Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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Boston Show, Week of April 29, 1907. (Carl D. Lothrop) (Monday April 29--Night Show.) Zara & Stetson. On at 6.28, 9 min, full stage; 3 shows. A fair baton-juggling act, well known on the circuit. Played them in September. They were added at the last minute on Saturday to fill out time. They hardly come up to the mark with a 9 minutes turn. Would not think of playing them twice in a season, except in case of emergency. Usher & Patterson. On at 6.37, 12 min, in 1; 3 shows. A coon act of the stereotyped style. They are up to the average as singers and dancers. The woman's looks are in her favor. Whitman & Davis. On at 6.49, 18 min, full stage; 3 shows. This act is simply a hodge-podge, and serves it purposes as a time-killer satisfactorily. Stereopticon. On at 7.07, 14 min. Showing views of China. The Zarnes. On at 7.21, 12 min, full stage; 3 shows. A standard act that always makes good here. Think it would make good in an early spot anywhere. Overture. 7.33, 10 min. Tempest & Sunshine. On at 7.43, 12 min, in 1; 3 shows. Rather a pretty little sister act, somewhat out of the ordinary run. The girls are young, petite, quite pretty, have fair voices, dance well and dress in good taste. Willis Family. On at 7.55, 15 min full stage, close in 1, 4 min; 19 min. in all. They played identically the same program as last week and went very well, notwithstanding the lack of novelty. Have spoken to them and hope to have a couple of new numbers. La Vine-Cimaron Trio. On at 8.41, 14 min, full stage. An excellent acrobatic act. They have taken their old act and put a new frame around it. While the frame is nothing elaborate, still it shows a commendable effort to get away from the old. The two men are corking good tumblers, while the woman is one of the best acrobatic dancers I have seen. Helena Frederick. On at 8.28, 12 min, in 1. Miss Frederick has a voice of great compass and fairly good quality. She is rather awkward in her manner and has an air of affectation that detracts from her stage appearance. Vernon. On at 8.40, 12 min full stage, close in 1, 4 min; 16 min. in all. This man is certainly one of the bargains of the day. I know of no better value for the money. There are few $125 acts we can play at this time in the bill. Held this spot most satisfactorily; made one of the big hits of the show. Would there were more acts in 1 of as novel a nature. Les Salvaggies. On at 10 o'clock, 10 min, full stage. Not as strong a closing act as I would like, but I had to play them here on account of using the Bards further up the bill. I do not think that there will be any cause to regret this arrangement. The best act of the kind I know of. The women are pretty, graceful, shapely and certainly can dance. The costuming is all that can be desired. Kinetograph. On at 10.10, 20 min. "The Billiard Fever", very good comic. "Cosmopolitan Dances", fine colored film, one of the best we have had in some time. "Baby's First Outing" and "The Amateur Photographer", both good comics. Comment. A pretty good show. Two or three changes and a little more money would make it a corker. Of course, Hansel is this week's dependence as a drawing-card, and I think that the rest of the bill will make good. No cuts.
Boston Show, Week of April 29, 1907. (Carl D. Lothrop) (Monday April 29--Night Show.) Zara & Stetson. On at 6.28, 9 min, full stage; 3 shows. A fair baton-juggling act, well known on the circuit. Played them in September. They were added at the last minute on Saturday to fill out time. They hardly come up to the mark with a 9 minutes turn. Would not think of playing them twice in a season, except in case of emergency. Usher & Patterson. On at 6.37, 12 min, in 1; 3 shows. A coon act of the stereotyped style. They are up to the average as singers and dancers. The woman's looks are in her favor. Whitman & Davis. On at 6.49, 18 min, full stage; 3 shows. This act is simply a hodge-podge, and serves it purposes as a time-killer satisfactorily. Stereopticon. On at 7.07, 14 min. Showing views of China. The Zarnes. On at 7.21, 12 min, full stage; 3 shows. A standard act that always makes good here. Think it would make good in an early spot anywhere. Overture. 7.33, 10 min. Tempest & Sunshine. On at 7.43, 12 min, in 1; 3 shows. Rather a pretty little sister act, somewhat out of the ordinary run. The girls are young, petite, quite pretty, have fair voices, dance well and dress in good taste. Willis Family. On at 7.55, 15 min full stage, close in 1, 4 min; 19 min. in all. They played identically the same program as last week and went very well, notwithstanding the lack of novelty. Have spoken to them and hope to have a couple of new numbers. La Vine-Cimaron Trio. On at 8.41, 14 min, full stage. An excellent acrobatic act. They have taken their old act and put a new frame around it. While the frame is nothing elaborate, still it shows a commendable effort to get away from the old. The two men are corking good tumblers, while the woman is one of the best acrobatic dancers I have seen. Helena Frederick. On at 8.28, 12 min, in 1. Miss Frederick has a voice of great compass and fairly good quality. She is rather awkward in her manner and has an air of affectation that detracts from her stage appearance. Vernon. On at 8.40, 12 min full stage, close in 1, 4 min; 16 min. in all. This man is certainly one of the bargains of the day. I know of no better value for the money. There are few $125 acts we can play at this time in the bill. Held this spot most satisfactorily; made one of the big hits of the show. Would there were more acts in 1 of as novel a nature. Les Salvaggies. On at 10 o'clock, 10 min, full stage. Not as strong a closing act as I would like, but I had to play them here on account of using the Bards further up the bill. I do not think that there will be any cause to regret this arrangement. The best act of the kind I know of. The women are pretty, graceful, shapely and certainly can dance. The costuming is all that can be desired. Kinetograph. On at 10.10, 20 min. "The Billiard Fever", very good comic. "Cosmopolitan Dances", fine colored film, one of the best we have had in some time. "Baby's First Outing" and "The Amateur Photographer", both good comics. Comment. A pretty good show. Two or three changes and a little more money would make it a corker. Of course, Hansel is this week's dependence as a drawing-card, and I think that the rest of the bill will make good. No cuts.
Keith-Albee Collection