Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 49
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49. CLEVELAND SHOW WEEK MARCH 11TH?, 1907. ( F. Brandt.) DELPHINO AND DELMORA: European Comedy Musical Offering. Man and woman in grotesque makeup, playing on several novelty instruments which goes fairly well. The best comedy of the act is the electrical effects which he has in his make-upa. Good enough for an opening act. Full stage. 10 minutes. Close in one. 2 minutes. DORA MARTINI: Daring and graceful gymnast working on a trapeze. This is a very clever little act and finished very good. Very good act for this spot. 10 minutes. Palace. HELENA FREDERICK: America's Leading Soprano. This is one of the best straight singing acts we have had in some time and should make good anywhere. She sang three songs this afternoon and had to sing an encore. 13 minutes in one. MR AND MRS. MAX BEROL- KONORAH: Presenting their European Mystery, " Menetekel" or the Mystic Ball". This is one of the cleverest mystic acts we have had. They carry a large board suspended on two ropes which is covered with seven or eight sheets of white paper. The lady picks a colored ball from the table and places it upon the board, and at her command it will write any word that is suggested from the audience. This act is worked in full stage with all lights on and they turn the blackboard all the way around, so that you can see that their is no connection with it whatever. A very good act. 12 minutes. WILSON BROTHERS: German Comedians. Singing and talking. While this act started off tame to-day, and I was very much afraid they were not going to make good, they finally got the audience going and finished very strong. The biggest hit was the translation of their english songs to german. Finished with good applause. 15 minutes. Street. CAPT. WOODWARD'S TRAINED SEALS AND SEA LIONS: While we have played this act here before, I don't remember when it went as big as it did to-day, in fact I think it is better than it ever was. The Sea Lions are really wonderful and do a lot of stuff that a good many jugglers have hard work in doing. 20 minutes in full stage. FRANK BUSH: 18 minutes i one. A scream from start to finish. Always goes big here. "THE FUTURITY WINNER:" Edmund Day's One-act Racing Drama. There is no use of me going into details in regard to this act, as I think it has been thoroughly described before. We have had a good many acts here that created a lot of enthusiasm and applause, but the audience this afternoon beat everything I ever saw for Cleveland. During the race scene they actually stood on their feet and applauded and yelled. This has never occurred before in in a vaudeville Theatre in Cleveland to myknowledge. A good act. 19 minutes. Special set. NOTE) The show went very good this afternoon and the only change will be the switching of Helena Frederick and Wilson Bros, as we have two dumb acts to open with, and then a singing act, and think this will bring up the forepart of the bill.
49. CLEVELAND SHOW WEEK MARCH 11TH?, 1907. ( F. Brandt.) DELPHINO AND DELMORA: European Comedy Musical Offering. Man and woman in grotesque makeup, playing on several novelty instruments which goes fairly well. The best comedy of the act is the electrical effects which he has in his make-upa. Good enough for an opening act. Full stage. 10 minutes. Close in one. 2 minutes. DORA MARTINI: Daring and graceful gymnast working on a trapeze. This is a very clever little act and finished very good. Very good act for this spot. 10 minutes. Palace. HELENA FREDERICK: America's Leading Soprano. This is one of the best straight singing acts we have had in some time and should make good anywhere. She sang three songs this afternoon and had to sing an encore. 13 minutes in one. MR AND MRS. MAX BEROL- KONORAH: Presenting their European Mystery, " Menetekel" or the Mystic Ball". This is one of the cleverest mystic acts we have had. They carry a large board suspended on two ropes which is covered with seven or eight sheets of white paper. The lady picks a colored ball from the table and places it upon the board, and at her command it will write any word that is suggested from the audience. This act is worked in full stage with all lights on and they turn the blackboard all the way around, so that you can see that their is no connection with it whatever. A very good act. 12 minutes. WILSON BROTHERS: German Comedians. Singing and talking. While this act started off tame to-day, and I was very much afraid they were not going to make good, they finally got the audience going and finished very strong. The biggest hit was the translation of their english songs to german. Finished with good applause. 15 minutes. Street. CAPT. WOODWARD'S TRAINED SEALS AND SEA LIONS: While we have played this act here before, I don't remember when it went as big as it did to-day, in fact I think it is better than it ever was. The Sea Lions are really wonderful and do a lot of stuff that a good many jugglers have hard work in doing. 20 minutes in full stage. FRANK BUSH: 18 minutes i one. A scream from start to finish. Always goes big here. "THE FUTURITY WINNER:" Edmund Day's One-act Racing Drama. There is no use of me going into details in regard to this act, as I think it has been thoroughly described before. We have had a good many acts here that created a lot of enthusiasm and applause, but the audience this afternoon beat everything I ever saw for Cleveland. During the race scene they actually stood on their feet and applauded and yelled. This has never occurred before in in a vaudeville Theatre in Cleveland to myknowledge. A good act. 19 minutes. Special set. NOTE) The show went very good this afternoon and the only change will be the switching of Helena Frederick and Wilson Bros, as we have two dumb acts to open with, and then a singing act, and think this will bring up the forepart of the bill.
Keith-Albee Collection