Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 108a
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#2.- Phila. GALLAGHER & BARRETT, "The Battle of Too-Soon":- 19 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:10. This proved a genuine riot of fun. The line of talk between the travesty general and his Irish aid is irresistibly ridiculous. The audience was kept in roars of laughter right up to a very strong finish. Could hold any spot on the bill, having all other so-called travesties that have played here beaten a mile. VESTA VICTORIA, English com:- 30 min. In 1.-2 & 1. 2 shows. On at 9:30. Introduced new songs, and won her audience as strong as ever. Continues to be the best drawing-card in Philadelphia. Her work is aided by the singers in the gallery and scattered through the house, which gets the audience going. Will undoubtedly continue to pull big business this week. Quite a spirited controversy on, as some sceptics can't see anything in her, while others go mad over her, all of which helps business. "MOTORING", (Harry Tate's):- 16 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 10:00. The same act as offered several months ago and certainly wins out with this crowd. Close to big hand and shouts of laughter. HERZOG'S STALLIONS:- 12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 10:15. Very beautiful act in a circus ring. The horses are admirably trained and make fine showing. As a closing feature could not be excelled. Frequent applause throughout. think Philadelphia audience partial to acts of this kind. One of the horses is a good deal of a comedian, which adds to the interest of the act. KINETOGRAPH:- A GOOD CIGAR:- An amusing comedy film. VIEWS OF POMPEII:- An excellent travel series MOTHER-IN-LAW'S VISIT:-A good laughing series. U. OF P. COLLEGE FIELD ATHLETICS:-A local film that goes big. RICE BROTHERS, Ring-act:- 14 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 6:37. Two men, both working eccentric, one Rube and the other Chinaman. Their comedy is a little shy, but their work on the triple horizontal bars is all right. Received some fair applause. COLLINS & COLLINS, Songs:- 15 min. in 11. 3 shows. On at 6:48. This is only a fair singing and dancing act, but it holds its own pretty well. Good for any early spot in the three-a-day section in a house like this. GENERAL REMARKS:- This is one of the best shows we have ever had here. It runs smoothly and is clean and wholesome in humor and skilful acrobatic and other variety throughout. After the first ten minutes quite to the finish there is a laugh every minute of the hour. The houses are big showing that we have generous appreciation. CUTS AND OBJECTIONS:- SCOTT & WHALEY:- The St. Peter story and joke.
#2.- Phila. GALLAGHER & BARRETT, "The Battle of Too-Soon":- 19 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:10. This proved a genuine riot of fun. The line of talk between the travesty general and his Irish aid is irresistibly ridiculous. The audience was kept in roars of laughter right up to a very strong finish. Could hold any spot on the bill, having all other so-called travesties that have played here beaten a mile. VESTA VICTORIA, English com:- 30 min. In 1.-2 & 1. 2 shows. On at 9:30. Introduced new songs, and won her audience as strong as ever. Continues to be the best drawing-card in Philadelphia. Her work is aided by the singers in the gallery and scattered through the house, which gets the audience going. Will undoubtedly continue to pull big business this week. Quite a spirited controversy on, as some sceptics can't see anything in her, while others go mad over her, all of which helps business. "MOTORING", (Harry Tate's):- 16 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 10:00. The same act as offered several months ago and certainly wins out with this crowd. Close to big hand and shouts of laughter. HERZOG'S STALLIONS:- 12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 10:15. Very beautiful act in a circus ring. The horses are admirably trained and make fine showing. As a closing feature could not be excelled. Frequent applause throughout. think Philadelphia audience partial to acts of this kind. One of the horses is a good deal of a comedian, which adds to the interest of the act. KINETOGRAPH:- A GOOD CIGAR:- An amusing comedy film. VIEWS OF POMPEII:- An excellent travel series MOTHER-IN-LAW'S VISIT:-A good laughing series. U. OF P. COLLEGE FIELD ATHLETICS:-A local film that goes big. RICE BROTHERS, Ring-act:- 14 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 6:37. Two men, both working eccentric, one Rube and the other Chinaman. Their comedy is a little shy, but their work on the triple horizontal bars is all right. Received some fair applause. COLLINS & COLLINS, Songs:- 15 min. in 11. 3 shows. On at 6:48. This is only a fair singing and dancing act, but it holds its own pretty well. Good for any early spot in the three-a-day section in a house like this. GENERAL REMARKS:- This is one of the best shows we have ever had here. It runs smoothly and is clean and wholesome in humor and skilful acrobatic and other variety throughout. After the first ten minutes quite to the finish there is a laugh every minute of the hour. The houses are big showing that we have generous appreciation. CUTS AND OBJECTIONS:- SCOTT & WHALEY:- The St. Peter story and joke.
Keith-Albee Collection