Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 26b
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#3.-- LOUISE BAFFIN'S MONKEYS:-12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:31. In spite of the fact that this performer lost some of her monkeys recently, there are enough left to make a very creditable showing. Her appearance is particularly pre-possessing, and her paraphenalia and the costuming of the animals are show-man-like and pleasing. The monkeys perform various feats on pedestals, the mat, and above all, the trapeze, the latter receiving good applause and catching the crowd strong. I think there is as much interest aroused by the monkeys playing loose around the stage as anything else. Closed good. Went down the line after first performance. TRIXIE FRIGANZA, Comedienne:- 20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:43. Friganza and her work are too well known to need much comment. She knows how to sing a song to perfection and get the best out of it, and her talk is spontaneous of the champagne order. The only possible objection would be slight suggestion of coarseness at times, which she afterwards held in check. Each one of her songs went big, and she was compelled at the close to respond to two encores, and two curtain calls. There is no doubt that, purely as an entertainer, Miss Friganza proves better than Ethel Lavey for our hosue. WILTON BROTHERS, Comedy Bar-Act:- 12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 10:03. This act is well known on the Circuit, and it is only necessary to state, that it went immensely as ever. The comedy is especially good, and the acrobatic work wins strong applause, leading up to a brilliant finish. One of the best closing acts in the business. KINETOGRAPH:- A MODERN DIOGENES:- A very funny series and got many laughs. ALLADIN AND HIS WONDERFUL LAMP:-This is a beautiful film, of the fantastic order so well known but it held the interest throughout. A DETERMINED CREDITOR:-This is a French film that leads up to a running finish, as is usual with humorous features of this kind. GENERAL REMARKS:- Mr. Holland's afternoon performance was spirited and artistic, and certainly won the house, as the newspaper critics this morning concur in. Between the afternoon performance and that of the evening, however, he was taken ill, and the evening performance showed visibly that he was not up to form.-However, the audience approved of it very loyally and although he was quite ill throughout the night, he managed to go through a very creditable performance this Tuesday afternoon. I do not apprehend much more trouble on that score this week. The show, as a whole, is highly praised by both the pbulic and the press, and Keith patrons are throughout the night, he managed to go through much more trouble on that score this week. The show, as a whole, is highly praised by both the public and the press, and Keith patrons are certainly "on" to the fact that we are giving them the goods, and are rewarding us with practically capacity business. There were no distinct fall-downs in our program this week, whereas there were several pleasant surprises. Big business will doubtless be the rule for the balance of the week.-- -o- FEJ.
#3.-- LOUISE BAFFIN'S MONKEYS:-12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:31. In spite of the fact that this performer lost some of her monkeys recently, there are enough left to make a very creditable showing. Her appearance is particularly pre-possessing, and her paraphenalia and the costuming of the animals are show-man-like and pleasing. The monkeys perform various feats on pedestals, the mat, and above all, the trapeze, the latter receiving good applause and catching the crowd strong. I think there is as much interest aroused by the monkeys playing loose around the stage as anything else. Closed good. Went down the line after first performance. TRIXIE FRIGANZA, Comedienne:- 20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:43. Friganza and her work are too well known to need much comment. She knows how to sing a song to perfection and get the best out of it, and her talk is spontaneous of the champagne order. The only possible objection would be slight suggestion of coarseness at times, which she afterwards held in check. Each one of her songs went big, and she was compelled at the close to respond to two encores, and two curtain calls. There is no doubt that, purely as an entertainer, Miss Friganza proves better than Ethel Lavey for our hosue. WILTON BROTHERS, Comedy Bar-Act:- 12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 10:03. This act is well known on the Circuit, and it is only necessary to state, that it went immensely as ever. The comedy is especially good, and the acrobatic work wins strong applause, leading up to a brilliant finish. One of the best closing acts in the business. KINETOGRAPH:- A MODERN DIOGENES:- A very funny series and got many laughs. ALLADIN AND HIS WONDERFUL LAMP:-This is a beautiful film, of the fantastic order so well known but it held the interest throughout. A DETERMINED CREDITOR:-This is a French film that leads up to a running finish, as is usual with humorous features of this kind. GENERAL REMARKS:- Mr. Holland's afternoon performance was spirited and artistic, and certainly won the house, as the newspaper critics this morning concur in. Between the afternoon performance and that of the evening, however, he was taken ill, and the evening performance showed visibly that he was not up to form.-However, the audience approved of it very loyally and although he was quite ill throughout the night, he managed to go through a very creditable performance this Tuesday afternoon. I do not apprehend much more trouble on that score this week. The show, as a whole, is highly praised by both the pbulic and the press, and Keith patrons are throughout the night, he managed to go through much more trouble on that score this week. The show, as a whole, is highly praised by both the public and the press, and Keith patrons are certainly "on" to the fact that we are giving them the goods, and are rewarding us with practically capacity business. There were no distinct fall-downs in our program this week, whereas there were several pleasant surprises. Big business will doubtless be the rule for the balance of the week.-- -o- FEJ.
Keith-Albee Collection