Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 87
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TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, APRIL 15. J. H. Finn. PONGO & LEO- Have a "ringer" in the act, for one of the men is not the same as was here before. Act is about the same. 12 min. Open FS. Close in one. LOUISE RAFFIN'S MONKEYS- A very good monkey act that pleased all the way. Much superior to the Ohm's act of last week. 13 min. FS. JOHNSTON & HARTY- Singing comedians. Very good act, superior to the Dillons, the Quigleys, and other acts in that same class. 14 min. in one DAVIS & MACAULEY- Neither Davis or Miss Macauley got a hand when they first appeared at the Monday matinee, and but one or two at night, notwithstanding this is Miss Macauley's home. It may be that our audiences have tired of this particular act. 20 min. FS. FANNY RICE- It was also apparent that our audiences have grown tired of Fanny Rice and her burlesque dolls. There is little or no change in the act since its last presentation here. 22 min. in two or three. TOM HEARN- This is a very good comedy juggling, with very little of the latter. Hearn has an act quite apart from all others and he proved to be one of the hits of the bill. 15 min. FS. SEARL & VIOLET ALLEN CO. Presenting their new comedy act "The Traveling Man." This is quite a novel offering, the settings being the Grand Central Depot, and the interior of a Pullman car. It is a better act than their former one and was received quite well. 18 min. in two and three. SIX ENGLISH ROCKERS- An exceptionally good girl act, full of color and life, quite superior to "The Rain-Dears," as the latter act appeared here. 14 min. with four scenes. KINETOGRAPH- "Bobsleighing" and "Ski-ing," are very good pictures that closed a bill of considerable merit as a whole.
TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, APRIL 15. J. H. Finn. PONGO & LEO- Have a "ringer" in the act, for one of the men is not the same as was here before. Act is about the same. 12 min. Open FS. Close in one. LOUISE RAFFIN'S MONKEYS- A very good monkey act that pleased all the way. Much superior to the Ohm's act of last week. 13 min. FS. JOHNSTON & HARTY- Singing comedians. Very good act, superior to the Dillons, the Quigleys, and other acts in that same class. 14 min. in one DAVIS & MACAULEY- Neither Davis or Miss Macauley got a hand when they first appeared at the Monday matinee, and but one or two at night, notwithstanding this is Miss Macauley's home. It may be that our audiences have tired of this particular act. 20 min. FS. FANNY RICE- It was also apparent that our audiences have grown tired of Fanny Rice and her burlesque dolls. There is little or no change in the act since its last presentation here. 22 min. in two or three. TOM HEARN- This is a very good comedy juggling, with very little of the latter. Hearn has an act quite apart from all others and he proved to be one of the hits of the bill. 15 min. FS. SEARL & VIOLET ALLEN CO. Presenting their new comedy act "The Traveling Man." This is quite a novel offering, the settings being the Grand Central Depot, and the interior of a Pullman car. It is a better act than their former one and was received quite well. 18 min. in two and three. SIX ENGLISH ROCKERS- An exceptionally good girl act, full of color and life, quite superior to "The Rain-Dears," as the latter act appeared here. 14 min. with four scenes. KINETOGRAPH- "Bobsleighing" and "Ski-ing," are very good pictures that closed a bill of considerable merit as a whole.
Keith-Albee Collection