Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 45
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45. Columbus, Show. -- Week March 11th. 07. - ( E. W. Prosser.) ZENA KEIFE: A very clever little girl who sings three songs and does a dance to the entire satisfaction of all who hear and see her. She opened the show but notwithstanding this fact made a distinct hit and would no doubt have gone better further down the bill. Opens in one and finishes in two. -- 12 minutes. ALEXIS and SCHALL: " The Happy Pair." --Man and woman -- Work consists of singing and dancing by latter and some excellent contortion work by the former. -- A crazy sort of an act but one that seems well suited to this house. -- The man does several very taking stunts that please greatly. Garden in 2. 11 minutes. HAMILTON HILL: A straight singing act by man who does very well, but who did not get through as nicely as he should have done on account of suffering with a severe cold. -- He has a good voice and made a hit. -- 6 minutes in one. BROWN HARRIS & BROWN: Two men, one woman: Just To Laugh -- That's all: and that's all the act is. -- It defies description. -- Suffice it to say that is was a scream and one of the greatest hits we have had since this house opened. -- the comedian was a yell almost all of the time. -- The other male member has a good voice and did some songs very admirably. -- The woman does'nt count for much except to dress the act. -- She would not be missed especially but at the same time does no do any harm. -- Palace: 27 minuntes. THE SPOOK MINSTRELS: An act too well known to need comment except to say that it went very well and seemed to please. -- The picture end grew a trifle tiresome and seemd somewhat long drawn out but the singing finish rounded things out nicely and the act made good. 19 minutes. WILLARD SIMMS: " Flinder's Furnished Flat. -- A comedy sketch with a lot rough comedy brought about by a young man getting in the flat of an actress by mistake and thinking it the one he has engaged; sets in to paper the same. -- He spills a lot of paste, tears up a lot of paper, and I thought was going to ruin the piano by climbing around on it and using it as though it were a transfer wagon. -- This was very funny to the audience, but not to me, as the man from whom I rent my piano is a tenant of our building, and was in the house while HIS piano was being " Battling Nelsonized." He laughed however with the rest of the audience and was evidently pleased. -- The act finished in one -- Simms and his leading lady doing a burlesque on comic opera that made abig hit. 28 minutes. THE VIVIANS: Sharpshooters. -- Man and woman: both do excellent work with guns and revolvers. -- An act that went big and one that must be credited with making a most substantial ht. Garden: 17 minutes. [MOSHER?] HOUGHTON and MOSSER: Comedy bicycle act: They do a number of tricks that all bicycle acts do and also a number that some of them do not do. -- All of the work is good however especially that of the comedy member of the trio. -- Made hit. -- Full stage: 14 minutes. PICTURES: A Forbidden Sport & Following Father's Footsteps: -- Fair.
45. Columbus, Show. -- Week March 11th. 07. - ( E. W. Prosser.) ZENA KEIFE: A very clever little girl who sings three songs and does a dance to the entire satisfaction of all who hear and see her. She opened the show but notwithstanding this fact made a distinct hit and would no doubt have gone better further down the bill. Opens in one and finishes in two. -- 12 minutes. ALEXIS and SCHALL: " The Happy Pair." --Man and woman -- Work consists of singing and dancing by latter and some excellent contortion work by the former. -- A crazy sort of an act but one that seems well suited to this house. -- The man does several very taking stunts that please greatly. Garden in 2. 11 minutes. HAMILTON HILL: A straight singing act by man who does very well, but who did not get through as nicely as he should have done on account of suffering with a severe cold. -- He has a good voice and made a hit. -- 6 minutes in one. BROWN HARRIS & BROWN: Two men, one woman: Just To Laugh -- That's all: and that's all the act is. -- It defies description. -- Suffice it to say that is was a scream and one of the greatest hits we have had since this house opened. -- the comedian was a yell almost all of the time. -- The other male member has a good voice and did some songs very admirably. -- The woman does'nt count for much except to dress the act. -- She would not be missed especially but at the same time does no do any harm. -- Palace: 27 minuntes. THE SPOOK MINSTRELS: An act too well known to need comment except to say that it went very well and seemed to please. -- The picture end grew a trifle tiresome and seemd somewhat long drawn out but the singing finish rounded things out nicely and the act made good. 19 minutes. WILLARD SIMMS: " Flinder's Furnished Flat. -- A comedy sketch with a lot rough comedy brought about by a young man getting in the flat of an actress by mistake and thinking it the one he has engaged; sets in to paper the same. -- He spills a lot of paste, tears up a lot of paper, and I thought was going to ruin the piano by climbing around on it and using it as though it were a transfer wagon. -- This was very funny to the audience, but not to me, as the man from whom I rent my piano is a tenant of our building, and was in the house while HIS piano was being " Battling Nelsonized." He laughed however with the rest of the audience and was evidently pleased. -- The act finished in one -- Simms and his leading lady doing a burlesque on comic opera that made abig hit. 28 minutes. THE VIVIANS: Sharpshooters. -- Man and woman: both do excellent work with guns and revolvers. -- An act that went big and one that must be credited with making a most substantial ht. Garden: 17 minutes. [MOSHER?] HOUGHTON and MOSSER: Comedy bicycle act: They do a number of tricks that all bicycle acts do and also a number that some of them do not do. -- All of the work is good however especially that of the comedy member of the trio. -- Made hit. -- Full stage: 14 minutes. PICTURES: A Forbidden Sport & Following Father's Footsteps: -- Fair.
Keith-Albee Collection