Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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(Carl D. Lothrop) Boston Show, Week of May 13, 1907. (Monday May 13--Night Show.) Ned Norton. On at 6.43, 11 min, in 1; 3 shows. Local monologist added to fill on time. If he proves to be a discovery, will send supplementary report. Stereopticon. On at 6.54, 12 min. Views of India and Burmah. Bon Morse. On at 7.06, 12 min, full stage; 3 shows. Comedy cyclist. An excellent 3-a-day, good enough to open in the smaller 2-a-day houses. Minnie Harrison. On at 7.18, 9 min, in 1; 3 shows. If she sang as well as she looks, she would be O. K., but she does not. Would not care to play her again except in cases of emergency. Overture. 7.27, 9 min. Wood & Lawson. On at 7.36, 10 min, in 1; 3 shows. If Miss Lawson was anywhere near as good a performer as Wood, this would make a corking good act, but as it is, it is ordinary, held up solely by Wood, who has a fair voice, and is a remarkably good dancer. Chalk Saunders. On at 7.46, 10 min, in 2; 3 shows. Crayon comedian. He always makes good and is a valuable 3-s-day, in fact it is my believe that he will make good in an early spot on any bill. Delmore & Oneida. On at 7.56, 10 min, in 1; 3 shows. Perch act. Another capital 3-a-day, one that I would use as far down the bill as 9 o'clock if necessary. One of the few acrobatic acts in 1. The Vivians. On at 8.06, 18 min, full stage. As an exhibition of marksmanship I think this is as good a sharpshooting act as I have ever seen. Had they the paraphernalia of Bordeverry or the Taylors, I think I would prefer this act to either. The man is a pretty good showman, and when he gets the stage setting that he wants, he will have an act that will make any of them sit up and take notice. Willa Holt Wakefield. On at 8.24, 10 min, in 2. Was a trifle disappointed in her, as she did not go as strongly as I had hoped. Perhaps I was expecting too much, for she evidently pleased the audience, taking two bows at her finish. Work & Ower. On at 8.34, 8 min, in 1. A very valuable comedy acrobatic act, for the reason that they work in 1. Furthermore, they do some great tricks and will make good in any spot. One of the hits of the show. this is not as lively an act as I would like, with which to close the show, still it is a corking good novelty animal turn. It makes an effective stage picture. The leopards are well trained and work without Arnoldo's having to resort to the use of a whip. Well worth the money we are paying, two fifty. Kinetograph. On at 10.12, 20 min. "A Runaway Motor-car", a very good comic film. "With a Travelling Menagerie", held over a second week; one of the best pictures of the season. "Transformation", a fine trick film, colored. Cuts:- Rankin & Davenport. "Damn" in two places. Comment. A very good show, indeed. The Pantzer Troupe, Ben Welch, Franco Piper, Work and Ower, Rankin and Davenport, the Vivians, Genaro and Bailey and Willa Holt Wakefield may all be classed as hits.
(Carl D. Lothrop) Boston Show, Week of May 13, 1907. (Monday May 13--Night Show.) Ned Norton. On at 6.43, 11 min, in 1; 3 shows. Local monologist added to fill on time. If he proves to be a discovery, will send supplementary report. Stereopticon. On at 6.54, 12 min. Views of India and Burmah. Bon Morse. On at 7.06, 12 min, full stage; 3 shows. Comedy cyclist. An excellent 3-a-day, good enough to open in the smaller 2-a-day houses. Minnie Harrison. On at 7.18, 9 min, in 1; 3 shows. If she sang as well as she looks, she would be O. K., but she does not. Would not care to play her again except in cases of emergency. Overture. 7.27, 9 min. Wood & Lawson. On at 7.36, 10 min, in 1; 3 shows. If Miss Lawson was anywhere near as good a performer as Wood, this would make a corking good act, but as it is, it is ordinary, held up solely by Wood, who has a fair voice, and is a remarkably good dancer. Chalk Saunders. On at 7.46, 10 min, in 2; 3 shows. Crayon comedian. He always makes good and is a valuable 3-s-day, in fact it is my believe that he will make good in an early spot on any bill. Delmore & Oneida. On at 7.56, 10 min, in 1; 3 shows. Perch act. Another capital 3-a-day, one that I would use as far down the bill as 9 o'clock if necessary. One of the few acrobatic acts in 1. The Vivians. On at 8.06, 18 min, full stage. As an exhibition of marksmanship I think this is as good a sharpshooting act as I have ever seen. Had they the paraphernalia of Bordeverry or the Taylors, I think I would prefer this act to either. The man is a pretty good showman, and when he gets the stage setting that he wants, he will have an act that will make any of them sit up and take notice. Willa Holt Wakefield. On at 8.24, 10 min, in 2. Was a trifle disappointed in her, as she did not go as strongly as I had hoped. Perhaps I was expecting too much, for she evidently pleased the audience, taking two bows at her finish. Work & Ower. On at 8.34, 8 min, in 1. A very valuable comedy acrobatic act, for the reason that they work in 1. Furthermore, they do some great tricks and will make good in any spot. One of the hits of the show. this is not as lively an act as I would like, with which to close the show, still it is a corking good novelty animal turn. It makes an effective stage picture. The leopards are well trained and work without Arnoldo's having to resort to the use of a whip. Well worth the money we are paying, two fifty. Kinetograph. On at 10.12, 20 min. "A Runaway Motor-car", a very good comic film. "With a Travelling Menagerie", held over a second week; one of the best pictures of the season. "Transformation", a fine trick film, colored. Cuts:- Rankin & Davenport. "Damn" in two places. Comment. A very good show, indeed. The Pantzer Troupe, Ben Welch, Franco Piper, Work and Ower, Rankin and Davenport, the Vivians, Genaro and Bailey and Willa Holt Wakefield may all be classed as hits.
Keith-Albee Collection