Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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COLUMBUS, SHOW, Week April 13th. -- 1907. ---- W. W. Prosser. EMERSON & BALDWIN: Juggling Comedians: Two men who have a good line of juggling which made a very favorable impression on our Monday afternoon audience. -- The comedy member is distinctly humorous and his efforts to please were very successful. -- The straight end of the work is well done, and that of the two together, quite satisfactory. -- This proved to be an excellent opening act for this house. 9 minutes C. D. F. NEWELL & NIBLO: Man and woman musical act. -- They play xylophone and saxaphone fairly well and the act is dressed nicely. -- Their first and second number did not make any especial impression, but they finished satisfactorily with The American Patrol. -- 11 minutes in one. FOX and CLARE: In 'Under The Sea' -- Quite a novel act, the set representing the bottom of the sea, and the characters being a comedy Irishman and a Mermaid. -- The humor arises through the meeting of these widely different beings. -- They won several good laughs but were not what one would term a great hit. -- To my way of thinking the act is a trifle coarse. -- Not the best of language is used. -- A great laugh was received on the use of the word 'Hell' but this was ordered 'cut'. -- An act out of the ordinary but not too refined as far as the work of the man is concerned. -- Special set. -- 16 minutes. WHITLOCK SISTERS: Two women who sing but not unusually well. They were accorded but a fair reception and could not be called a hit by any means. -- They make a good appearance and dress well but that is about all there is to the act. -- Don't think they will go very strong here. 15 minutes in one. GARDNER CRANE & CO. -- In 'Everybody's Up." -- An act that is well known on the circuit and one that went this afternoon unusually well taking into consideration the fact that work of this kind is new to this city as a vaudeville offering. -- No fault can be found with the work of any one in the cast and the act will no doubt cause considerable talk before the week is out. DILLON BROS: Singing comedians: Well known and no comment necessary except that they made the hit of the bill. -- Some of their material is slightly off color to my way of thinking yet it would be hard to determine just what they use that should be toned down. -- Will take another look at them tonight. -- 18 minutes in one. THE SLEEDS: "The Mysterious Hotel: Comedy pantomime offering that is very clever and which made a decided hit. -- Special full stage. 11 minutes. PICTURES: The Haunted Hotel and A Trip Through Yellowstone Park. Both entirely satisfactory. -- 16 minutes.
COLUMBUS, SHOW, Week April 13th. -- 1907. ---- W. W. Prosser. EMERSON & BALDWIN: Juggling Comedians: Two men who have a good line of juggling which made a very favorable impression on our Monday afternoon audience. -- The comedy member is distinctly humorous and his efforts to please were very successful. -- The straight end of the work is well done, and that of the two together, quite satisfactory. -- This proved to be an excellent opening act for this house. 9 minutes C. D. F. NEWELL & NIBLO: Man and woman musical act. -- They play xylophone and saxaphone fairly well and the act is dressed nicely. -- Their first and second number did not make any especial impression, but they finished satisfactorily with The American Patrol. -- 11 minutes in one. FOX and CLARE: In 'Under The Sea' -- Quite a novel act, the set representing the bottom of the sea, and the characters being a comedy Irishman and a Mermaid. -- The humor arises through the meeting of these widely different beings. -- They won several good laughs but were not what one would term a great hit. -- To my way of thinking the act is a trifle coarse. -- Not the best of language is used. -- A great laugh was received on the use of the word 'Hell' but this was ordered 'cut'. -- An act out of the ordinary but not too refined as far as the work of the man is concerned. -- Special set. -- 16 minutes. WHITLOCK SISTERS: Two women who sing but not unusually well. They were accorded but a fair reception and could not be called a hit by any means. -- They make a good appearance and dress well but that is about all there is to the act. -- Don't think they will go very strong here. 15 minutes in one. GARDNER CRANE & CO. -- In 'Everybody's Up." -- An act that is well known on the circuit and one that went this afternoon unusually well taking into consideration the fact that work of this kind is new to this city as a vaudeville offering. -- No fault can be found with the work of any one in the cast and the act will no doubt cause considerable talk before the week is out. DILLON BROS: Singing comedians: Well known and no comment necessary except that they made the hit of the bill. -- Some of their material is slightly off color to my way of thinking yet it would be hard to determine just what they use that should be toned down. -- Will take another look at them tonight. -- 18 minutes in one. THE SLEEDS: "The Mysterious Hotel: Comedy pantomime offering that is very clever and which made a decided hit. -- Special full stage. 11 minutes. PICTURES: The Haunted Hotel and A Trip Through Yellowstone Park. Both entirely satisfactory. -- 16 minutes.
Keith-Albee Collection