Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 59a
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#2.-Phila. DR. JOHN R. BOWKER, Imperial India": 12 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:07. This is an innovation in Vaudeville. I think the better part of the audience appreciated Dr. Bowker's clever talk which was always interesting and at times eloquent. The pictures are highly colored and some of them beautiful. "SIDE SHOW" (Ned Wayburn's):- 27 min. F.S. (Open iin 1.) On at 8:19. 2 shows. This act has been reported at length from N.Y. It went pretty well to-day. I think that it will continue to improve throughout the week, as it has improved considerably from the first presentation in Trenton. The singing and dancing of Pilcer got good applause, as did that of Dot Williams, who is a very dainty and charming little comedienne. The "freaks" won a good hand, and the funny fat girls bathing finish was immense. MAYBELLE ADAMS, Violiniste:- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:46. This young lady plays with precision, spirit and at the same time, sweetness of tone. Each one of her selections got good hand and the finish was good. A very dainty and pleasing act. WALTER C. WROE'S DANCING WONDERS:- 20 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 8:59. This is a local act and little need be said, except that it made good from every standpoint, and means a good many hundred dollars to the Box Office this week. The children belong to some of Philadelphia's best families, and were trained in Wroe's dancing academy in the building. They were the applause hit of the show up to this time, and will go down the bill for the rest of the week. MARY NORMAN. "Types of American Girls":-18 min. worked entirely in one and-a-half. 2 shows. Types of Boston, girl, San Francisco, N. Y. and Chicago. Miss Norman's work is very artistic and interesting. The audience appreciated every one of the types and gave liberal applause. This act will certainly pull with the evening audiences. MiOnss Norman's personality is charming and she has a bright way of saying her witty lines. Will be a favorite before the week is out. THORNE & CARLETON, "American Jesters":- 17 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:37. Well known act on the Circuit. Practically the same as when presented here before and went just as big. The line of talk is good and well delivered. The laughs were constant and close in 1 was quite as strong as the rest. Made their accustomed strong finish. FOUR BARDS, Gymnasts:- 10 min. F. S. On at 9:54. Well known act. These men perform some of the most sensational feats in gymnastics that have ever been attempted on this stage. The applause for each one of them was great. The men make a fine appearance and are marvellously trained. The finished act is one of the most daring and difficult and received tremendous applause. Closed very strong. KINETOGRA?H BY MOONLIGHT:- Interesting. TWO LITTLE SCAMPS; Quite funny. TEDDY BEARS; Held over from last week. Very good children's film. GENERAL REMARKS:- Not quite as strong a show as that of last week, but will make good. "SIDE SHOW" not the big hit that we expected for a grand headliner, but holds its own very well at 8:19.-RENIER & GOUDIER, MABEL'S ANIMALS, JOCK WHITFORD and THE MARCO TWINS all went better than anticipated. The others on the whole made good.
#2.-Phila. DR. JOHN R. BOWKER, Imperial India": 12 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:07. This is an innovation in Vaudeville. I think the better part of the audience appreciated Dr. Bowker's clever talk which was always interesting and at times eloquent. The pictures are highly colored and some of them beautiful. "SIDE SHOW" (Ned Wayburn's):- 27 min. F.S. (Open iin 1.) On at 8:19. 2 shows. This act has been reported at length from N.Y. It went pretty well to-day. I think that it will continue to improve throughout the week, as it has improved considerably from the first presentation in Trenton. The singing and dancing of Pilcer got good applause, as did that of Dot Williams, who is a very dainty and charming little comedienne. The "freaks" won a good hand, and the funny fat girls bathing finish was immense. MAYBELLE ADAMS, Violiniste:- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:46. This young lady plays with precision, spirit and at the same time, sweetness of tone. Each one of her selections got good hand and the finish was good. A very dainty and pleasing act. WALTER C. WROE'S DANCING WONDERS:- 20 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 8:59. This is a local act and little need be said, except that it made good from every standpoint, and means a good many hundred dollars to the Box Office this week. The children belong to some of Philadelphia's best families, and were trained in Wroe's dancing academy in the building. They were the applause hit of the show up to this time, and will go down the bill for the rest of the week. MARY NORMAN. "Types of American Girls":-18 min. worked entirely in one and-a-half. 2 shows. Types of Boston, girl, San Francisco, N. Y. and Chicago. Miss Norman's work is very artistic and interesting. The audience appreciated every one of the types and gave liberal applause. This act will certainly pull with the evening audiences. MiOnss Norman's personality is charming and she has a bright way of saying her witty lines. Will be a favorite before the week is out. THORNE & CARLETON, "American Jesters":- 17 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:37. Well known act on the Circuit. Practically the same as when presented here before and went just as big. The line of talk is good and well delivered. The laughs were constant and close in 1 was quite as strong as the rest. Made their accustomed strong finish. FOUR BARDS, Gymnasts:- 10 min. F. S. On at 9:54. Well known act. These men perform some of the most sensational feats in gymnastics that have ever been attempted on this stage. The applause for each one of them was great. The men make a fine appearance and are marvellously trained. The finished act is one of the most daring and difficult and received tremendous applause. Closed very strong. KINETOGRA?H BY MOONLIGHT:- Interesting. TWO LITTLE SCAMPS; Quite funny. TEDDY BEARS; Held over from last week. Very good children's film. GENERAL REMARKS:- Not quite as strong a show as that of last week, but will make good. "SIDE SHOW" not the big hit that we expected for a grand headliner, but holds its own very well at 8:19.-RENIER & GOUDIER, MABEL'S ANIMALS, JOCK WHITFORD and THE MARCO TWINS all went better than anticipated. The others on the whole made good.
Keith-Albee Collection