Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 104
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CHASE'S WASHINGTON Week Apr. 29th, 1907 [DONAT?] BEDINI With a clever dog and himself a pretty fair acrobat he opened the bill acceptably. Full stage. THE ONLAW TRIO Exceptionally clever wire performers. Nothing startling in their work but everything is done with that swing, dash and finish that make an act go. Full stage. OTTO BROS. Fair German comedians. In one. BRUNO and RUSSELL "The Insurance Agent". Not a bad sort of act but no improvement over previous offering. Full stage, can close in one. INTERMISSION KEMP'S TALES OF THE WILD Here is a novelty punctuated with applause throughout. Most beautiful pictures in colors of natural scenery we have ever seen. Good act. In one. FANNY RICE Believe this is the best act she has given us. Bryan, Roosevelt and Rockefeller made hits, being new. In one. Mr. EDWARDS DAVIS and CO. "The Unmasking". Very good act and well acted. Out of the beaten path. climaxes enthusiastically applauded and curtain calls at finish were numerous. Full stage. THE AMERICAN VITAGRAPH "Between Two Fires" and "Scenes at Niagara" colored. Pretty good films. H. Winnifred De Witt.
CHASE'S WASHINGTON Week Apr. 29th, 1907 [DONAT?] BEDINI With a clever dog and himself a pretty fair acrobat he opened the bill acceptably. Full stage. THE ONLAW TRIO Exceptionally clever wire performers. Nothing startling in their work but everything is done with that swing, dash and finish that make an act go. Full stage. OTTO BROS. Fair German comedians. In one. BRUNO and RUSSELL "The Insurance Agent". Not a bad sort of act but no improvement over previous offering. Full stage, can close in one. INTERMISSION KEMP'S TALES OF THE WILD Here is a novelty punctuated with applause throughout. Most beautiful pictures in colors of natural scenery we have ever seen. Good act. In one. FANNY RICE Believe this is the best act she has given us. Bryan, Roosevelt and Rockefeller made hits, being new. In one. Mr. EDWARDS DAVIS and CO. "The Unmasking". Very good act and well acted. Out of the beaten path. climaxes enthusiastically applauded and curtain calls at finish were numerous. Full stage. THE AMERICAN VITAGRAPH "Between Two Fires" and "Scenes at Niagara" colored. Pretty good films. H. Winnifred De Witt.
Keith-Albee Collection