Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 36
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36 Columbus, Show, Keith's Theatre: Week March 4th. -0u7. W. W. Prosser. DORSCH & RUSSEL: Novelty musical act ' The Musical Railroaders." A very fair act and all right for an opener. --They play a number of unique instruments and play them pretty well. --Can't say that the comedy member is very funny but the act generally speaking gets by very nicely. Special set. -- 15 minutes. ARLINGTON FOUR: Male quartet comedy act in one. -- The 'coon' makes good with both his singing and dancing, but the remaining members of the four would not be especially missed at any stage of the game. Two of them dance ordinarily well, but of their singing ensemble, the less said the better. -- 16 minutes, GARDNER and MADDEN: A very tiresome comedy sketch entitled " Too Many Darlings" -- It was very difficult for them to convince the audience that they possessed the slightest merit. -- In fact judging from their reception they were far from passably good. --The woman was suffering with a very severe cold which may have hampered them some, but all in all " Too Many Darlings" is NOT what they want in Columbus. C. D. F. 24Min. BESSIE WYNN: The best single woman singing act that we have seen here for a long. -- She can sing, has a very pleasing personality, dresses weel and in good taste. -- Made a substantial hit and deserved all the praise she elicited. -- 18 minutes in one. PAPINTA: An act too well known to necessitate comment. -- She went well and may be termed a hit but not a great one. -- The act is pretty to look at but that's about all. -- 12 minutes. ELMER TENLEY: Does a monologue in one. -- Went but fairly well and at times had a very hard time holding them at all. -- Not a hit by an means. 13 minutes in one. The FOUR EVERETTS: Two men two women: Novelty acrobats: Quite a number of clever stunts are introduced by these people. -- They were really the hit of the bill excepting Bessie Wynn. -- Garden in Three: 11 minutes. PICTURES: A Trip to Niagara Falls and A Tramp Dog: Both bery good.
36 Columbus, Show, Keith's Theatre: Week March 4th. -0u7. W. W. Prosser. DORSCH & RUSSEL: Novelty musical act ' The Musical Railroaders." A very fair act and all right for an opener. --They play a number of unique instruments and play them pretty well. --Can't say that the comedy member is very funny but the act generally speaking gets by very nicely. Special set. -- 15 minutes. ARLINGTON FOUR: Male quartet comedy act in one. -- The 'coon' makes good with both his singing and dancing, but the remaining members of the four would not be especially missed at any stage of the game. Two of them dance ordinarily well, but of their singing ensemble, the less said the better. -- 16 minutes, GARDNER and MADDEN: A very tiresome comedy sketch entitled " Too Many Darlings" -- It was very difficult for them to convince the audience that they possessed the slightest merit. -- In fact judging from their reception they were far from passably good. --The woman was suffering with a very severe cold which may have hampered them some, but all in all " Too Many Darlings" is NOT what they want in Columbus. C. D. F. 24Min. BESSIE WYNN: The best single woman singing act that we have seen here for a long. -- She can sing, has a very pleasing personality, dresses weel and in good taste. -- Made a substantial hit and deserved all the praise she elicited. -- 18 minutes in one. PAPINTA: An act too well known to necessitate comment. -- She went well and may be termed a hit but not a great one. -- The act is pretty to look at but that's about all. -- 12 minutes. ELMER TENLEY: Does a monologue in one. -- Went but fairly well and at times had a very hard time holding them at all. -- Not a hit by an means. 13 minutes in one. The FOUR EVERETTS: Two men two women: Novelty acrobats: Quite a number of clever stunts are introduced by these people. -- They were really the hit of the bill excepting Bessie Wynn. -- Garden in Three: 11 minutes. PICTURES: A Trip to Niagara Falls and A Tramp Dog: Both bery good.
Keith-Albee Collection