Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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Columbus Show Week April 1st. -- 1907. -- W. W. Prosser. MURPHY & WILLARD: "The Phrenologist" -- This act made good in a bad spot. -- The comedy work of Murphy won many laughs. -- Miss Willard assists him very acceptably, but her voice has failed considerably since I last saw them work. -- She shows some very elaborate gowns. 18 Minutes C. D. F. HERBERT BROOKS: "The King's Magician" He does some very clever card work and finishes with the trunk mystery. -- Not a great act by any means, but one that pleased and made a very good impression. -- Palace: 18 minutes. ITALIAN TRIO: Three excellent male singers of the high class order. A straight singing act that more than makes good. -- All possess unusually good voices and they know how to use them. -- I expect this act to create quite a little talk before the week is over. -- 11 minutes in one. FRANZ EBERT & Co. -- "Dan Cupid." -- This act is well known and suffice it to say that it went very well but was not a decided hit by any means. It took however and closed very nicely and apparently to satisfaction. C. D. F. -- 23 minutes. AVERY & HART: Colored comedians and two of the best ever seen in this town. -- These boys were really the hit of the show barring nothing. They have a good line of comedy and with the singing finish they use they may be put down as a bona fide hit. -- Street. -- 24 minutes. EXPOSITION FOUR: A very good act composed of four men. -- They do instrumental and vocal work. -- Their singing is not very good but on the instruments they get through all O. K. -- The comedian is very unfunny and in my opinion the act would be stronger without his work. -- C. D. F. 19 minutes. SHERMAN, DeFOREST & CO. -- This act was one put on on the spur of the moment but not the Jay Circus. -- Their baggage was lost between here and Chicago, hence they could not give the act in which we expected to see them. -- They did very well however with some work and candidly they made a very favorable impression. -- The audience was pleased with them and took to them in a way I hardly looked for owing to the fact that people here are decidedly in favor of getting all there is to be had for the money. -- The Jay Circus will be given tonight and I will get an opportunity to see what it is like. -- They did 15 minutes: Exterior. Pictures: The Stormy Winds Do Blow: Custom Offices and Smugglers; The Policeman's Little Run. ---- All very good.
Columbus Show Week April 1st. -- 1907. -- W. W. Prosser. MURPHY & WILLARD: "The Phrenologist" -- This act made good in a bad spot. -- The comedy work of Murphy won many laughs. -- Miss Willard assists him very acceptably, but her voice has failed considerably since I last saw them work. -- She shows some very elaborate gowns. 18 Minutes C. D. F. HERBERT BROOKS: "The King's Magician" He does some very clever card work and finishes with the trunk mystery. -- Not a great act by any means, but one that pleased and made a very good impression. -- Palace: 18 minutes. ITALIAN TRIO: Three excellent male singers of the high class order. A straight singing act that more than makes good. -- All possess unusually good voices and they know how to use them. -- I expect this act to create quite a little talk before the week is over. -- 11 minutes in one. FRANZ EBERT & Co. -- "Dan Cupid." -- This act is well known and suffice it to say that it went very well but was not a decided hit by any means. It took however and closed very nicely and apparently to satisfaction. C. D. F. -- 23 minutes. AVERY & HART: Colored comedians and two of the best ever seen in this town. -- These boys were really the hit of the show barring nothing. They have a good line of comedy and with the singing finish they use they may be put down as a bona fide hit. -- Street. -- 24 minutes. EXPOSITION FOUR: A very good act composed of four men. -- They do instrumental and vocal work. -- Their singing is not very good but on the instruments they get through all O. K. -- The comedian is very unfunny and in my opinion the act would be stronger without his work. -- C. D. F. 19 minutes. SHERMAN, DeFOREST & CO. -- This act was one put on on the spur of the moment but not the Jay Circus. -- Their baggage was lost between here and Chicago, hence they could not give the act in which we expected to see them. -- They did very well however with some work and candidly they made a very favorable impression. -- The audience was pleased with them and took to them in a way I hardly looked for owing to the fact that people here are decidedly in favor of getting all there is to be had for the money. -- The Jay Circus will be given tonight and I will get an opportunity to see what it is like. -- They did 15 minutes: Exterior. Pictures: The Stormy Winds Do Blow: Custom Offices and Smugglers; The Policeman's Little Run. ---- All very good.
Keith-Albee Collection