Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 109
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109. Columbus. Show, Week April 25th. -- 07. (W. S. Prosser. _ LAVEEN & CROSS: Roman Sports & Pastimes. -- Two men doing hand balancing osing etc. in a most excellent manner. -- Tgis act went big and has a distinct [ it. in fact we have not had a better opener since this house opened. -- Their work is decidedly neat and exceptionally well executed. -- Special Set. 14 Min. [DORA?] LUBY: Impersonations of stage celebrities. -- A very good act and one deserving of special favorable mention for the reason that she realy makes good in the strict sense of the term. -- This is an unusual feat for a single woman act in this house for as a rule they fare very poorly. Miss Luby shows a good appearance and possesses a personality that does not fail to reach her auditors. -- 15 minutes in one. [ Illegible} [VENDETTIE?] & CO. -- Man and woman sketch : A Honeymoon in The Catskills. -- Positively one of the greatest laughing acts that has ever been seen in this city. -- A terrific hit securing more laughs to the square inch than anything we have had. -- Excellently portrayed by two exceptionally clever people. -- I am ready to take this act any time you may want to send it on. -- Played it two years ago in a summer park and it went as well there as it did here. -- Don't know how it goes elsewhere but its O. K. for Columbus. --- Fancy set/ -- 15 minutes. CLINTON & JERRON: A fair singing and talking act man and woman. Made a fairly favorable impression and got off very nicely. 16 minutes in one. SUNNY SOUTH: A very good act and one that made a distinct hit. -- The early portion of the act went well and the dancing finish was a hit of the first water. -- 15 minutes special set. GEORGE MONROE: The same old Monroe as of yore who made a big hit but whi I think makes a mistake in working too long. -- He goes great until he begins to sing and his song seems to kill the effect of his good work at the start. -- It strikes me that he would do better if he would entirely eliminate the singing. -- 18 minutes in one. HAYS & JOHNSON: Two women who prove to be about the weakest thing on the bill. -- They just about get through and that is all. -- Fancy set 25 minutes. JACKSON FAMILY: Bicycle act of eight people. -- Too well known to need comment. -- Suffice it to say that they thoroughly made good and proved a very commendable closing number for the bill. PICTURES -- The Sea by Moonlight & The Teddy Bears. -- Very good.
109. Columbus. Show, Week April 25th. -- 07. (W. S. Prosser. _ LAVEEN & CROSS: Roman Sports & Pastimes. -- Two men doing hand balancing osing etc. in a most excellent manner. -- Tgis act went big and has a distinct [ it. in fact we have not had a better opener since this house opened. -- Their work is decidedly neat and exceptionally well executed. -- Special Set. 14 Min. [DORA?] LUBY: Impersonations of stage celebrities. -- A very good act and one deserving of special favorable mention for the reason that she realy makes good in the strict sense of the term. -- This is an unusual feat for a single woman act in this house for as a rule they fare very poorly. Miss Luby shows a good appearance and possesses a personality that does not fail to reach her auditors. -- 15 minutes in one. [ Illegible} [VENDETTIE?] & CO. -- Man and woman sketch : A Honeymoon in The Catskills. -- Positively one of the greatest laughing acts that has ever been seen in this city. -- A terrific hit securing more laughs to the square inch than anything we have had. -- Excellently portrayed by two exceptionally clever people. -- I am ready to take this act any time you may want to send it on. -- Played it two years ago in a summer park and it went as well there as it did here. -- Don't know how it goes elsewhere but its O. K. for Columbus. --- Fancy set/ -- 15 minutes. CLINTON & JERRON: A fair singing and talking act man and woman. Made a fairly favorable impression and got off very nicely. 16 minutes in one. SUNNY SOUTH: A very good act and one that made a distinct hit. -- The early portion of the act went well and the dancing finish was a hit of the first water. -- 15 minutes special set. GEORGE MONROE: The same old Monroe as of yore who made a big hit but whi I think makes a mistake in working too long. -- He goes great until he begins to sing and his song seems to kill the effect of his good work at the start. -- It strikes me that he would do better if he would entirely eliminate the singing. -- 18 minutes in one. HAYS & JOHNSON: Two women who prove to be about the weakest thing on the bill. -- They just about get through and that is all. -- Fancy set 25 minutes. JACKSON FAMILY: Bicycle act of eight people. -- Too well known to need comment. -- Suffice it to say that they thoroughly made good and proved a very commendable closing number for the bill. PICTURES -- The Sea by Moonlight & The Teddy Bears. -- Very good.
Keith-Albee Collection