Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 50
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50. Report on show, Keith's Theatre, Providence, R. I., Week of March 11, 1907. (Charles Levenberg, Mgr.) The bill this week while a good one contains so much that we have had before - so little that is new - that I am inclined to believe that while those who see it will be pleased, it is not one that will draw any money in the house. Daly & Devers. I have heretofore aimed to play these people once every season because they have done no harm to the show and they needed the money, but they have so continually grown worse that I am afraid I shall have to flag them hereafter. 11 min. full stage, 3 shows. Bruce & Dagneau. Two young women who make a very good appearance, have fair voices, do a singing turn with an Indian song embelished by their own scenery for the finish. Can be slated as thoroughly all right in the 3-a-day section. 11 min. open in 1, close in 3, 3 shows. Hary Jolson. Blackface comedian. Has a few good stories and fairly good personality and a decent voice. Did very well in this spot on the bill. Might stand a little better one. 16 in. in 1, 3 shows. Wood Brothers. Ring act. One of the best we have ever had. Strong applause all through and very sensational finish giving them an exceedingly strong close. 10 min. full stage, 3 shows. St. John & Le Fevre. Well-known act that held its own in this spot on the bill. 15 min. open in 2, close in 1, 3 shows. Hickman Bros. In an indescribable act (comedy) which got them a great many laughs, but very little applause at the finish. 16 min. open in 3, close in 1, 2 shows. Sunny South. Well-known colored act, ten people. The only fault I have to find with this act is the dressing of the two principals, who evidently want to make the fact stand out that they are "principals", and for that reason want to wear white people's clothes. This to my mind detracts considerably from the act. They opened very quietly, but not badly, but their finish was a terrific hurricane, giving them several curtain calls. A very good act. 18 min. full stage, 2 shows. Shean & Warren. In "Quo Vadis Upside Down". It is really a disgrace for these people to come around year after year with this same old act and I want to go on record as not wanting to play them again in it, in fact, I believe I said that before. They got a few scattered laughs throughout the act, and at the finish walked off without a single hand. It is the biggest bunce for the money we have had this season. 15 min. open in 3, close full stage, 2 shows. Arthur Whitelaw. Irish comedian; has been described before. This man went very well indeed, considering what we expect of him and at the salary paid. I would hardly say that he was worth a great deal more than we are paying him. He went first rate altho by no means, a big hit. 17 min. in 1, 2 shows. Fred Lennox & Co. In Geo. Ade's sketch "On His Uppers". Billing this act as the "headline" - as I was obliged to do because it was the only novelty of any consequence in the bill, after the withdrawal of Trixie Friganza, caused the audience to expect more from it I believe than they got. It is by no means, a headline act for Providence. For about the third in rating, it sensational nature; notably the balancing of a man on top of a Pony Cart on the head of the understander. 8 min. full stage, 2 shows. Motion Pictures. O. K.
50. Report on show, Keith's Theatre, Providence, R. I., Week of March 11, 1907. (Charles Levenberg, Mgr.) The bill this week while a good one contains so much that we have had before - so little that is new - that I am inclined to believe that while those who see it will be pleased, it is not one that will draw any money in the house. Daly & Devers. I have heretofore aimed to play these people once every season because they have done no harm to the show and they needed the money, but they have so continually grown worse that I am afraid I shall have to flag them hereafter. 11 min. full stage, 3 shows. Bruce & Dagneau. Two young women who make a very good appearance, have fair voices, do a singing turn with an Indian song embelished by their own scenery for the finish. Can be slated as thoroughly all right in the 3-a-day section. 11 min. open in 1, close in 3, 3 shows. Hary Jolson. Blackface comedian. Has a few good stories and fairly good personality and a decent voice. Did very well in this spot on the bill. Might stand a little better one. 16 in. in 1, 3 shows. Wood Brothers. Ring act. One of the best we have ever had. Strong applause all through and very sensational finish giving them an exceedingly strong close. 10 min. full stage, 3 shows. St. John & Le Fevre. Well-known act that held its own in this spot on the bill. 15 min. open in 2, close in 1, 3 shows. Hickman Bros. In an indescribable act (comedy) which got them a great many laughs, but very little applause at the finish. 16 min. open in 3, close in 1, 2 shows. Sunny South. Well-known colored act, ten people. The only fault I have to find with this act is the dressing of the two principals, who evidently want to make the fact stand out that they are "principals", and for that reason want to wear white people's clothes. This to my mind detracts considerably from the act. They opened very quietly, but not badly, but their finish was a terrific hurricane, giving them several curtain calls. A very good act. 18 min. full stage, 2 shows. Shean & Warren. In "Quo Vadis Upside Down". It is really a disgrace for these people to come around year after year with this same old act and I want to go on record as not wanting to play them again in it, in fact, I believe I said that before. They got a few scattered laughs throughout the act, and at the finish walked off without a single hand. It is the biggest bunce for the money we have had this season. 15 min. open in 3, close full stage, 2 shows. Arthur Whitelaw. Irish comedian; has been described before. This man went very well indeed, considering what we expect of him and at the salary paid. I would hardly say that he was worth a great deal more than we are paying him. He went first rate altho by no means, a big hit. 17 min. in 1, 2 shows. Fred Lennox & Co. In Geo. Ade's sketch "On His Uppers". Billing this act as the "headline" - as I was obliged to do because it was the only novelty of any consequence in the bill, after the withdrawal of Trixie Friganza, caused the audience to expect more from it I believe than they got. It is by no means, a headline act for Providence. For about the third in rating, it sensational nature; notably the balancing of a man on top of a Pony Cart on the head of the understander. 8 min. full stage, 2 shows. Motion Pictures. O. K.
Keith-Albee Collection