Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 48a
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#2.-Phila. ROGERS & DEELY, "Singer and the Valet":- 18 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:12. One works straight and the other blackface. The songs are good, and the comedy up to the standard of the blackface acts, a little on the order of Clfford & Burke. Closed well with encore. HYAMS & McINTYRE, "Two Hundred Wives":-25 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:32. This is a comedy sketch which is rather incoherent, but gives an opportunity for both Hyams and Miss McIntyre to do a good many of their specialties in the song-and-dance line. Each makes a change of costume, the last being a funny Dutch dress. Miss McIntyre is a very dainty little comedienne, and her child imitations got a big hand. The act could hold a good place, but was by no means a headline knockout. Good close with the curtain call. IRVING JONES, Colored Comedian:-17 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:57. Well known, and one of the very best in the business. Advance applause. Sings coon songs in an irresistible manner, and get and keeps his audience from the start. The songs were new and funny. Close was immense. JULIUS STEGER & CO., "The Fifth Commencement":- 27 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:15. This act is in every way admirably conceived and very well developed. The work of Steger's support is all that could be desired, and whereas he is handicapped in a measure by not being as thorough an actor as he is singer, nevertheless he carried the theme to a very strong climax and won an immense hand at the close, with three curtain calls. Miss Wilcox is a very charming little actress, and mr. Romano plays the harp in street musician's costume, with strong effect. The act will be talked about and draw business this week, as it will surely prove a big evening feature. GEORGE FELBER GOLDEN, Monologue:- 20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:35. Advance applause. Got the audience very quickly with a good line of stuff and kept up a running fire of laughter to the end. Some of his stories might be regarded a little objectionable, but on the whole are handled very carefully so that the act made good in the most difficult spot on the bill. Two encores and a curtain call. CARL & MARY OHM, Animals:- 13 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:55. This is a very interesting animal act, particularly as a children feature. The animals include ponies, bears, monkeys, and dogs, large and small. They do the regulation animal stunts, with little that is really novel, but at the same time it is all done in an interesting manner that brings applause and considerable laughter. The children seem to be particularly delighted in the act. Make a good closer. The paraphenalia and costuming is all that could be desired . KINETOGRAPH:-NEW YORK HARBOR:-Fairly interesting, which ough to be successful through the England States. "TEDDY" BEARS:-Very good comedy series founded on the Red Riding Hood legend in combination with the present craze for "Teddy" bears. The story is logically worked out and seemed to please the children. Altogether the Kinetograph feature is quite up to the standard. will bring the regulars and JULIUS STEGER will bring the legitimate crowd as well as the box trade. There is no doubt about the success of the bill for the balance of the week as this is good theatre weather and big business is a standing rule. CUTS and OBJECTIONS:- HYAMS & McINTYRE:- Mention of "Lydia Pinkham." ROGERS & DEELY:- Mention of "Mrs. Roosevelt."
#2.-Phila. ROGERS & DEELY, "Singer and the Valet":- 18 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:12. One works straight and the other blackface. The songs are good, and the comedy up to the standard of the blackface acts, a little on the order of Clfford & Burke. Closed well with encore. HYAMS & McINTYRE, "Two Hundred Wives":-25 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:32. This is a comedy sketch which is rather incoherent, but gives an opportunity for both Hyams and Miss McIntyre to do a good many of their specialties in the song-and-dance line. Each makes a change of costume, the last being a funny Dutch dress. Miss McIntyre is a very dainty little comedienne, and her child imitations got a big hand. The act could hold a good place, but was by no means a headline knockout. Good close with the curtain call. IRVING JONES, Colored Comedian:-17 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:57. Well known, and one of the very best in the business. Advance applause. Sings coon songs in an irresistible manner, and get and keeps his audience from the start. The songs were new and funny. Close was immense. JULIUS STEGER & CO., "The Fifth Commencement":- 27 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:15. This act is in every way admirably conceived and very well developed. The work of Steger's support is all that could be desired, and whereas he is handicapped in a measure by not being as thorough an actor as he is singer, nevertheless he carried the theme to a very strong climax and won an immense hand at the close, with three curtain calls. Miss Wilcox is a very charming little actress, and mr. Romano plays the harp in street musician's costume, with strong effect. The act will be talked about and draw business this week, as it will surely prove a big evening feature. GEORGE FELBER GOLDEN, Monologue:- 20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:35. Advance applause. Got the audience very quickly with a good line of stuff and kept up a running fire of laughter to the end. Some of his stories might be regarded a little objectionable, but on the whole are handled very carefully so that the act made good in the most difficult spot on the bill. Two encores and a curtain call. CARL & MARY OHM, Animals:- 13 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:55. This is a very interesting animal act, particularly as a children feature. The animals include ponies, bears, monkeys, and dogs, large and small. They do the regulation animal stunts, with little that is really novel, but at the same time it is all done in an interesting manner that brings applause and considerable laughter. The children seem to be particularly delighted in the act. Make a good closer. The paraphenalia and costuming is all that could be desired . KINETOGRAPH:-NEW YORK HARBOR:-Fairly interesting, which ough to be successful through the England States. "TEDDY" BEARS:-Very good comedy series founded on the Red Riding Hood legend in combination with the present craze for "Teddy" bears. The story is logically worked out and seemed to please the children. Altogether the Kinetograph feature is quite up to the standard. will bring the regulars and JULIUS STEGER will bring the legitimate crowd as well as the box trade. There is no doubt about the success of the bill for the balance of the week as this is good theatre weather and big business is a standing rule. CUTS and OBJECTIONS:- HYAMS & McINTYRE:- Mention of "Lydia Pinkham." ROGERS & DEELY:- Mention of "Mrs. Roosevelt."
Keith-Albee Collection