Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. April 8, 1907. J. H. Finn. Scott & Wilson, acrobatic comedians, have a burlesque wrestling turn that is fairly entertaining. 10 min. in one. Carl and Mary Ohm's animal act averages well with the other animal acts that visit us annually, but it is not of such importance as to be advertised very strongly. 13 min. FS. Eleanor Dorel can be classed as VERY POOR material for vaudeville of the first class. She might do all right on the minor circuit. 10 min. in one. Emil Hoch and company have a very clever little comedy skit that is well played and made good every minute it held the stage. 19 FS. Carson & Willard brought us some new material and were well received, particularly by the upper part of the house. 19 min. in one. The Exposition Four, four men, one in blackface, were the big applause hit of the bill. This is one of the best musical, singing and comedy acts on the vaudeville stage. 15 min. in three. 3 min. in one. The Six Glinserettis are acrobats and lofty tumblers of the first class, but they have been seen here just once too often as their work is always the same. 6 min. FS. Joe Hart's "RAIN-DEARS" came to us in rather ragged condition, and the Monday matinee performance was far from being satisfactory. Mr. Hart, who came on from New York, put the girls through their paces after the matinee and the consequence was that the evening performance was snappier, and the lights worked to better advantage. In its present condition however it is not worth the money it is receiving. 15 min. with four scenes, a snow storm and a rain storm. Kinetograph pictures of "The Hand of the Artist" and "Scenes in the Congo" were very good.
TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. April 8, 1907. J. H. Finn. Scott & Wilson, acrobatic comedians, have a burlesque wrestling turn that is fairly entertaining. 10 min. in one. Carl and Mary Ohm's animal act averages well with the other animal acts that visit us annually, but it is not of such importance as to be advertised very strongly. 13 min. FS. Eleanor Dorel can be classed as VERY POOR material for vaudeville of the first class. She might do all right on the minor circuit. 10 min. in one. Emil Hoch and company have a very clever little comedy skit that is well played and made good every minute it held the stage. 19 FS. Carson & Willard brought us some new material and were well received, particularly by the upper part of the house. 19 min. in one. The Exposition Four, four men, one in blackface, were the big applause hit of the bill. This is one of the best musical, singing and comedy acts on the vaudeville stage. 15 min. in three. 3 min. in one. The Six Glinserettis are acrobats and lofty tumblers of the first class, but they have been seen here just once too often as their work is always the same. 6 min. FS. Joe Hart's "RAIN-DEARS" came to us in rather ragged condition, and the Monday matinee performance was far from being satisfactory. Mr. Hart, who came on from New York, put the girls through their paces after the matinee and the consequence was that the evening performance was snappier, and the lights worked to better advantage. In its present condition however it is not worth the money it is receiving. 15 min. with four scenes, a snow storm and a rain storm. Kinetograph pictures of "The Hand of the Artist" and "Scenes in the Congo" were very good.
Keith-Albee Collection