Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 53
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53. Boston Show, Week of March 16, 1907. (Carl D. Lothrop.) (Mon. Mar. 16--Afternoon show.) Overture. 1.30, 7 min. DeVoie Trio. On at 1.37, 10 min, full stage; 3 shows. I understand this is their second week as professionals. The act is a very good ring and novelty gymnastic exhibition. When they get working a little smoother, can occupy an early place in any bill. It is well worth the money we are paying. Ward Bros. On at 1.47, 10 min, in 1, 3 shows. A very, very good dancing act; to my mind, better than the Sharp Bros. One of the small-money acts that should be nailed for next season. Webb & Connelly. On at 1.57, 13 min, full stage; 3 min close in 1. This has the makings of a very good act, and is good value for the money. Connelly's piano stuff is as good as anybody's. The act, with a few changes and the smoothness that would come from more playing will make good anywhere up to 8.30. Les Jundts. On at 2.15, 10 min, full stage. These are the people we have known for some years as Brazil & Brazil. They are now doing a straight acrobatic act, costumed as well as any of the European acts, and with a lot of very good equilibristic feats. We have paid many a foreign act $200 that is not as good as this. I think that they should be signed for a season at $125, at which figure they would be a find. Hawley & Olcott. On at 2.25, 19 min, in 1. This act is rather talky, and while Miss Olcott is a striking-looking woman, she is far from beaing a great actress. I suppose that the act is handicapped this week by working in 1, but this is according to agreement. One objection to it is that it deals with the story of a gentleman with a jag, and consequently has a bar-room atmosphere that is distasteful in this house. Contains some bright lines. Would not care to repeat it. Max Millian. On at 2.44, 13 min, full stage. He is a fine violinist, and his sister plays his accompaniments very acceptably. A thoroughly high-class musical act. Dick Lynch. On at 2.57, 17 min, in 1. Lynch thoroughly made good with his burlesque ballads, and with his dancing. Moulier Sisters. On at 3.14, 8 min, full stage. The best act of its kind in the business. One of the girls has a bad knee which she threw out this afternoon, but after going off the stage for a couple of minutes, she returned and finished the act. I think this is the one who has had trouble before this season, and was the cause of the act laying off for several weeks. I had about as soon have the two sound performers at proportionate salary. Gate Quintet can beat this act to death, as far as making good with an audience goes, for the simple reason that they go at things in the real old-fashioned coon way, and do not have the idea that they are presenting Senegambian musical comedy. Kinetograph. On at 4.35, 25 min. I am holding "Daniel Boone" and "The Master's Tea Service" for a second week, for the reasons that they made very good last week, and the reel I received for this week did not appeal to me. From the way the pictures held the audience this afternoon, I am very glad that no change was made. George E. Whalen. On at 4.57, 12 min, in 1. His baton-juggling is clever, while his monologue matter would pass muster. Well worth the $40 we are paying him this week. Will made good in a number two spot in the smaller houses, particularly in a week when there is a big feature in, and the rest of the bill will stand trimming down.
53. Boston Show, Week of March 16, 1907. (Carl D. Lothrop.) (Mon. Mar. 16--Afternoon show.) Overture. 1.30, 7 min. DeVoie Trio. On at 1.37, 10 min, full stage; 3 shows. I understand this is their second week as professionals. The act is a very good ring and novelty gymnastic exhibition. When they get working a little smoother, can occupy an early place in any bill. It is well worth the money we are paying. Ward Bros. On at 1.47, 10 min, in 1, 3 shows. A very, very good dancing act; to my mind, better than the Sharp Bros. One of the small-money acts that should be nailed for next season. Webb & Connelly. On at 1.57, 13 min, full stage; 3 min close in 1. This has the makings of a very good act, and is good value for the money. Connelly's piano stuff is as good as anybody's. The act, with a few changes and the smoothness that would come from more playing will make good anywhere up to 8.30. Les Jundts. On at 2.15, 10 min, full stage. These are the people we have known for some years as Brazil & Brazil. They are now doing a straight acrobatic act, costumed as well as any of the European acts, and with a lot of very good equilibristic feats. We have paid many a foreign act $200 that is not as good as this. I think that they should be signed for a season at $125, at which figure they would be a find. Hawley & Olcott. On at 2.25, 19 min, in 1. This act is rather talky, and while Miss Olcott is a striking-looking woman, she is far from beaing a great actress. I suppose that the act is handicapped this week by working in 1, but this is according to agreement. One objection to it is that it deals with the story of a gentleman with a jag, and consequently has a bar-room atmosphere that is distasteful in this house. Contains some bright lines. Would not care to repeat it. Max Millian. On at 2.44, 13 min, full stage. He is a fine violinist, and his sister plays his accompaniments very acceptably. A thoroughly high-class musical act. Dick Lynch. On at 2.57, 17 min, in 1. Lynch thoroughly made good with his burlesque ballads, and with his dancing. Moulier Sisters. On at 3.14, 8 min, full stage. The best act of its kind in the business. One of the girls has a bad knee which she threw out this afternoon, but after going off the stage for a couple of minutes, she returned and finished the act. I think this is the one who has had trouble before this season, and was the cause of the act laying off for several weeks. I had about as soon have the two sound performers at proportionate salary. Gate Quintet can beat this act to death, as far as making good with an audience goes, for the simple reason that they go at things in the real old-fashioned coon way, and do not have the idea that they are presenting Senegambian musical comedy. Kinetograph. On at 4.35, 25 min. I am holding "Daniel Boone" and "The Master's Tea Service" for a second week, for the reasons that they made very good last week, and the reel I received for this week did not appeal to me. From the way the pictures held the audience this afternoon, I am very glad that no change was made. George E. Whalen. On at 4.57, 12 min, in 1. His baton-juggling is clever, while his monologue matter would pass muster. Well worth the $40 we are paying him this week. Will made good in a number two spot in the smaller houses, particularly in a week when there is a big feature in, and the rest of the bill will stand trimming down.
Keith-Albee Collection