Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 48
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48 MARCH 11, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C.E. BARNS. ALVIN BROTHERS, Comedy Ring-act;- 10 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 6:33. Two men, one working straight and the other eccentric. The work of both men on the rings is very good and got some scattered laughs. Comedy is fairly good for an act of this kind, the clown taking a good many heavy falls and winning some scattered laughs. On the whole, makes an acceptable opener. Closed well. PADO & BERTRAM, Sketch:- 18 min. F. S. close in 1. 3 shows. On at 6:45. Makes a very fair filler in in the three-a-day section. Girl makes three changes of costume. Man does some singing and dancing fairly well, kbut his contortion work is the best part of the act and got some good applause. Close in 1 got fair hand from gallery. HARRY BOTTER & COMPANY, , "Matrimonial Bilzzard":- 20 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:00. This sketch was seen here last Fall, but I think both the lawyer and the woman in the case got more out of it than before, although the husband and wife (each suspecting the other of wrong-doing) and applying to the same lawyer for divorce. A good many funny situations and laughable lines. On the whole, the act may be said to have made good in the this early spot. MINNIE HARRISON, Vocalists:- 10 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:18. Makes very pleasing presentation, and has a contralto voice that is well trained. Sang three songs. Although they were not new, they were well rendered and got appreciaive applause. Closed very well. SAWADAS, Jap. Jugglers:-12 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:28, This is a characteristic Japanese juggling act, prettily dressed and quite expert, both in juggling and balancing. The work of the woman on the table, balancing barrels, Jap umbrella, etc., on her feet was especially applauded. Altogether a very showy act. Have two children in their act, but owing to the trouble with the local society last time they played here, they were not allowed to go on. BINNS, BINNS, & BINNS, Musical act:- 18 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 7:45. This act is the applause hit of the show up to this time. Each one works ecccentric, playing various instruments, 'cello, horns, violin, cornet, piano, etc. They dress in the most grotesque manner and the comedy, although a little coarse at times, is ridiculous in the extreme. There were constant laughs and applause, and the finish in 1 with the sleigh bells concealed under the coats, is really one of the funniest things that has been seen in a long time, and was a knockout. A encore and two curtain calls. ALCIDE CAPITAINE, Aerial artist:- 10 min F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:02. This is one of the most fetching aerial acts in Vaudeville. This woman is not only beautiful, graceful and artistic, but physically she is nothing short of a marvel. The trapeze work got constant applause, and the work on a singles rope was new and matchless for skill. Closed with a brilliant hand. Altogether a winner with all parts of the house. is logically worked out and seemed to please the children. Altogether the Kinetograph feature is quite up to the standard. will bring the regulars and JULIUS STEGER will bring the legitimate crowd as well as the box trade. There is no doubt about the success of the bill for the balance of the week as this is good theatre weather and big business is a standing rule. CUTS and OBJECTIONS:- HYAMS & McINTYRE:- Mention of "Lydia Pinkham." ROGERS & DEELY:- Mention of "Mrs. Roosevelt."
48 MARCH 11, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C.E. BARNS. ALVIN BROTHERS, Comedy Ring-act;- 10 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 6:33. Two men, one working straight and the other eccentric. The work of both men on the rings is very good and got some scattered laughs. Comedy is fairly good for an act of this kind, the clown taking a good many heavy falls and winning some scattered laughs. On the whole, makes an acceptable opener. Closed well. PADO & BERTRAM, Sketch:- 18 min. F. S. close in 1. 3 shows. On at 6:45. Makes a very fair filler in in the three-a-day section. Girl makes three changes of costume. Man does some singing and dancing fairly well, kbut his contortion work is the best part of the act and got some good applause. Close in 1 got fair hand from gallery. HARRY BOTTER & COMPANY, , "Matrimonial Bilzzard":- 20 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:00. This sketch was seen here last Fall, but I think both the lawyer and the woman in the case got more out of it than before, although the husband and wife (each suspecting the other of wrong-doing) and applying to the same lawyer for divorce. A good many funny situations and laughable lines. On the whole, the act may be said to have made good in the this early spot. MINNIE HARRISON, Vocalists:- 10 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:18. Makes very pleasing presentation, and has a contralto voice that is well trained. Sang three songs. Although they were not new, they were well rendered and got appreciaive applause. Closed very well. SAWADAS, Jap. Jugglers:-12 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:28, This is a characteristic Japanese juggling act, prettily dressed and quite expert, both in juggling and balancing. The work of the woman on the table, balancing barrels, Jap umbrella, etc., on her feet was especially applauded. Altogether a very showy act. Have two children in their act, but owing to the trouble with the local society last time they played here, they were not allowed to go on. BINNS, BINNS, & BINNS, Musical act:- 18 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 7:45. This act is the applause hit of the show up to this time. Each one works ecccentric, playing various instruments, 'cello, horns, violin, cornet, piano, etc. They dress in the most grotesque manner and the comedy, although a little coarse at times, is ridiculous in the extreme. There were constant laughs and applause, and the finish in 1 with the sleigh bells concealed under the coats, is really one of the funniest things that has been seen in a long time, and was a knockout. A encore and two curtain calls. ALCIDE CAPITAINE, Aerial artist:- 10 min F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:02. This is one of the most fetching aerial acts in Vaudeville. This woman is not only beautiful, graceful and artistic, but physically she is nothing short of a marvel. The trapeze work got constant applause, and the work on a singles rope was new and matchless for skill. Closed with a brilliant hand. Altogether a winner with all parts of the house. is logically worked out and seemed to please the children. Altogether the Kinetograph feature is quite up to the standard. will bring the regulars and JULIUS STEGER will bring the legitimate crowd as well as the box trade. There is no doubt about the success of the bill for the balance of the week as this is good theatre weather and big business is a standing rule. CUTS and OBJECTIONS:- HYAMS & McINTYRE:- Mention of "Lydia Pinkham." ROGERS & DEELY:- Mention of "Mrs. Roosevelt."
Keith-Albee Collection