Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
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Cleveland Show Week May 6th, 1907. (F. Brandt) ARTHUR BORANI & ANNIE NEVARRO: In Their original and sensational novelty, "Weary Waggles The Dandy Dude Tramp". Comedy acrobats. "Weary Waggles" has been sick for the last week and did not work as good as he has been in the habit of., nevertheless the act went very well. A very good act. 12 minutes C.D.F. stage. Close in one 4 minutes. WILLIE ECKSTEIN: Phenomenal boy pianist. For a straight piano act in one, this boy certainly makes good. I think he has the right idea in playing both popular and classical stuff, thereby pleasing lovers of both kinds of music. Played four numbers to hearty applause and had to play an encore. 17 minutes in one. ALFRED GIBSON AND LELA GARVIN: Comedy sketch, entitled, "The Incubator Babies". While personally I did not think this act was any too good, it seemed to please this afternoon's audience and secured quite a number of laughs. Would be all right for number 1 or two on bill, but that is about all. Interior 19 minutes. DAN BURKE AND HIS SCHOOL GIRLS: Mr Burke and six girls, whose act has been thoroughly described before went very well this afternoon, but would have had very hard work if they would have had to close the show instead of "The Six English Rockers", nevertheless in this spot the act went very well, received frequent applause for the different numbers which consisted mostly of singing and dancing. Received hearty applause at finish. Special set. Interior 16 minutes. PAUL BARNES: Monologue. Mr Barnes came along with a lot of new songs and patter, and went as well as ever. 18 minutes in one. ALICE TAYLOR, LADY SHARPSHOOTER, ASSISTED BY HENRY TAYLOR, EQUILIBRIST.: I don't know where this act come from, but if you have not played them, to my mind you are overlooking one of the best dressed and best shooting acts in the business. The lady is really wonderful, and there is not any of the shooting acts that we have played including Colonel Bordevary that have anything on this woman. She is ably assisted by Mr Taylor in equilibristic work. A very good act. 19 minutes palace. HOWARD & NORTH: "Those Were The Happy Days". Act well known on circuit, and although they have played the same act here twice before, it seemed to go as well as ever. 19 minutes special drop in one. SIX ENGLISH ROCKERS AND NELLIE FLOREDE In a series of sprightly songs and dances. This is one of the daintiest little singing and dancing acts we have had, and held the audience until close of show, although we were running fully twelve minutes late. The act is in four scenes with very dainty scenery and costumes and has a corking good finish. 22 minutes. Open in one, then to four, then two, close full stage. A very good act. 22 minutes.
Cleveland Show Week May 6th, 1907. (F. Brandt) ARTHUR BORANI & ANNIE NEVARRO: In Their original and sensational novelty, "Weary Waggles The Dandy Dude Tramp". Comedy acrobats. "Weary Waggles" has been sick for the last week and did not work as good as he has been in the habit of., nevertheless the act went very well. A very good act. 12 minutes C.D.F. stage. Close in one 4 minutes. WILLIE ECKSTEIN: Phenomenal boy pianist. For a straight piano act in one, this boy certainly makes good. I think he has the right idea in playing both popular and classical stuff, thereby pleasing lovers of both kinds of music. Played four numbers to hearty applause and had to play an encore. 17 minutes in one. ALFRED GIBSON AND LELA GARVIN: Comedy sketch, entitled, "The Incubator Babies". While personally I did not think this act was any too good, it seemed to please this afternoon's audience and secured quite a number of laughs. Would be all right for number 1 or two on bill, but that is about all. Interior 19 minutes. DAN BURKE AND HIS SCHOOL GIRLS: Mr Burke and six girls, whose act has been thoroughly described before went very well this afternoon, but would have had very hard work if they would have had to close the show instead of "The Six English Rockers", nevertheless in this spot the act went very well, received frequent applause for the different numbers which consisted mostly of singing and dancing. Received hearty applause at finish. Special set. Interior 16 minutes. PAUL BARNES: Monologue. Mr Barnes came along with a lot of new songs and patter, and went as well as ever. 18 minutes in one. ALICE TAYLOR, LADY SHARPSHOOTER, ASSISTED BY HENRY TAYLOR, EQUILIBRIST.: I don't know where this act come from, but if you have not played them, to my mind you are overlooking one of the best dressed and best shooting acts in the business. The lady is really wonderful, and there is not any of the shooting acts that we have played including Colonel Bordevary that have anything on this woman. She is ably assisted by Mr Taylor in equilibristic work. A very good act. 19 minutes palace. HOWARD & NORTH: "Those Were The Happy Days". Act well known on circuit, and although they have played the same act here twice before, it seemed to go as well as ever. 19 minutes special drop in one. SIX ENGLISH ROCKERS AND NELLIE FLOREDE In a series of sprightly songs and dances. This is one of the daintiest little singing and dancing acts we have had, and held the audience until close of show, although we were running fully twelve minutes late. The act is in four scenes with very dainty scenery and costumes and has a corking good finish. 22 minutes. Open in one, then to four, then two, close full stage. A very good act. 22 minutes.
Keith-Albee Collection