Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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Report on show, Keith's Theatre, Providence, R. I., Week of April 8, 1907. (Charles Lovenberg, Mgr.) The bill this week is quite a good one with no disappointments, excepting in the man who insists upon being billed over and above everything else. He was an absolute "fall down" both in the afternoon and night show. I purposely held up the report until after Monday night's performance in order to give him another chance, after shifting the bill around a little, but he was a failure unquestionably. Hill & Hill. Colored team, man and woman who do very well indeed. 15 min. in 1, 3 shows. Green Brothers. Club jugglers who give their act a novel surrounding with quite a little bit of comedy by placing it in a base ball atmosphere using bats, base balls, bases, masks, etc, with base ball makeups and a little base ball comedy by-play. Very decent little act. 10 min. full stage, 3 shows. Harry Breen. This young fellow did remarkably well for us playing both Providence and Pawtucket houses and really made a hit considering his place on the bill, in both places. He works somewhat after the manner of Bert Fitzgibbon, but I wouldn't say that he is as clever as he, neither is his material as good, but he gets lots of applause and laughs and that's the whole story. 11 min. in 1, 3 shows. Perle & Diamant. Two rather good looking young Spanish girls who sing Spanish songs and dance Spanish dances. I think they are quite clever and graceful but somehow another our vaudeville audiences do not care for that kind of an act and we have never had one which was a real success yet. Considering they do three shows, or to go on early in the small 2-a-day houses, they are all right, but for nothing any stronger to my mind. 8 min. in 2, 3 shows. Sue Smith. Vocalist, who sings some high-grade and also a popular class of songs, makes a nice appearance, good voice, and is a valuable addition to the 3-a-day section-in fact a little bit better than that. 12 min. in 1, 3 shows. Chadwick Trio. At the afternoon show, with a crowded house and practically a holiday audience there being no school and a rainy day, this act made a big hit, but I was inclined to believe it was because of our class of audience more than the act itself and watched it very closely at the night show when they, by no means, lived up to the hit of the afternoon. In any house where the roughest kind of slap-stick stuff is appreciated and where an artistic side is not considered very much, they would make a hit. To say that it was boisterous would be putting it mildly. It is so coarse that it borders very strongly on vulgarity. I made more cuts in this act than I have made in any ten acts this season. The girl's dancing was a big hit at the night's show as well as in the afternoon and their finish in one scored quite strongly, but I can't see the rest of the act, altho I think it is worth playing, but not again for me. 22 min. open full stage with about 3 min. in 1, 2 shows, should be 3. Jackson Family. Among the best bicycle acts that we have had in the house. As we have had so much bicycle work though this season, I am afraid that they are not going to be appreciated as thoroughly as they should be. 18 min. full stage, 2 shows. Motion Pictures. O. K. NOTE: After seeing the Chadwick Trio again this afternoon (Tuesday) there is no denying they made a very big hit, especially the girl's dancing at the close in one. Chas. Lovenberg, Mgr.
Report on show, Keith's Theatre, Providence, R. I., Week of April 8, 1907. (Charles Lovenberg, Mgr.) The bill this week is quite a good one with no disappointments, excepting in the man who insists upon being billed over and above everything else. He was an absolute "fall down" both in the afternoon and night show. I purposely held up the report until after Monday night's performance in order to give him another chance, after shifting the bill around a little, but he was a failure unquestionably. Hill & Hill. Colored team, man and woman who do very well indeed. 15 min. in 1, 3 shows. Green Brothers. Club jugglers who give their act a novel surrounding with quite a little bit of comedy by placing it in a base ball atmosphere using bats, base balls, bases, masks, etc, with base ball makeups and a little base ball comedy by-play. Very decent little act. 10 min. full stage, 3 shows. Harry Breen. This young fellow did remarkably well for us playing both Providence and Pawtucket houses and really made a hit considering his place on the bill, in both places. He works somewhat after the manner of Bert Fitzgibbon, but I wouldn't say that he is as clever as he, neither is his material as good, but he gets lots of applause and laughs and that's the whole story. 11 min. in 1, 3 shows. Perle & Diamant. Two rather good looking young Spanish girls who sing Spanish songs and dance Spanish dances. I think they are quite clever and graceful but somehow another our vaudeville audiences do not care for that kind of an act and we have never had one which was a real success yet. Considering they do three shows, or to go on early in the small 2-a-day houses, they are all right, but for nothing any stronger to my mind. 8 min. in 2, 3 shows. Sue Smith. Vocalist, who sings some high-grade and also a popular class of songs, makes a nice appearance, good voice, and is a valuable addition to the 3-a-day section-in fact a little bit better than that. 12 min. in 1, 3 shows. Chadwick Trio. At the afternoon show, with a crowded house and practically a holiday audience there being no school and a rainy day, this act made a big hit, but I was inclined to believe it was because of our class of audience more than the act itself and watched it very closely at the night show when they, by no means, lived up to the hit of the afternoon. In any house where the roughest kind of slap-stick stuff is appreciated and where an artistic side is not considered very much, they would make a hit. To say that it was boisterous would be putting it mildly. It is so coarse that it borders very strongly on vulgarity. I made more cuts in this act than I have made in any ten acts this season. The girl's dancing was a big hit at the night's show as well as in the afternoon and their finish in one scored quite strongly, but I can't see the rest of the act, altho I think it is worth playing, but not again for me. 22 min. open full stage with about 3 min. in 1, 2 shows, should be 3. Jackson Family. Among the best bicycle acts that we have had in the house. As we have had so much bicycle work though this season, I am afraid that they are not going to be appreciated as thoroughly as they should be. 18 min. full stage, 2 shows. Motion Pictures. O. K. NOTE: After seeing the Chadwick Trio again this afternoon (Tuesday) there is no denying they made a very big hit, especially the girl's dancing at the close in one. Chas. Lovenberg, Mgr.
Keith-Albee Collection