Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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101. Columbus, Show, Week April 22nd. -07. W. W. Prosser. GARDNER & REVERE: Comedy singing, dancing, and comedy act. -- Man and woman. -- A very fair opening act. -- The man is a good dancer, and the woman affords him very good support. They have a lot of useless talk and in my opinion the act without the greater part of the conversation would be much better. -- The man accompanies the woman on the guitar in one song and his work is really out of the ordinary, he displayhing an execution that is really remarkable. -- C. D. F. 15 minutes. JOHNSON & HARTY: Two men: Jolly singing comedians. -- The sing parodies and sing them well. -- One of the members has an unusually good voice that is very pleasing and his work merely as a singer is well worth while. -- They made good and the act may be termed a hit. -- 14 minutes in one. THE SIDE SHOW Can't see what ever made this act a hit for it certainly did not go here. -- Had it not been for the "blow up" finish of the girls, the act would have been almost an absolute failure. -- The set stuff for the opening, showing the making up of the girls is about the cheapest looking lot of material that has marred our pretty stage since the house opened. -- Harry Pilcer got through and that is about all. -- To me and also to this afternoon's house, so far as I could see, there is nothing at all to the act. If the other Wayburn acts that I have not had are as poor as this one, would rather not have them. Special set. -- 27 minutes. NICHOLS SISTERS: The same girls as of yore except that they seem to have lost a lot of their energy since I last saw them. -- They went very well however and got away nicely. -- 14 minutes in one. MARY DUPONT: Sketch "Left at The Post." -- Assisted by Willard Hutchinson in a very fair sketch but one that will not make a tremendous hit in this house. -- Miss Dupont is a very clever woman and she was received favorably but it seems too bad that she has not a better vehicle. -- The story concerns a young woman who has been disappointed by the non appearance of her " intended " at the church. -- She returns home and tries to compell a young man who delivers a parcel to her, to wed her. -- After a lot of comedy work of a fair order, she receives word tht the man of her choice has been delayed but is now is at the church. -- She rushes off to meet him at the finish. -- 16 minutes C. D. F. THAT QUARTET: Nothing need be said except that this act was the hit of the bill and were recalled again and again. -- 15 minutes in one. MELROSE TROUPE: Five acrobats, well known and a genuine hit. Garden 9 minutes. PICTURES: Fair. CUT: The expression -- " My God!" -- Comedy line in Dupont act.
101. Columbus, Show, Week April 22nd. -07. W. W. Prosser. GARDNER & REVERE: Comedy singing, dancing, and comedy act. -- Man and woman. -- A very fair opening act. -- The man is a good dancer, and the woman affords him very good support. They have a lot of useless talk and in my opinion the act without the greater part of the conversation would be much better. -- The man accompanies the woman on the guitar in one song and his work is really out of the ordinary, he displayhing an execution that is really remarkable. -- C. D. F. 15 minutes. JOHNSON & HARTY: Two men: Jolly singing comedians. -- The sing parodies and sing them well. -- One of the members has an unusually good voice that is very pleasing and his work merely as a singer is well worth while. -- They made good and the act may be termed a hit. -- 14 minutes in one. THE SIDE SHOW Can't see what ever made this act a hit for it certainly did not go here. -- Had it not been for the "blow up" finish of the girls, the act would have been almost an absolute failure. -- The set stuff for the opening, showing the making up of the girls is about the cheapest looking lot of material that has marred our pretty stage since the house opened. -- Harry Pilcer got through and that is about all. -- To me and also to this afternoon's house, so far as I could see, there is nothing at all to the act. If the other Wayburn acts that I have not had are as poor as this one, would rather not have them. Special set. -- 27 minutes. NICHOLS SISTERS: The same girls as of yore except that they seem to have lost a lot of their energy since I last saw them. -- They went very well however and got away nicely. -- 14 minutes in one. MARY DUPONT: Sketch "Left at The Post." -- Assisted by Willard Hutchinson in a very fair sketch but one that will not make a tremendous hit in this house. -- Miss Dupont is a very clever woman and she was received favorably but it seems too bad that she has not a better vehicle. -- The story concerns a young woman who has been disappointed by the non appearance of her " intended " at the church. -- She returns home and tries to compell a young man who delivers a parcel to her, to wed her. -- After a lot of comedy work of a fair order, she receives word tht the man of her choice has been delayed but is now is at the church. -- She rushes off to meet him at the finish. -- 16 minutes C. D. F. THAT QUARTET: Nothing need be said except that this act was the hit of the bill and were recalled again and again. -- 15 minutes in one. MELROSE TROUPE: Five acrobats, well known and a genuine hit. Garden 9 minutes. PICTURES: Fair. CUT: The expression -- " My God!" -- Comedy line in Dupont act.
Keith-Albee Collection