Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907
Page 124
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MAY 13, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C.E. BARNS. DE VOIE TRIO, Ring-act:- 11 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 7:05. Three young men doing some clever work on rings. Received fair applause throughout and closed fairly well. Makes pretty good opener. IRVING R. WALTON, Dialect Com:- 15 min. in 1. 3 shows- On at 7:16. Opened rather mildly, but worked up to a very good finish. Sang some good songs and was particularly clever in his dialect work. Got good hand at finish. GENNARO'S BAND, Music:- 27 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 7:30. Good advance hand. Practically the same program as last week. Makes quite a bit with his eccentricities and has evidently been a good deal talked about. There is no doubt about this being a good Vaudeville act. FRED RAY & CO. "Roman Travesty":- 16 min. in 1 1/2. 2 shows. Practically the same act as when given here before, but made just as much of a hit. The costuming and drop is very fetching. continued laughter. Closed strong. GUS EDWARDS' SCHOOL GIRLS & BOYS:- 25 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:18. The same as given here before with the introduction of some new songs and general improvement in the cast. The close in 1, with the "Hurdy-Gurdy" song was particularly lively and bright. Went off to big finish with two encores. A valuable act as it now stands, for it does not make the advertising of a music-publishing house so palpable as before. Miss Leon is A.1. as the monitor. HELENA FREDERICK, Vocaliste:- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:43. Big advance hand. Makes a very stunning pictures in a beautiful gown. Sings with great brilliancy, sympathy and charm. Each one of her songs got a tremendous hand, particularly that of "Cavalleria Rusticana", which fairly brought an ovation. Closed very strong indeed. Miss Frederick will certainly pull business to the house this week. CRESSY & DAYNE, "Wyoming Whoop":- 27 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:55. This act was brought out here for the first time on the occasion of Cressy's last engagement. He has touched it up in spots, and it now stands undoubtedly the best of all his clever sketches. Good laughter throughout and the usual strong close. AVERY & HART, Col. Com:- 18 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:20. One of the best coon acts in Vaudeville and safe for any spot. Their line of talk is genuinely funny, and the songs are very good, but their "business" is rich. No end of laughs. ETHEL ARDEN, GEO. ABEL & CO. "Three of a Kind":- 26 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:43. In spite of the fact that it is rather far-fetched in plot, this is an admirable sketch from a Vaudeville standpoint. The audience was kept - in roars of laughter throughout, and the climax was one of the most hilarious ever seen in this theatre. It will certainly go big with our evening audience. GENERAL REMARKS:- It is needless to remark that this is from every standpoint what we have advertised it to be:-"A Rip-roaring Vaudeville Show". It is well balanced, plays off well, having abundance of humor and ginger. If a show like this will not jam the house for the balance of the week, No Vaudeville show ever will. There were no disappointments, as in the case of De Vries last week, and at least seven of the acts could rightly be called "topliners".
MAY 13, 1907. PHILADELPHIA SHOW. C.E. BARNS. DE VOIE TRIO, Ring-act:- 11 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 7:05. Three young men doing some clever work on rings. Received fair applause throughout and closed fairly well. Makes pretty good opener. IRVING R. WALTON, Dialect Com:- 15 min. in 1. 3 shows- On at 7:16. Opened rather mildly, but worked up to a very good finish. Sang some good songs and was particularly clever in his dialect work. Got good hand at finish. GENNARO'S BAND, Music:- 27 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 7:30. Good advance hand. Practically the same program as last week. Makes quite a bit with his eccentricities and has evidently been a good deal talked about. There is no doubt about this being a good Vaudeville act. FRED RAY & CO. "Roman Travesty":- 16 min. in 1 1/2. 2 shows. Practically the same act as when given here before, but made just as much of a hit. The costuming and drop is very fetching. continued laughter. Closed strong. GUS EDWARDS' SCHOOL GIRLS & BOYS:- 25 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:18. The same as given here before with the introduction of some new songs and general improvement in the cast. The close in 1, with the "Hurdy-Gurdy" song was particularly lively and bright. Went off to big finish with two encores. A valuable act as it now stands, for it does not make the advertising of a music-publishing house so palpable as before. Miss Leon is A.1. as the monitor. HELENA FREDERICK, Vocaliste:- 13 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:43. Big advance hand. Makes a very stunning pictures in a beautiful gown. Sings with great brilliancy, sympathy and charm. Each one of her songs got a tremendous hand, particularly that of "Cavalleria Rusticana", which fairly brought an ovation. Closed very strong indeed. Miss Frederick will certainly pull business to the house this week. CRESSY & DAYNE, "Wyoming Whoop":- 27 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:55. This act was brought out here for the first time on the occasion of Cressy's last engagement. He has touched it up in spots, and it now stands undoubtedly the best of all his clever sketches. Good laughter throughout and the usual strong close. AVERY & HART, Col. Com:- 18 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:20. One of the best coon acts in Vaudeville and safe for any spot. Their line of talk is genuinely funny, and the songs are very good, but their "business" is rich. No end of laughs. ETHEL ARDEN, GEO. ABEL & CO. "Three of a Kind":- 26 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:43. In spite of the fact that it is rather far-fetched in plot, this is an admirable sketch from a Vaudeville standpoint. The audience was kept - in roars of laughter throughout, and the climax was one of the most hilarious ever seen in this theatre. It will certainly go big with our evening audience. GENERAL REMARKS:- It is needless to remark that this is from every standpoint what we have advertised it to be:-"A Rip-roaring Vaudeville Show". It is well balanced, plays off well, having abundance of humor and ginger. If a show like this will not jam the house for the balance of the week, No Vaudeville show ever will. There were no disappointments, as in the case of De Vries last week, and at least seven of the acts could rightly be called "topliners".
Keith-Albee Collection