Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 56a
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56. Bertie Herron. 12 min. in 1, 2 shows. Rafayette's Dpgs. Been described before from other houses. Very striking act for us and should draw us quite a little money from the Juveniles. 11 min. full stage, 2 shows. Coakley & McBride. Well-known blackface singing and dancing talking act, it went first rate but it isn't an act that I would want to play very often. 19 min. in 1, 3 shows. Carleton Macy & Maud Edna Hall. In "The Magpie and The Jay". I believe this is probably the best sketch we ever have played and I don't know that we ever have had a sketch better acted than it is by the three people in this cast. The act has been described from the other houses, so I need say nothing further than it was a great big hit and I believe will be the means of drawing us a lot of business. 22 min. full stage, 2 shows. Three Dumonds. Parisian Street Minstrels. Here is another good act that has practically outlived its usefulness for us, at least I should like to give them a rest of two or three years. Like the Mowatts, they have been seen so often, but if they brought around some new selections they would be all right, but where they have the same music and the same painful attempts at comedy, etc, there is no value to the best of the acts, after constant seeing and hearing. 15 min. in 1, 2 shows. Hyams & McIntyre. This is practically a talking and singing act with a little bit of plot thrown in . They have a lot of bright stuff which they both deliver exceedingly well. Miss McIntyre's child song "Sis For Shame" being a breat big hit. A very good act indeed. 34 min. open in 3-1/2, close in 1, 2 shows. Belleclaire Bros. We have had many hand-balancing, strong man acts in the house, but nothing that compares with this in the slightest degree. The act was not a hit this afterMotionnoon; it was a sensation, and is another feature that I look for to pull business. 11 min full stage, 2 shows. Motion Pictures. O. K.
56. Bertie Herron. 12 min. in 1, 2 shows. Rafayette's Dpgs. Been described before from other houses. Very striking act for us and should draw us quite a little money from the Juveniles. 11 min. full stage, 2 shows. Coakley & McBride. Well-known blackface singing and dancing talking act, it went first rate but it isn't an act that I would want to play very often. 19 min. in 1, 3 shows. Carleton Macy & Maud Edna Hall. In "The Magpie and The Jay". I believe this is probably the best sketch we ever have played and I don't know that we ever have had a sketch better acted than it is by the three people in this cast. The act has been described from the other houses, so I need say nothing further than it was a great big hit and I believe will be the means of drawing us a lot of business. 22 min. full stage, 2 shows. Three Dumonds. Parisian Street Minstrels. Here is another good act that has practically outlived its usefulness for us, at least I should like to give them a rest of two or three years. Like the Mowatts, they have been seen so often, but if they brought around some new selections they would be all right, but where they have the same music and the same painful attempts at comedy, etc, there is no value to the best of the acts, after constant seeing and hearing. 15 min. in 1, 2 shows. Hyams & McIntyre. This is practically a talking and singing act with a little bit of plot thrown in . They have a lot of bright stuff which they both deliver exceedingly well. Miss McIntyre's child song "Sis For Shame" being a breat big hit. A very good act indeed. 34 min. open in 3-1/2, close in 1, 2 shows. Belleclaire Bros. We have had many hand-balancing, strong man acts in the house, but nothing that compares with this in the slightest degree. The act was not a hit this afterMotionnoon; it was a sensation, and is another feature that I look for to pull business. 11 min full stage, 2 shows. Motion Pictures. O. K.
Keith-Albee Collection