Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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APRIL 29, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C.E. BARNS. FIVE LUBINS, Song & Dance:- 21 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 7:03. Plantation scene, very effective. Five people, including two young children, who are the best dancers for their age that we have ever seen here. This being a local act, it probably went stronger than it otherwise would have done, but for all that, it is worth a good figure anywhere for an opener. The singing, as well as the selection of songs, is good. It was the dancing, however, that won the crowd. Closed big, with curtain call. SCOTT & WHALEY, Col. Comedians:- 18 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:25. Good coon act in one. Good songs, lively dancing, comedy and acrobatic work. Especially good at the close. Finish, after eccentric dancing, very good. MR. & MRS. MARK MURPHY, "The Coal Stirke":- 23 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 7:46. Advance hand. Well known act into which they introduce some new lines and comedy. Kept the audience in good humor right up to a strong finish. Duplicated their former success here. RICE & PREVOST, "Bumpty Bumps":- 13 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:10. Advance hand. Second week. The same laughing hit that it was last week, and if anything, even a little swifter and rougher. Closed with rousing hand. GENARO & BAILEY, "Poetry Of Motion":- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:23. Advance hand. Well known on the Circuit. Thoroughly professional and entertaining. The singing is right up to the mark, and the dancing excellent. Not only that, but the costuming and general appearance is much in their favor. Two changes of costume for woman and three for man, all effective. These people understand their business thoroughly and never let the interest flag for an instant. They work hard and deserve all the applause they get. One of the best acts in 1 we have had. Applause at the finish immense, with two curtain calls. HARRY L. TIGHE'S COLLEGIANS, "Those Happy College Days":- 35 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:33. This is called a "rollicking farcelet", and that is really what it is. It is certainly full of ginger, and from start to finish the comedy is of a high order, the vocal numbers are new and pleasingly offered. Four young men and young woman, in the act. In a college town like this, such an act is sure to hold the interest and be talked about. Frequent applause and much laughter throughout the act, and the finish was A.1. with a curtain call. This act had been heralded pretty well, but it certainly made good its billing. BELLECLAIRE BROTHERS, Strong-man-act:- 11 min in 1 1/2. 2 shows. On at 9:00. This is one of the best acrobatic and balancing acts in Vaudeville. We have never had a strong-man act that worked the audience up to such a pitch of enthusiasm. Their remarkable physical development is something that commends admirations, while their feats are not only new but some of them beyond the ability of the strongest men we have seen on any stage. The finishing feat with the spring-board got a whirlwind of applause and two curtain calls. In this act there is no covering up of deficiencies with brilliant paraphernalia. They are "the goods" through and through and the audience appreciated it. Particularly valuable working in 1 1/2. the other Chinaman. Their comedy is a little shy, but their work on the triple horizontal bars is all right. Received some fair applause. COLLINS & COLLINS, Songs:- 15 min. in 11. 3 shows. On at 6:48. This is only a fair singing and dancing act, but it holds its own pretty well. Good for any early spot in the three-a-day section in a house like this. GENERAL REMARKS:- This is one of the best shows we have ever had here. It runs smoothly and is clean and wholesome in humor and skilful acrobatic and other variety throughout. After the first ten minutes quite to the finish there is a laugh every minute of the hour. The houses are big showing that we have generous appreciation. CUTS AND OBJECTIONS:- SCOTT & WHALEY:- The St. Peter story and joke.
APRIL 29, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C.E. BARNS. FIVE LUBINS, Song & Dance:- 21 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 7:03. Plantation scene, very effective. Five people, including two young children, who are the best dancers for their age that we have ever seen here. This being a local act, it probably went stronger than it otherwise would have done, but for all that, it is worth a good figure anywhere for an opener. The singing, as well as the selection of songs, is good. It was the dancing, however, that won the crowd. Closed big, with curtain call. SCOTT & WHALEY, Col. Comedians:- 18 min. in 1. 3 shows. On at 7:25. Good coon act in one. Good songs, lively dancing, comedy and acrobatic work. Especially good at the close. Finish, after eccentric dancing, very good. MR. & MRS. MARK MURPHY, "The Coal Stirke":- 23 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 7:46. Advance hand. Well known act into which they introduce some new lines and comedy. Kept the audience in good humor right up to a strong finish. Duplicated their former success here. RICE & PREVOST, "Bumpty Bumps":- 13 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:10. Advance hand. Second week. The same laughing hit that it was last week, and if anything, even a little swifter and rougher. Closed with rousing hand. GENARO & BAILEY, "Poetry Of Motion":- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:23. Advance hand. Well known on the Circuit. Thoroughly professional and entertaining. The singing is right up to the mark, and the dancing excellent. Not only that, but the costuming and general appearance is much in their favor. Two changes of costume for woman and three for man, all effective. These people understand their business thoroughly and never let the interest flag for an instant. They work hard and deserve all the applause they get. One of the best acts in 1 we have had. Applause at the finish immense, with two curtain calls. HARRY L. TIGHE'S COLLEGIANS, "Those Happy College Days":- 35 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:33. This is called a "rollicking farcelet", and that is really what it is. It is certainly full of ginger, and from start to finish the comedy is of a high order, the vocal numbers are new and pleasingly offered. Four young men and young woman, in the act. In a college town like this, such an act is sure to hold the interest and be talked about. Frequent applause and much laughter throughout the act, and the finish was A.1. with a curtain call. This act had been heralded pretty well, but it certainly made good its billing. BELLECLAIRE BROTHERS, Strong-man-act:- 11 min in 1 1/2. 2 shows. On at 9:00. This is one of the best acrobatic and balancing acts in Vaudeville. We have never had a strong-man act that worked the audience up to such a pitch of enthusiasm. Their remarkable physical development is something that commends admirations, while their feats are not only new but some of them beyond the ability of the strongest men we have seen on any stage. The finishing feat with the spring-board got a whirlwind of applause and two curtain calls. In this act there is no covering up of deficiencies with brilliant paraphernalia. They are "the goods" through and through and the audience appreciated it. Particularly valuable working in 1 1/2. the other Chinaman. Their comedy is a little shy, but their work on the triple horizontal bars is all right. Received some fair applause. COLLINS & COLLINS, Songs:- 15 min. in 11. 3 shows. On at 6:48. This is only a fair singing and dancing act, but it holds its own pretty well. Good for any early spot in the three-a-day section in a house like this. GENERAL REMARKS:- This is one of the best shows we have ever had here. It runs smoothly and is clean and wholesome in humor and skilful acrobatic and other variety throughout. After the first ten minutes quite to the finish there is a laugh every minute of the hour. The houses are big showing that we have generous appreciation. CUTS AND OBJECTIONS:- SCOTT & WHALEY:- The St. Peter story and joke.
Keith-Albee Collection