Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 63
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63. TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. HENNINGS, LEWIS & HENNINGS: Two men and a woman in an alleged musical comedy. This is a very poor act even for an opener. 16 in 3. 2 in one. BARTH BROS. & WALTON: Three men in a comedy-acrobatic act. All right for an opening act but rather light for a better position. 9 min. FS. HAMILTON HILL: Baritone singer. Was one of the two big hits of the bill. Sang four songs and could have sung a half dozen. One of his songs "No Weddings Bells For Me," has a line about a baby sitting on the mans lap and the refrain "Down my back I felt a shiver; someone whistled 'Suanee River.' 12 in1. E. M. HOLLAND & CO.: Presenting "The Phantom Highwayman." While Mr. Holland is one of the cleverest actors in this country his offering is not suited for Vaudeville, and his leading support was very weak. It is too bad that the talent of this noted artist should be wasted. 21 min. FS. ELFIE FAY: The audience appeared to appreciate Mis Fay's work and she was given a fine reception, dividing the applause honors of the bill with Hamilton Hill. Personally I cannot see Miss Fay at all except as a mugger, and even in that I think she is very unfunny. 9 min. in one. SLEEDE'S PANTOMIME CO.: Three men in a "black art" act of comedy that was received very well indeed. This act is particularly adapted for matinee audiences, and would be thoroughly appreciated by children. 11 min. FS. SMITH & CAMPBELL: These two men never went better in this house than on the present occasion, but they have little new material. 22 min. in one. DUFFIN-REDCAY TROUPE: Four men in a casting act similar to the Four Lukens. While they do many of the stunts of the Lukens they do not try the big climax feat that makes the Lukens world beaters. 8 min. FS. KINETOGRAPH: "Winter in Switzerland" is a beautiful series of genuine pictures.
63. TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. HENNINGS, LEWIS & HENNINGS: Two men and a woman in an alleged musical comedy. This is a very poor act even for an opener. 16 in 3. 2 in one. BARTH BROS. & WALTON: Three men in a comedy-acrobatic act. All right for an opening act but rather light for a better position. 9 min. FS. HAMILTON HILL: Baritone singer. Was one of the two big hits of the bill. Sang four songs and could have sung a half dozen. One of his songs "No Weddings Bells For Me," has a line about a baby sitting on the mans lap and the refrain "Down my back I felt a shiver; someone whistled 'Suanee River.' 12 in1. E. M. HOLLAND & CO.: Presenting "The Phantom Highwayman." While Mr. Holland is one of the cleverest actors in this country his offering is not suited for Vaudeville, and his leading support was very weak. It is too bad that the talent of this noted artist should be wasted. 21 min. FS. ELFIE FAY: The audience appeared to appreciate Mis Fay's work and she was given a fine reception, dividing the applause honors of the bill with Hamilton Hill. Personally I cannot see Miss Fay at all except as a mugger, and even in that I think she is very unfunny. 9 min. in one. SLEEDE'S PANTOMIME CO.: Three men in a "black art" act of comedy that was received very well indeed. This act is particularly adapted for matinee audiences, and would be thoroughly appreciated by children. 11 min. FS. SMITH & CAMPBELL: These two men never went better in this house than on the present occasion, but they have little new material. 22 min. in one. DUFFIN-REDCAY TROUPE: Four men in a casting act similar to the Four Lukens. While they do many of the stunts of the Lukens they do not try the big climax feat that makes the Lukens world beaters. 8 min. FS. KINETOGRAPH: "Winter in Switzerland" is a beautiful series of genuine pictures.
Keith-Albee Collection