Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 59
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59. MARCH 18, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C.E. BARNS. LYONS & GULLUM, Com. Sketch:- 13 min. in 3. 3 shows. On at 6:27. Man and woman. Only a fair opener. Man does imitations of animals, Syphon bottle, locomotive, etc. Girl dances fairly well. Closed mildly. BELLE EARLY, Vocliaste:- 11 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 6:40. Straight singing act of about the average ability. The songs are well selected and well sung. Miss Farle dresses becomingly and makes good presentation. Close was fair. RENIER & GOUDIER, Sister-act:- 12 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:05. Two girls who are pretty and attractive. Act consists of popular songs with three changes of costume, all of them effective. Make a rattling finish in cowboy dress. This act could go further down the bill with credit. Closed well. MLLE MABEL & HER ANIMALS:- 15 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:17. This local act has improved very much since it was here last year. The little girl is more expert, older and prettier and the costuming, as well as the dressing of the act is much improved. Her animals consist of baboon, two small monkeys and three well trained dogs who perform the usual animal stunts, receiving good hand. The closing feaature of the act is a miniature circus, one of the dogs masqueraded as a horse, the monkeys jumping off and on from a small pedestal. Received very good hand at close. Safe three-a-day act for any house and was put down the bill after first performance. JOCK WHITFORD, Scotch comedian:-20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 7:37. We were led to believe that this act was so very Scotch that it would not appeal to our audiences very strongly. However, the novelty of Whitford's work seemed to get them interested right away and he received good hands for each one of his songs. Whitford keeps constantly in motion from one end of the stage to the other, and puts in a lot of funny business that brings titter from all parts of the house. His stories are told quite originally, and altogether there is a sprightliness and sureness about his work that ought to make him a favorite. Think that he will go even better and stronger with the evening audiences this week. Will go down a little farther on the bill. MARCO TWINS, Comedy:- 10 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 7:57. This is one of the funniest knock-about acts that we have ever had. It is a perfect scream. The dwarf appears in a costume of a little Irishman and the giant in a grotesque woman's attire. The act consists in a little talk and a good deal of tumbling, the giant being something of a contortionist and the dwarf taking some ludicrous falls, a good deal after the manner of Buster Keaton. The finish of the act ( throwing the dwarf into one of the stage boxes) brought tremendous laughter and won for them three curtain calls. on here before and went just as big. The line of talk is good and well delivered. The laughs were constant and close in 1 was quite as strong as the rest. Made their accustomed strong finish. FOUR BARDS, Gymnasts:- 10 min. F. S. On at 9:54. Well known act. These men perform some of the most sensational feats in gymnastics that have ever been attempted on this stage. The applause for each one of them was great. The men make a fine appearance and are marvellously trained. The finished act is one of the most daring and difficult and received tremendous applause. Closed very strong. KINETOGRA?H BY MOONLIGHT:- Interesting. TWO LITTLE SCAMPS; Quite funny. TEDDY BEARS; Held over from last week. Very good children's film. GENERAL REMARKS:- Not quite as strong a show as that of last week, but will make good. "SIDE SHOW" not the big hit that we expected for a grand headliner, but holds its own very well at 8:19.-RENIER & GOUDIER, MABEL'S ANIMALS, JOCK WHITFORD and THE MARCO TWINS all went better than anticipated. The others on the whole made good.
59. MARCH 18, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C.E. BARNS. LYONS & GULLUM, Com. Sketch:- 13 min. in 3. 3 shows. On at 6:27. Man and woman. Only a fair opener. Man does imitations of animals, Syphon bottle, locomotive, etc. Girl dances fairly well. Closed mildly. BELLE EARLY, Vocliaste:- 11 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 6:40. Straight singing act of about the average ability. The songs are well selected and well sung. Miss Farle dresses becomingly and makes good presentation. Close was fair. RENIER & GOUDIER, Sister-act:- 12 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:05. Two girls who are pretty and attractive. Act consists of popular songs with three changes of costume, all of them effective. Make a rattling finish in cowboy dress. This act could go further down the bill with credit. Closed well. MLLE MABEL & HER ANIMALS:- 15 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:17. This local act has improved very much since it was here last year. The little girl is more expert, older and prettier and the costuming, as well as the dressing of the act is much improved. Her animals consist of baboon, two small monkeys and three well trained dogs who perform the usual animal stunts, receiving good hand. The closing feaature of the act is a miniature circus, one of the dogs masqueraded as a horse, the monkeys jumping off and on from a small pedestal. Received very good hand at close. Safe three-a-day act for any house and was put down the bill after first performance. JOCK WHITFORD, Scotch comedian:-20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 7:37. We were led to believe that this act was so very Scotch that it would not appeal to our audiences very strongly. However, the novelty of Whitford's work seemed to get them interested right away and he received good hands for each one of his songs. Whitford keeps constantly in motion from one end of the stage to the other, and puts in a lot of funny business that brings titter from all parts of the house. His stories are told quite originally, and altogether there is a sprightliness and sureness about his work that ought to make him a favorite. Think that he will go even better and stronger with the evening audiences this week. Will go down a little farther on the bill. MARCO TWINS, Comedy:- 10 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 7:57. This is one of the funniest knock-about acts that we have ever had. It is a perfect scream. The dwarf appears in a costume of a little Irishman and the giant in a grotesque woman's attire. The act consists in a little talk and a good deal of tumbling, the giant being something of a contortionist and the dwarf taking some ludicrous falls, a good deal after the manner of Buster Keaton. The finish of the act ( throwing the dwarf into one of the stage boxes) brought tremendous laughter and won for them three curtain calls. on here before and went just as big. The line of talk is good and well delivered. The laughs were constant and close in 1 was quite as strong as the rest. Made their accustomed strong finish. FOUR BARDS, Gymnasts:- 10 min. F. S. On at 9:54. Well known act. These men perform some of the most sensational feats in gymnastics that have ever been attempted on this stage. The applause for each one of them was great. The men make a fine appearance and are marvellously trained. The finished act is one of the most daring and difficult and received tremendous applause. Closed very strong. KINETOGRA?H BY MOONLIGHT:- Interesting. TWO LITTLE SCAMPS; Quite funny. TEDDY BEARS; Held over from last week. Very good children's film. GENERAL REMARKS:- Not quite as strong a show as that of last week, but will make good. "SIDE SHOW" not the big hit that we expected for a grand headliner, but holds its own very well at 8:19.-RENIER & GOUDIER, MABEL'S ANIMALS, JOCK WHITFORD and THE MARCO TWINS all went better than anticipated. The others on the whole made good.
Keith-Albee Collection