Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 73
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73. APRIL 1, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C. F. BARNS. MURPHY, WITMAN & CO."Old Friends":-22 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 6:30. This is a very good little sketch of rural life. All the four characters are presented and work up to a very effective climax. There was good attention all the way through the act and strong close, with curtain call. HILL & HILL. Colored Entertainers:-15 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 6:52. Man and woman, making good presentation, the woman being especially pretty and elaborately gowned. Sing and dance very well. The man is a good deal of a comedian. Good act and could be well pleased in the three-a-day section. McNAMEE. Clay-modeler:- 12 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:07. Well known act and very acceptable sight-act on any bill. A good deal of comedy and excellent portrayal of types in clay. The novelty of the act appeals strongly. RENO & SMITH, Com. Acro:- 13 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:19. (close in 1 for about 2 min.) A rough-and-tumble slapstick, hit-'em-again gallery act. Some of the barrell-jumping and somersault work is skilful and clever and receiving good applause, but the comedy is of a lower order. NETTIE CARROLL, Wire-act:-9 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 7:40. Makes a beautiful appearance in a very stunning gown with short skirt which she throws aside on the wire and appears in a very lovely costume of lavender silk. The work is expert and brilliant and brings strong applause. This is a very clever and charming act. Some of the stunts are quite new, including jumping through paper hoops, riding bicycle on the wire. Made a fine close. HARRY EVANS, Boy-Baritone:- 9 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:49. Sings very well and has improved since last appearance here. Both songs were well applauded. "SUNNY SOUTH", (McCallum's).-16 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 7:58. This act was simply the screaming hit of the show up to this time. Did not open very strong, as the leading woman is not up to requirements, with a poor voice and little personality, but the admirable chorus work started the crowd with a big hand, and the whirlwind finish brought six curtain calls and uproarous applause. Just the wort of an act was needed for this spot. DORIA TRIO, Vocalists:- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:14. Two men and a woman in Grand Opera selections. Went just as well as on the occasion of their last appearance here, if not, indeed, better. Strong applause after each number and closed well. CHARLOTTE BARRY & CO. "Comstock Mystery":-30 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 8:27. Protean act. This is a tremendous undertaking for any woman, and it is not strange that Miss Parry's work is a little uneven,- that some of her characters should be admirably presented, and others should fall short in an effort to keep the various characters deferentiated. The motive of the drama is highly melodramatic. It concerns the mystery of a murder, the victim proving to have been a villain who wronged an innocent girl and the latter conspires with her cripple brother to murder him. Various people are examined as to their knowledge of the case, all represented by Miss Parry in seven distinct characterizations with amazing rapidity. There are many dramatic moments in the sketch and some excellent business. On a whole it interested the audience throughout and brought good strong finish. Will be commented on widely. type. GENERAL REMARKS:-This is a rather difficult show to play, but once the sequence was properly arranged, it worked out very well indeed. The three-a-day section is unusually strong.- in fact there was nothing weak on the bill, and the way that Miss Van Studdiford substituted for Miss Dressler thoroughly pleased our audiences and ourselves. Yesterday's business was record-breaking for an Easter Monday, and everything promises a big week. CUTS & OBJECTIONS:- RENO & SMITH:- Throwing of dummy into audience and drawing it back again. COLLINS & HART:-Throwing of dum-bell into audience and drawing it back again. -1-
73. APRIL 1, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C. F. BARNS. MURPHY, WITMAN & CO."Old Friends":-22 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 6:30. This is a very good little sketch of rural life. All the four characters are presented and work up to a very effective climax. There was good attention all the way through the act and strong close, with curtain call. HILL & HILL. Colored Entertainers:-15 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 6:52. Man and woman, making good presentation, the woman being especially pretty and elaborately gowned. Sing and dance very well. The man is a good deal of a comedian. Good act and could be well pleased in the three-a-day section. McNAMEE. Clay-modeler:- 12 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:07. Well known act and very acceptable sight-act on any bill. A good deal of comedy and excellent portrayal of types in clay. The novelty of the act appeals strongly. RENO & SMITH, Com. Acro:- 13 min. F. S. 3 shows. On at 7:19. (close in 1 for about 2 min.) A rough-and-tumble slapstick, hit-'em-again gallery act. Some of the barrell-jumping and somersault work is skilful and clever and receiving good applause, but the comedy is of a lower order. NETTIE CARROLL, Wire-act:-9 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 7:40. Makes a beautiful appearance in a very stunning gown with short skirt which she throws aside on the wire and appears in a very lovely costume of lavender silk. The work is expert and brilliant and brings strong applause. This is a very clever and charming act. Some of the stunts are quite new, including jumping through paper hoops, riding bicycle on the wire. Made a fine close. HARRY EVANS, Boy-Baritone:- 9 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:49. Sings very well and has improved since last appearance here. Both songs were well applauded. "SUNNY SOUTH", (McCallum's).-16 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 7:58. This act was simply the screaming hit of the show up to this time. Did not open very strong, as the leading woman is not up to requirements, with a poor voice and little personality, but the admirable chorus work started the crowd with a big hand, and the whirlwind finish brought six curtain calls and uproarous applause. Just the wort of an act was needed for this spot. DORIA TRIO, Vocalists:- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:14. Two men and a woman in Grand Opera selections. Went just as well as on the occasion of their last appearance here, if not, indeed, better. Strong applause after each number and closed well. CHARLOTTE BARRY & CO. "Comstock Mystery":-30 min. F. S. 2 shows. On at 8:27. Protean act. This is a tremendous undertaking for any woman, and it is not strange that Miss Parry's work is a little uneven,- that some of her characters should be admirably presented, and others should fall short in an effort to keep the various characters deferentiated. The motive of the drama is highly melodramatic. It concerns the mystery of a murder, the victim proving to have been a villain who wronged an innocent girl and the latter conspires with her cripple brother to murder him. Various people are examined as to their knowledge of the case, all represented by Miss Parry in seven distinct characterizations with amazing rapidity. There are many dramatic moments in the sketch and some excellent business. On a whole it interested the audience throughout and brought good strong finish. Will be commented on widely. type. GENERAL REMARKS:-This is a rather difficult show to play, but once the sequence was properly arranged, it worked out very well indeed. The three-a-day section is unusually strong.- in fact there was nothing weak on the bill, and the way that Miss Van Studdiford substituted for Miss Dressler thoroughly pleased our audiences and ourselves. Yesterday's business was record-breaking for an Easter Monday, and everything promises a big week. CUTS & OBJECTIONS:- RENO & SMITH:- Throwing of dummy into audience and drawing it back again. COLLINS & HART:-Throwing of dum-bell into audience and drawing it back again. -1-
Keith-Albee Collection