the ear-marks of a master hand and professional development of central idea and treatment such as only a Gillette could do. More than that, it is presented by a well-trained cast, following the author's ideals in "business" and delivery to the strictest letter, and worthy of most critical consideration from every standpoint. Gillette has seen that his work is offered to the public with a zealous eye to preserving the initial idea, and so heighten his own fame as a playwright. With all parts of the house the sketch held interest and won admiration. The plot has been retold in other criticisms, so it is only necessary to say that so far as our audience is concerned, the sketch proved, and doubtless will prove, a genuine winner here. We count ourselves very fortunate in having such an admirable headliner to top an otherwise excellent bil lfor a holiday week. little shifting makes an ideal holiday bill. The newspapers have been very favorable and a still better test is the laudatory spirit of the patrons who have expressed themselves to various members of the house staff in flattering tones. We are sure that every patron who has left the house had become a good advertisement with his or her friends. Whatever the weather conditions, this cannoy fail to be a record-breaking week for this time of the year. FEJ.
Keith-Albee Collection